January 2008
(Office)Department of Business Economics and Public Policy
Kelley School of Business
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405-1701
(812) 855-9219 - office
(812) 855-8797 - direct
(812) 855-3354 - fax
(Home)1340 S. Sheridan Drive
Bloomington, IN 47401-5159
(812) 339-7479 - phone
(812) 339-1022 - fax
EDUCATION (degrees, universities, major, and dates):
A.B., Brown University, mathematics-economics, 1967
M.A., Johns Hopkins University, economics, 1969
Ph.D., with distinction, Johns Hopkins University, economics (minor in operations research), 1971
Doctor Honoris Causa, Budapest University of Economic Sciences, 1999
Faculty Athletic Representatives, Indiana University, 2003-
Acting Director, Indiana University CIBER, January 1 - May 31, 2007
Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, Associate Dean - Academics, 1997-2003
Department of Business Economics and Public Policy, Indiana University
Faculty Lecturer 1971-72, Assistant Professor 1972-76, Associate Professor 1976-86, Professor 1986- , Department Chairman 1988-97 and 2008-
Project Director, Establishment of an English Language MBA Program with the International Graduate Business School, Zagreb, Croatia (IGBS), funded by the U.S. Department of State, 2001-
Member of the Board of Trustees, International Graduate Business School - Zagreb, 2003 -
Project Director, Management Training Cooperation in Hungary (MATCH) Project, funded by USAID, 1995-99
Module Coordinator, Managerial Economics and Industrial Organization, MUCIA/USAID Management Education Project in Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic, 1991-93
Chairperson of the Doctoral Programs in Business, Indiana University, 1980-84
Foreign Expert for the Chinese Government, Systems Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China, 1981
Advisory Professor, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China, 1981-
Research Economist, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Civil Works, Washington, D.C., Summer, 1968
Teaching Assistant, Johns Hopkins University, Introductory Micro- and Macro-Economics courses, 1969-71
National Defense Education Act Fellowship
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship
Johns Hopkins University Fellowship
Indiana University, Kelley School of Business, Summer Research Grants, Various Years
Indiana University and Indiana University Kelley School of Business, Summer Research Grants
Indiana Real Estate Certification Program, grant in support of a state energy project
Food Marketing Institute, grant in support of research on exclusive distribution territories
State of Indiana, State Utilities Forecasting Group, member of the Governing Board
Poynter Fellow, Seminar on Professional Responsibility supported by the Exxon Educational Foundation
Ameritech Foundation, grants to study the impact and effectiveness of export promotion policies and to investigate the relationship between the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Act and the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments
U.S. Agency for International Development, project for management training in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland, managerial economics and industrial organization module coordinator
Committee to Restore Indiana’s Property Tax Controls, grant to study economic trends in property taxes
South Central Indiana Coalition, grant to measure the economic impact of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division
Indiana Manufacturing Excellence Roundtable, study to measure production and productivity trends in Indiana manufacturing
Southwestern Indiana Regional Highway Coalition, grant to study the economic effects of NAFTA and its relationship to an I-69 extension
U.S. Agency for International Development, project for business executive education and training in Hungary, project director
Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, projects to analyze the impacts of energy market deregulation in Indiana
U.S. Department of State, grant to develop an English language MBA program in Croatia, with follow-up grants from the International Graduate Business School – Zagreb
Undergraduate Level: Introductory Macroeconomics, Introductory Microeconomics, Managerial Economics, Microeconomic Public Policy, Introduction to Urban Economics, Economic Policy, Introduction to Business in the Information Age
Graduate Level: Microeconomics, Managerial Economics, Applied Urban Economics, Regulation of Specific Industries, Regulated Industries (Indiana University School of Law), Public Utility Regulation, Professional Ethics (team taught)
Doctoral Teaching Excellence Award: 1979, 1982. (Finalist for this award and the Inspiration and Guidance Award during several other years)
Student Alumni Council, Outstanding Faculty Award: 1987
Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni Award for Teaching Excellence: 1990, 1993, 1995, 1996
Edison Electric Institute, Master Instructor Award, 1993
Teaching Excellence Recognition Award, 1998
Industry Regulation, Microeconomic Public Policy, Energy Economics, Urban Economics, Economic Development
Methods for Projecting Water Research Needs, (three volumes), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, 1969, with E. Collins
“Incentive Pricing and Utility Regulation: Comment,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, February, 1972.
