The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines society as “a group of persons bound together organically by one principle of unity that does beyond each one of them.” Societies are living realities that have both visible and spiritual dimensions that last through time.

A just society must promote the common good. The Catholic Church defines the common good as “the sum of those conditions of social life which allow social groups and their individual member’s relatively thorough and ready access to their own fulfilment.”

We have a responsibility to each human being on this planet. A responsibility that requires us to share both spiritual and material goods with others, especially the poorest in our midst. This responsibility is not a mere feeling of vague compassion or shallow distress at the misfortunes of so many people, both near and far. On the contrary, it is a firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good; that is to say for the good of all and of each individual, because we are all really responsible for all.


  1. You will divide yourselves into groups of no more than 3.
  2. You will choose a social justice topic that interests you. Please use the “opposing viewpoints” database from the Pickering library to help you with your research. This site gives a comprehensive list of social justice topics that are of particular concern in the world.
  3. You must thoroughly research your topic but narrow the topic so that your task focuses on specific aspects of the issue. Do not try to cover all of the issues that may present themselves.


  1. Prepare a Binder that includes ALL of the following:

a.A clear overview and explanation of your topic (2-3 pages)

-you should provide a discussion about the history of your topic and how it developed or how it came to be a social justice issue (ie. Was it once considered an acceptable practice/occurrence, how prevalent was it etc.)

-begin this section of your binder in a very general way and get progressively specific until a clear understanding of your issue is achieved

b.Scope of the Issue (4-5 pages)

-make sure you address who is affected by this issue (please be specific),

-make sure your address how they are affected (give at least 3 distinct ways),

-make sure your address why they are affected (social justice issues are very complicated in nature - be sure you clearly identify the reasons as to why this issue exists (ie. Political reasons, cultural reasons, traditional reasons, institutional reasons, religious reasons, biological reasons etc.)

-make sure you address where this issue is occurring (national or global occurrence and its prevalence?).

c.Obstacles/challenges from contemporary society (2-3 pages)

-State and explain why this issue still exists (list the obstacles and challenges that prevent people from resolving this issue). Please be sure to list and explain at least three different obstacles/challenges.

d.Positive ways of acting on the issue (2-3 pages)

-Give the name of an organization whichemploys the principles of social justice in an attempt to resolve this issue. State how the organization is accomplishing this task.

-Give the name of an organization whichemploys charitable works in order to bring some relief to those who are affected by this issue. Briefly state how the organization is accomplishing this task.

-Contact one reputable organization and get them to send you information (I want to see this information in your binder.)


Public Health Agency of Canada
Health Canada
Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace
Children’s Rights Information Network
The Center for Religious Freedom
Freedom House
International Christian Concern
Youth Advocate Program International
The Shout Clinic
Children’s Aid Society
National Labor Committee
Justicia for Migrant Workers
Raising the Roof
The National Anti-Poverty Organization
Peel Committee Against Women Abuse
Denise House
Herizon House / Woman for Women International
World Health Organization
United Nations
Human Rights Watch
Amnesty International
Free the Children
Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief (CPAR)
World Vision
Scarboro Foreign Missions
Canadian Food for Children
Covenant House
Worker Rights Consortium
Interfaith Worker Justice
Canadian Labour Congress
No One is Illegal
Direct Relief International
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Catholic Medical Mission Board
Ontario Council for international Cooperation

e.What is the Catholic Church’s teaching on this issue? (1.5 pages)Provide the author, date and title of the encyclical or pastoral letter, which addresses this issue. You may also use the catechism of the Catholic Church. I will provide every group with an appropriate encyclical. The more of these sources that you use, the better your response. Please ensure that you address the following:

  • What is the Church’s official position on this issue and why. Please be specific (don’t just say the Church agrees or disagrees).
  • Elaborate on the root cause of your issue according to the Church.
  • List the steps that the Church believes that we should take in order to eradicate this problem. Sometimes the Church may give a very theoretical answer with no applicative steps and sometimes the Church may even suggest an actual action plan. Whatever it is, I want to know!

