


Regular Session, August 18, 2008


The Board of School Trustees of the Center Grove Community School Corporation met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 18, 2008, in the Board Room at the Education Service Center,

4800 W. Stones Crossing Rd., Greenwood.

Board members present included President Matt Shepherd, Vice President Scott Gudeman, Secretary Jim Copp and Board Members Mark Dietel and Jackie Ponder. Also present at the meeting were Superintendent Steven Stephanoff, Assistant Superintendent Bill Long, Chief Financial Officer Paul Gabriel and Human Resources Director Sally Hacker.


President of the Board Matt Shepherd called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Shepherd.


Mrs. Ponder moved to approve the agenda as submitted. Dr. Copp seconded, and the motion passed 5-0.


Dr. Copp moved to approve minutes of the July 21, 2008 board meeting. Dr. Gudeman seconded, and the minutes were approved 5-0.



Mrs. Ponder commented on the ease of registering her children for school this year as compared to previous years.

Dr. Copp shared that the Center Grove Education Foundation has developed a new vision and will be working to develop goals for this vision.

Mr. Shepherd asked the school board candidates present at the meeting to introduce themselves. Those candidates present included Carol Tumey, John Steed, Scott Alexander and Jack Russell.


There was no public participation.


Mr. Dietel moved to approve the following Consent Agenda items: (a) Personnel Report; (b) Claims; (c) Field Trip Report; (d) Winter Soccer Camp; (e) Approval of Title I, Title III, Early Intervention and Non-English Speaking Grants; and Donation of computers from Johnson Co. REMC. Dr. Copp seconded, and the motion passed 5-0.


Dr. Long requested approval of a change order for the Middle School Central roofing project. Mrs. Ponder moved to grant Administration the authority to approve a change order related to this roofing project for an amount up to, but not exceeding, $35,000. Dr. Copp seconded, and the motion passed 5-0.

Dr. Long presented information on the contract agreed to with UTACG (United Teachers Association of Center Grove) and thanked members of the Bargaining Team for their success in negotiating a settlement prior to the start of the school year. Mr. Shepherd thanked the group on behalf of the Board and asked Mr. Pratt, UTACG President, to stand and introduce the other team members who were present at the meeting. Mrs. Ponder moved to approve the agreement as presented. Dr. Gudeman seconded, and the motion passed 5-0.

Dr. Gabriel presented recommended salary schedules for non-bargaining unit employee groups for the 2008-09 school year. Mr. Shepherd moved to approve the salary schedules as presented and stated as a part of the public record that the administrative steps are to be approved by the Board and are not just automatic steps. Mrs. Ponder seconded, and the motion passed 5-0.

Mr. Shepherd introduced the new Central Nine Director Stephen Hagen. Dr. Gabriel provided information on the four separate Resolutions required to approve Phase 2 of the Central Nine Building Project.

Mr. Shepherd opened the previously advertised 1028 hearing for the purpose of receiving public input regarding this project. There was no public participation, and the hearing was closed.

Mrs. Ponder moved to adopt the 1028 Resolution as submitted. Dr. Gudeman seconded and the motion passed 5-0.

Mr. Shepherd moved to approve the Patrons’ Petition Resolution as submitted. Dr. Copp seconded and the motion passed 5-0.

Mr. Shepherd opened the previously advertised hearing for the purpose of approving a form of lease. The purpose of this hearing is to make it known that a copy of the proposed lease, preliminary drawings, plans, specifications and estimates have been available to the public for inspection at Central Nine and that no one has come to us with any questions. One patron provided comments at tonight’s meeting, and Mr. Hagan addressed the issues presented. Following discussion the hearing was closed. Mrs. Ponder moved to approve the Resolution Authorizing Execution of Lease and Sale of Real Estate. Dr. Copp seconded and the motion passed 5-0.

The fourth resolution presented was a Resolution Approving Continuing Disclosure Undertaking. This is a standard resolution requested by bond counsel when working with a project such as this. Dr. Gudeman moved to approve the resolution as presented. Dr. Copp seconded, and the motion passed 5-0.

Dr. Gabriel presented a Resolution Modifying the Rainy Day Fund. This resolution provides for the addition of a Health Insurance Reserve Account as a purpose for the Rainy Day Fund. Dr. Copp moved to approve the resolution as presented. Mrs. Ponder seconded, and the motion passed 5-0.

Dr. Gabriel presented information on additional funds expected to be needed in the General, Debt Service and Transportation Funds. Dr. Gabriel requested the following: $400,000 to be used in most part for salaries (General Fund); $500,000 for the Health insurance reserve account, $500,000 for architect’s fees for the high school redesign, $100,000 for costs associated with starting small learning communities at the high school (Debt Service Fund); and $78,000 for additional fuel costs (Transportation Fund).

Mr. Shepherd opened a hearing for the purpose of receiving public input regarding the additional appropriation. Discussion was held concerning architect’s fees as well as fees needed for small learning communities at the high school. One patron asked questions and provided comments regarding the architect’s fees. Following discussion, the hearing was closed. Mrs. Ponder moved to adopt the resolution as submitted. Dr. Copp seconded, and the motion passed 4-1, with Mr. Shepherd providing the dissenting vote.


Dr. Long provided an update on construction work being done by the county at the intersection of Stones Crossing and Morgantown Roads. The current estimate for completion of this project is the end of September.

Dr. Gabriel provided an update on the status of several items which will affect the 2009 budget including health insurance, staffing issues, and enrollment.

Dr. Stephanoff facilitated a discussion of the timeline for the proposed construction projects including the renovation of high school (three phases), a new elementary school (close two smaller/older schools), addition/renovation of Center Grove Elementary, and the effect of the new property tax law on funding of such projects.

Phil Howard of InterDesign provided a brief summary of the previous work done on the high school project, beginning in 2006 as well as a timeline of the various items which need to be considered for future planning.

Center Grove High School Principal Matt Shockley discussed priorities he would like considered with regards to the project.

As a part of the discussion, Dr. Stephanoff asked the Board to generate a list of questions and other information they need in order to make a decision regarding the project(s). Administration will bring as much of the information requested as possible to the September 15 board meeting. The Board will then decide when to have a 1028 hearing. A work session may also be considered to provide additional information to the Board.


Dr. Stephanoff thanked the UTACG representatives as well as Dr. Long, Dr. Gabriel and Mrs. Hacker for their work in negotiating the new contract, and stated that that he believed there had been a great beginning to the school year. Dr. Stephanoff updated the Board regarding enrollment as well as class sizes. The school corporation has accepted two transfer tuition students so far this school year


The next regular board meeting will be held on September 15, 2008.


There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at

9 p.m.