“Depreciation in a Simple Regulatory Model,” Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, Spring, 1973.
“An Alternative Measure of City Size,” Indiana Business Review, May-June, 1973.
“The Indiana Intangibles Tax: The Tax Nobody Pays?,” Indiana Business Review, July-August, 1973.
“Depreciation in a Simple Regulatory Model: Reply,” Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, Spring, 1974.
“Energy Cost--Effects on Locational Patterns and Land Use,” Indiana Business Review, March-April, 1974, with Richard L. Pfister.
“Future Changes in Electric Utility Rate Structure,” Public Utilities Fortnightly, April 10, 1975.
“The Electric Power Industry in Indiana--Part I,” Indiana Business Review, March-April, 1975.
“The Electric Power Industry in Indiana--Part II,” Indiana Business Review, July-August, 1975.
The Energy Crisis in Indiana: Its Relation to National Energy Problems, Trends, State Policies, and the Building Industry, Bloomington, Indiana, IRCP, 1975. pp. vii, 193.
“The Energy Crisis in Indiana,” Division of Research, School of Business, Indiana University, 1976.
“What Has Happened to Urban Renewal”: A Solution, A Failure, and a New Direction,” Business Horizons, February, 1977.
“The Oil Crisis--Five Years Later,” with Douglas Houston, Business Horizons, August, 1978.
“State Taxation of Intangibles: The Problem of Evasion,” Public Finance Quarterly, October, 1978.
“The Use of Contracts and Alternative Financing Methods in the Collection of Household Refuse in Urban Areas,” with Bill Petrovic, Public Productivity Review, Summer/Fall, 1978.
“Measuring the Generation and Collection of Household Solid Waste in Cities,” with Bill Petrovic, Urban Affairs Quarterly, December, 1978.
“The Garbage of the Mid Continent: Its Generation and Collection,” with Bill Petrovic, Regional Science Perspectives, Vol. 9, No. 2, 1979.
“Surveying Energy Use in Rural Areas,” Public Utilities Fortnightly, October 9, 1980.
“Responsiveness of Consumer Expectations and Intentions to Economic Forecasts: An Experimental Approach,” with Richard Olshavsky, Review of Economics and Statistics, May, 1981.
“Residential Electricity Demand in Rural Areas: the Role of Conservation Actions, Engineering Factors and Economics Variables,” with Richard Olshavsky and Douglas Houston, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Summer, 1982.
Applied Micro and Macro Economics, published in Chinese and English by the Shanghai Institute of Mechanical Engineering, 1982.
“The Indiana Intangibles Tax,” in Indiana’s Revenue Structure, James A. Papke, ed., Center for Tax Policy Studies, 1984.
“Testimony on the Malt Beverage Inter-Brand Competition Act (HR 2262),” Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Monopolies and Commercial Law, Washington, D.C., 1987.
“The Use of Exclusive Territories in the Distribution of Beer: Theoretical and Empirical Observations,” Antitrust Bulletin, with W. John Jordan, Spring, 1987.
“Analysis of Economics Loss,” NARTC Chronicle, July/August, 1987.
“The Mathematical Representation of Coordinated Development in Shanghai,” Modeling, Simulation, and Control, with Yi-Min Zhang, Chong-Hui Fan, and Qiang Li, vol. 22, No. 4, 1989.
“Experience Under Indiana Property Tax Controls,” Coalition to Restore Indiana Porperty Tax Controls, with Heejoon Kang and Dan Courtney, November, 1992.
“Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Economic Impact Assessment of Realignment,” South Central Indiana Coalition, with David A. Hirko and John M. Sullivan, 1993.
Beyond the Games: The Economic Impact of Amateur Sports in Indianapolis, 1977-1991, with William A. Schaffer and Lawrence S. Davidson, Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce, 1993, pp. 177.
“An Economic and Policy Analysis of Export Promotion: the Cases of the Chemical and Machinery Industries in Japan, United States, and West Germany,” with Joseph Miller, pp. 371-398 in Charles F. Bonser, editor, Dimensions of Change: Decline and Restructuring in the American Midwest, Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana Unviersity, 1994.