In order to discover the Catholic Church’s teaching on your issue look up the following sites:

(Vatican website - go here to find encyclicals)

(Archdiocese of Toronto website – can find pastoral letters here)

(Catechism of the Catholic Church)

(Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops – can find pastoral letters here)

(this site summarizes and provides encyclicals)

If your issue is not relevant in Canada or Toronto, (i.e child soldiers, capital punishment etc.) it would be in your best interest to discover the website that addresses your issue by locating the archdiocese and the conference of bishops of the region that is affected by your issue (Ie. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops or archdiocese of New York).

The following requirement should also be displayed in your presentation AND in a formal binder that must be submitted to me on the first day of presentations: THIS PORTION OF THE CULMINATING TASK MUST BE DONE INDIVIDUALLY.

f.Which of the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching addresses your issue?

You can get a really good summary of each of these seven themes on the following site:

State how the CST addresses your issue by briefly outlining the main tenets of the CST and describing how the CST teaches us to address and resolve the issue. How is the CST reflective of Christ’s teachings?(1 page)

The following requirements DO NOT need to be displayed in your presentation but they must be included in the formal binder. THIS PORTION OF THE CULMINATING TASK MUST ALSO BE DONE INDIVIDUALLY.

g.Each person in the group must locate a different academic journal on the issue and provide the main points (clearly summarize and analytically relate to your topic.) Be specific and include the ENTIRE article in YOUR completed binder. (1.5 pages) academic journals can be found using the database entitled Masterfile premier from the pickering library.

Proper research may be done on the following credible and reliable sites:

To login: username: stmaryca

Password: romufura

h.Reflection (1 page) Each person must include a ONE PAGE personal reflection based on the catholic social teaching that addresses your issue. Please use the questions located on the sheet entitled “Examination of Conscience in light of Catholic Social Teaching“ to guide the development of your reflection. This is located on my website. In addition to answer the guiding questions, please give me 3 specific ways that you could enact change and bring awareness to this issue in your school community, your parish/work/family community and in your social networks. These are established clubs and organizations you can join!

i.Bibliography – Please use APA format. Place this at the end of your completed binder. At least 5 of the sources below must be used for your binder and presentation:

-The bible

-Encyclicals, pastoral letters, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Catholic New Times or Catholic Resgister – the last two items may be found in our library)

-Newspaper or magazine Articles



-Academic Journals

-Websites (legit ones please! .org, .edu, .gov)

-Organization Information

  1. You must present everything above (excluding the academic journals, reflection and the bibliography) in the form of a seminar at the social justice retreat. Please make sure that your presentation:

- Takes the audience into consideration.

-Includes various forms of media (music, video clips, maps, use the smart board as a tactile way of getting information across!)

-Engages the audience (your peers) through interactive activities (ex. surveys, debates, small groups, state opinions/ideas on chart paper placed around the room, games with prizes, bait and hook activities)

-Is organized (using various computer programs – ex. Powerpoint, prezi, internet site) do not try to cram too much information in your visual presentation. People should be able to get the gist of your message at a glance. Visually organize your information (ex. charts, graphs, tables etc.) Include as many relevant images as you can!

-Does not have students reading from a sheet of paper!

Checklist for presentationBinder:
  • Overview of topic
  • Who, why, how and where of the issue is briefly discussed.
  • 3 obstacles and challenges from contemporary society are presented
  • Description of how social justice agency chosen is attempting to resolve the issue
  • Description of how charitable organization is attempting to provide relief
  • Description of encyclical that addresses issue
  • Description of catholic social teaching(s) which address the issue
/ Checklist for Binder:
  • Description of encyclical that addresses issue
  • Description of catholic social teaching(s) which address the issue
  • Academic journal
  • Reflection
  • Bibliography
Make sure that your binder is a careful, highly organized and completely finished product in hard copy (title page, table of contents, subtitles, dividers, graphs and illustrations in color. etc.)