July 2015

Attention: all new MPH Epidemiology students:

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the Epidemiology Program in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH), University of Toronto. We hope you are enjoying your summer and looking forward to the start of your graduate studies. Congratulations on being accepted to one of the most intensive and specialized Masters in Public Health and Epidemiology in the country. We are proud of our successful program and we are confident you will succeed in it. We look forward to meeting you in person, in September. Before then, please know that DLSPH and Epidemiology Divisional contacts are available to you for questions and inquiries. See www.dlsph.utoronto.ca for contact information. This welcome letter is also a form of pre-orientation to help ensure you are ready to go at the start of term.


Priority 1 – Get connected

Between now and September, important information and updates will be sent to you from the Epidemiology Division, your MPH Program Director and other DLSPH offices. Information will be sent by e-mail using ONLY the student e-mail address assigned to you by U of T (in the format ). Approximately August 24th, you will receive an e-mail invitation to participate in a Student Buddy Program organized by the Public Health Sciences Student’s Association (PHSSA). Volunteer second year MPH Epi students are connected with their colleagues in first year. This can be a great opportunity to connect with someone already ‘in the know’. Buddy assignments will be made at the start of term.

You are responsible for using the standard e-mail address and other university-provided technology. For more information on U of T’s technology supports, start here: http://sites.utoronto.ca/ic. You have also received welcome letters from the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) and DLSPH. Follow their instructions to obtain your University Identification (UTORID) and Library Card (TCard) as soon as possible. Once you have your TCard, you must update your online student profile and contact information. ONLY THEN, can the MPH Epi program add you to our listservs so that you can receive messages from us. Students who don’t have a TCard should come to campus by mid-August for this. In late summer, line-ups are long. You will NOT have time to do this during the day in the first week of DLSPH activities.

Please take time during summer to orient yourself to Toronto (as needed) and prepare the work space and information technology you will use to study. Epidemiology students are expected to have a computer and internet access at home. A computer is essential to access course and program websites and use library services. Most students own a notebook computer and smartphone, and remain connected all day. While on campus, free wireless internet is available. Again, the University of Toronto offers comprehensive information technology supports including a computer shop, licensed software (free or at academic prices) and help desk supports.

All incoming MPH Epidemiology students should thoroughly review the material describing the MPH Epidemiology Program including program requirements, progression, policies and procedures. This link http://www.dlsph.utoronto.ca/program/mph-epidemiology/ provides roughly five pages of information which can be printed. This information completed the SGS Calendar description of your program and its requirements. This page also includes links to resources such as the Epidemiology-specific competencies, and information about practicum placements and courses. One important document is the MPH Epidemiology Program Timeline, prepared by fellow MPH Epi students. Refer to the DLSPH website early and often. This will help you at the start of term and avoid miscommunication.

Your welcome letter from DLSPH directed to the DLSPH website information for in-coming students and Student Handbook. From the main DLSPH webpage, use MENU (top left), go to STUDENTS, then INFORMATION FOR NEW STUDENTS. Review everything before start of term. Take time to find out about U of T campus life. The U of T School of Graduate Studies (SGS) and Graduate Students Union (GSU) provide diverse supports to students ranging from financial support to housing, academic, career, health and personal counseling services, resources for international students, and student social life.

Finally, students should review the annual DLSPH academic calendars and timelines. Students must usually register for all courses through online registration (see DLSPH correspondence and website for details) starting August 10th. Full time MPH Epi. students have five core required courses in the first term (including the CHL5004 Introductory Course) and usually take one elective. You should access course websites before the very first lecture. Course access takes at minimum 24 hours to process and may take a week for some courses. Why not start this in the middle of August?


Mark the following important dates in your calendars (details following):

·  September 8th through 11th, 9:00 to 5:00 pm: All-day program activities at DLSPH including Intro to Public Health Course. Location: 155 College Street (Health Sciences building, HS).

·  September 8th, 11:45 to 1:30: Epidemiology Division Orientation session.

·  September 11th, 12:45-1:45. Master’s Global Public Health Emphasis (GPHE) Program Orientation session (for students with an expressed interest in the Program)

·  Regular F2015 courses start the week of Monday, September 14th.

·  Every Thursday throughout the Fall and Winter terms, 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm. Sessions held for:

Epidemiology Division Research Seminars. Alternating weeks starting September 18th.

Mandatory MPH Epidemiology Program meetings (Program Director or guests). Sessions will be announced by listserv and e-calendar invitation (depending on your year of study and the topic). Invited students are expected to attend.

Get in the habit of packing your lunch every Thursday.

Orientation Sessions (Tuesday September 8th and Friday September 11th)

On September 8th, there will orientation sessions throughout the day, beginning with a welcome from the Dean at 9:00 am, sharp. Sessions orienting students to the Graduate Affairs Office, Students and Alumni Associations and specific programs will follow. The Epidemiology-specific orientation (PhD and MPH) will happen from 11:45 to 1:30. All students are to attend orientation. Student-organized gatherings and tours may usually continue into the early evening. For students who expressed an interest in Global Health, the Global Public Health Emphasis (GPHE) Program orientation is Friday, September 11 from 12:45-1:45 pm. The session is designed to introduce incoming Masters students to the GPHE Program, and will include a discussion of the changes that the Emphasis will be undergoing over the next few years.

CHL5004H Introduction to Public Health Sciences (Starts September 8; continuing through Fall Term)

This course is required for all new students in DLSPH (Full- and Part-time, Masters and PhD). The course provides an Introduction to Public Health as practiced in Canada and an appreciation of the breadth of our public health disciplines. The full-day plenary sessions and tutorials (first week of term) will cover a range of topics with invited experts from both within DLSPH and elsewhere as speakers. Several additional sessions take place through the Fall Term, on Friday afternoons. For detailed information, see the DLSPH mailings, website page for new students, and the CHL5004H course website.

Epidemiology Seminars (Roughly alternating Thursdays at noon)

The Epidemiology Divisional Seminar Series occur biweekly on Thursdays, 12-1:00pm beginning September 18 (the schedule is posted online). The seminar series offers our students a greater understanding of the range of research undertaken by our students and faculty. It is also an opportunity to meet and hear from faculty (at the University and our partner organizations) who teach at DLSPH, work and/or conduct research in public health and epidemiology, and who supervise practicum and thesis students. MPH students are strongly encouraged to attend seminars throughout their program.

MPH Epidemiology Program Meetings (Periodically, on Thursdays at noon)

The same time slots (and room) will often be used for meetings of all, or specific years, of the MPH Epidemiology students. Individual sessions may present a specific topic, or guest speakers. When your program year is invited, you are expected to attend. These are also the primary opportunity for questions and discussions about the overall program. We suggest you submit suggestions and questions to the Program Director in advance, and bring your questions to the group sessions. When you engage in group discussion, this is an efficient use of human resources, and everyone benefits from the insights. The first meetings booked will be announced at the Orientation Session on September 8 and e-calendar invitations will follow.

We look forward to seeing you in September, and wish you a good summer.


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Nancy Kreiger, MPH, PhD, FACE

Professor and Head, Division of Epidemiology,

Dalla Lana School of Public Health,

University of Toronto

Susan Bondy, BA(H), MSc, PhD, FACE

Associate Professor, and MPH Epidemiology Program Lead,

Dalla Lana School of Public Health,

University of Toronto


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