“The Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement and Policies to Reduce Air Pollution by the Electric Power Industry in the Great Lakes States,” Institute for Development Strategies, Indiana University, with Joseph C. Miller, 1996.
“Retail Wheeling and the Regulatory Treatment of Sunk Costs,” “The Role of Incentive Regulation in the Transition to Competitive Energy Markets,” “Competition in Energy Markets and Potential Impacts on Economic Development,” “Competition in Energy Markets: Changes in Industry Structure, Practices, and Prices”: background studies for the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, July, 1996, with Thomas P. Lyon.
“The Economic Impact of the Indiana/World Skating Academy, The First Ten Years: 1987-1997,” principal author, with Chris Pope and Larry Davidson, November 1997.
“The Sustainability of Business Advisory/Consulting Services: The Perspective of the MATCH Project in Hungary,” proceedings of the MTEEP 1998 Conference in Poland, with Zoltan Szegedi.
“Should Budapest Bid for the Olympics?: Measuring the Economic Impact of Larger Sporting Eents,” Society and Economy, 24(2002)3, pp. 403-408.
“The Annual Impact of the Indiana State Fairgrounds on the Indianapolis Economy,” with Larry Davidson, September 2003.
“Competitiveness of Companies and Sectors on the Road to the European Union,” keynote address, published in Proceedings of the 65th Anniversary Conference of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia, November 2004.
“The Current and Future Impacts and Contributions of Ten Amateur Sports Organizations on the Indianapolis Economy,” with Larry Davidson, November 2004.
“The Direct Economic Impact of Visitor Spending at the 2005 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament,” June 2005.
“Economic Benefits of Racing are Felt Year-Round in City,” Indianapolis Star, May 1, 2005, pp. E1ff.
“U.S. Auto’s Bumpy Road,” Indianapolis Star, December 18, 2005, pp. E1ff.
“The Direct Economic Impact of Visitor Spending at the 2006 NCAA Men’s Basketball Final Four Tournament,” with Larry Davidson, June 2006.
“The Economic Impact in Indianapolis of the Indiana/World Skating Academy and the Pan American Plaza Ice Rinks: 1986-2006,” October 2006.
“Aspects of the Regulated Public Utility: Misallocation, Marginal Cost Pricing, and Depreciation,” Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1971.
American Economic Association
Transportation and Public Utilities Group: American Economics Association
National Association for Business Economists
Bell Journal of Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Growth and Change, AREUEA Journal, Business Horizons, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Indiana Business Review, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Review of Economics and Statistics, Research Journal: Texas Southern University, National Science Foundation, Indiana University Press, Junior Achievement, various textbook publishers.
School of Business Committees:
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee: 1971-75
Undergraduate Policy Committee: 1975-76, 1977-78
Chair of the Subcommittee to Study English Composition Requirements: 1975-76
Committee on Affirmative Action (Chair 1976-78): 1972-73, 1974-81
Phase I Subcommittee for the Business School 10 Year Plan: 1972
Public Enterprise and Social Services Major (Chair): 1973-74
Business Horizons Editorial Committee: 1976-77
MBA Exemption Examination Committee: 1977-80
MBA Policy Committee: 1977-79, 1987-89, 1995
Search and Screen Committee for the Position of Editor in the Division of Research (Chair): 1977
Washington Campus Program: 1980-81
Doctoral Program Policy Committee (Chair): 1980-84
Business Outlook Coordinating Committee (Chair): 1985-94, 1995-97
Doctoral Committee: 1985-87
Data Resources Task Force: 1986-87
Administrative Structure Committee: 1992-93
Task Force to Review the Outlook Tour (Co-Chair): 1996
Academic Council: 1981-84, 1988-2003 (Chair 1997-2003)
Agenda Committee (Chair): 1997-2003
Waters Chair in International Business, Search Committee (Chair): 1997-2000
Global Policy Committee (co-chair): 1999-2001; (member) 2003-2007
Honors Program Committee: 2004-05; 2007-
Faculty Review Committee: 2005-2007
Campus and University Committees:
Urban Affairs Committee: 1974-77
Environmental Studies Committee: 1974-77
Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships Selection Committee: 1975-82
