Course Name – BTT 1OI/2OI

Teacher Name: Jeremy MeissnerClass Website:

Phone: (519)885-4620 x 777-40-959E-Mail:

Course Description

This course introduces students to information and communication technology in a businessenvironment and builds a foundation of digital literacy skills necessary for success in atechnologically driven society. Students will develop word processing, spreadsheet, database,desktop publishing, presentation software, and website design skills.Throughout the course,there is an emphasis on digital literacy, effective electronic research and communication skills,and current issues related to the impact of information and communication technology.

Critical Elements

  • Demonstrate an understanding of terminology and use of information communication technology, the computer workstation, file management, website design and electronic research.
  • Use word processing software to create common business documents.
  • Use spreadsheet software to perform a variety of tasks.
  • Utilize design software to create effective presentations and publications.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of effective business communication and topics surrounding ethics and other issues in information and communication technology.

Successful completion of all critical elements is required to earn the course credit.

Units of Study

1.Digital Literacy

2. Productivity Software

3. Design Software

4. Business Communication

5. Ethics and Issues in Information and Communication Technology

Course Evaluation

Student work will be evaluated using a balance of the Ministry’s four achievement chart categories: knowledge & understanding, thinking & inquiry, application, and communication.Throughout the course teachers will gather evidence of student learning of the Critical Elements through observations, conversations, and student-produced work. Seventy percent (70%) of the final mark will come from term work, and thirty percent (30%) will come from final evaluations. Successful completion of allcritical elements is required to earn the course credit.


Students are expected to adhere to the Responsible Use Procedure (RUP). The RUP provides a set of expectations for users, and applies to all information and technology in the Board. These expectations align with existing procedures about general conduct in our schools. All resources and technology used in the Board must be clearly in support of the goals of the Waterloo Region District School Board. See for more details.

Learning Skills

The Learning Skills and Work Habits section of the provincial report card is an integral part of a student’s learning. Students will be assessed in the following areas:

  • Responsibility
  • Independent Work
  • Organization

  • Initiative
  • Collaboration
  • Self-Regulation

The following scoring system is used for Learning Skills:

E=Excellent; G=Good; S=Satisfactory; N=Needs Improvement

Please retain the above for your records.

Signatures – Please Detach and Return this Page

Please sign below indicating you have read and understood this course outline, including the requirements for successful completion of this course. Signing also provides your consent to receive e-mail communication from Mr. Meissner regarding this class and the student who is enrolled in this class. Please return this sheet to your teacher:

Student Name (Please Print): ______

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print): ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Please indicate best method of communication:

Parent/Guardian’s email: ______

Parent/Guardian’s Phone #: ______

Course Name – BTT 1OI/2OI

Teacher Name: Jeremy MeissnerClass Website:

Phone: (519)885-4620 x 777-40-959E-Mail: