Name______Date: ______Pd: ______

Bundle 8 - Animal and Plant Systems - Exam Review

Complete each of the questions below.

  1. How does nervous system communication differ from endocrine system communication?
  1. The ______system is responsible for the transport of gases, while the ______system is responsible for the exchange of gases.
  1. What function does Xylem perform in plants?
  1. Hormones in your body help you grow. Which body system is associated with helping you grow (related to hormones)?
  1. What is the function of a leaf?
  1. What is the function of Pepsin in the stomach?
  1. Jaime is professional boxer. During a match with a dirty fighter, he was hit in the kidney. What symptoms could result from that injury?
  1. What are the physical and chemical functions of the digestive system?
  1. What steps in the digestive process are aPHYSICALchange?
  1. Neurons are specialized cells that are specifically made to transmit electrical impulses through the body. Which cell did neurons originally develop from?
  1. What is the correct route of a nerve impulse in a spinal reflex arc (such as when the leg kicks after the space below the knee is struck with a reflex hammer)? Explain the path the nerve impulse follows.
  1. The enzyme______begins the chemical digestion of carbohydrates in the ______.
  1. Name the types of specialized cells that could be derived from meristem cells.
  1. What is the equation for photosynthesis? (memorize it) What is the equation for respiration? (memorize it)
  1. Draw a diagram that represent how the gases in photosynthesis and respiration move.
  1. What organelle does photosynthesis occur in? What organelle does respiration occur in?
  1. During digestion, what happens to lipid molecules in the food we eat?
  1. Draw and name the type of cells would best allow a plant to absorb additional water and nutrients.
  1. What purpose does the large intestine serve?
  1. Explain what happens to the molecules from food that enters the human body through the mouth, and the path that they follow.
  1. Euglena and paramecia belong to Kingdom ______.
  1. Molds, mildews, and mushrooms would belong to Kingdom ______.
  1. What purposes and functions do the kidneys perform?
  1. How are palisade cells specialized?
  1. Actions in the body that cannot be controlled (such as digestion) are considered ______, while actions that can be controlled (such as movement of arms/legs) are considered______.
  1. What cells are haploid? What are gametes? What does 1n mean regarding these type of cells?
  1. Plant sperm is in the form of ______, and plant ovaries are in the form of ______
  1. Name each level or organization; give one plant and one animal example of each level.

30. Using the table below identify kingdoms into which all living organisms are classified. Fill the name of the Kingdom in above each letter A-F.

Kingdom Names
A / B / C / D / E / F
Eukaryotic / - / - / + / + / + / +
Cell wall / + / + / Some / + / + / -
Heterotrophic / Some / - / Some / + / - / +
Unicellular / + / + / Some / - / -
True Tissues / - / - / + / +
Aerobic / +/- / - / + / + / + / +