Search and Screen Committees:
Bloomington Campus Affirmative Action Officer: 1979
Assistant Dean of Students: 1982
Director of the Liberal Arts in Management Program: 1998
Chancellor of the Bloomington Campus and Academic Vice President: 2000-01
Director of the IU Research and Technology Corporation, 2001-02
Student Affirmative Action Committee (Chair): 1979-81
Executive Committee, AAUP: 1980-81, 1982-83
Review Committee, Dean of the Graduate School: 1982
Fellowship Allocation Committee, Research & Graduate Development: 1984
Graduate Coordinating Council: 1980-84
Student Financial Aid Task Force: 1983-84
Bloomington Faculty Council: 1983-85, 1990-92, 1995-97
Agenda Committee: 1991-92
Budgetary Affairs Committee: 1983-85, 1991-92 (Co-chair)
Nominations Committee: 1984-85
Travel Committee: 1990-91
Parking and Operations Committee: 1990-91
Faculty Board of Review: 1989-90
Faculty Affairs Committee: 1990-91
Faculty Relations Committee, Indiana University Foundation: 1993-97, Co-Chair 1996-97
Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Structure of Campus Faculty Governance: 1996-97
University Faculty Council: 1991-92
Budgetary Affairs Committee (Co-chair): 1991-92
Kinsley Dissertation Awards Committee: 1985-86
University Appeals Hearing Commission: 1985-86
Student Radio Task Force (Chair): 1986
Selection Committee, International Exchange Affiliations Grant Program: 1996-2004
Selection Committee, Student Fulbright Awards: 2001-04
Bloomington Campus Affirmative Action Grievance Panel: 1994-95
Campus Curriculum Committee: 1997-2003
Task Force on Campus General Education Requirements: 1999
Business Management Committee, Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities, 1992-93
President’s Council on International Programs: 2007-
Advisory Committees:
Office of Women’s Affairs: 1986-87
Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid: 1988-89
Poynter Center: 2001-
Indiana University Press: 2003-2004
EU Center of Excellence: 2005-2007
Athletics Committee: 1991- , Chair 1996-2003
Finance and Budget Subcommittee (Chair): 1992-2002
Search and Screen Committees: Women’s Soccer Coach (1992 and 2002), Football Coach (1996, 2002, and 2004), Women’s Basketball Coach (2000, 2005, and 2006), Athletics Director (2000-01, and 2004), Men’s Basketball Coach (2001 and 2006)
Turf Committee: 1997
Sponsored Student Athletics Committee: 1996- , Chair 2004-
Professional Sports Counseling Panel: 1998-
Subcommittee on Finance, NCAA Certification Committee: 1996
NCAA Recertification Steering Committee: 2004-05 (vice chair and member of the Governance Subcommittee)
Personnel Advisory Committee: 1998-
Campus Housing Advisory Council (Chair): 1996-97
Blue Ribbon Commission to Resolve Food Service and Quality Problems on Campus (Chair): 1996
Athletics Governance and Structure Task Force: 1997-98
Athletic Conduct Commission: 2000
Varsity Club, National Board of Directors: 1996-
Hutton Honors College Policy Committee: 2004-
State and National Committees:
Indiana Air Pollution Task Force (Chair of the Sub-Committee on Air Pollution Financing): 1974-75
SO2 Economic Task Force (Advisory Committee to the Indiana Board of Health): 1975-76
Technical Panel, State Chamber of Commerce Energy Committee: 1984-86
Technical Panel, Governor’s Committee on Utility Reform: 1984
State Utilities Forecasting Group, Governing Board: 1985-
NCAA Championships/Competition Cabinet: 2006-
Big Ten: Legislative Review Committee (2002- , Chair 2005-06); Program and Budget Review Committee (2005- , Chair 2006- ); Audit Committee (Chair 2006- )
Testimony on topics dealing with energy, taxation, and regulation at the local, state, and national levels
Research papers have been presented to professional meetings, research organizations, universities, and corporations
Selected by the Louisiana Board of Regents to Review doctoral programs in business in Louisiana: 1985
Faculty Member, Stonier Graduate School of Banking: 1985-2000
Member, Board of Directors, and past Chairman of the Board, Indiana University Credit Union: 1978-
President, Indiana University Masters Swim Club: 1985-87
Kelley School of Business Faculty Service Award: 1997, 2004
Distinguished Fellow Award, International Graduate Business School, Zagreb: 2005
Selected to serve on the accreditation panel for the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary: 2005