Holy Cross Lutheran Church (HCLC)

Minutes for Council Meeting – September 20, 2017

The September 2017 Church Council meeting was called to order by President Warren Schick on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. Pastor Berggren opened the meeting with a prayer.

In attendance were: Pastor Jim Berggren, Pastor Jhon Jairo Arroyave, Warren Schick, Bettie Baring, Jay Byerly, Deacon Karen Davidson, David Garwick, Julie Kilkenny, Wendy Lambeth and Fredda Yurk. David Garwick, Ernesto Lopez, Bettye Raschke and Wayne Schaper did not attend.

The minutes from the August Council meeting were submitted by Julie Kilkenny, unanimously approved and will be submitted to Crossties and the website for publication.

The Treasurer’s report (prepared by Wayne Schaper) was presented by Fredda Yurk. Collections (offerings) for the month of August were $30,083, an increase of $4,082 over the previous month; year to date collections for August 2017 were $15,710 less than 2016. August 2017 expenses were $37,369, which was $7,286 more than collections. 2017 year to date expenses were $92,503 more than offerings collected. The checking account balance at 8/31/17 was $166,970, not including restricted funds. The Endowment Committee has $711 interest available for disbursement. The Treasurer’s report was unanimously approved as presented.

Pastoral Staff Reports:

Pastor Berggren updated Council on his activities for the month. He reported that there were several Holy Cross families significantly impacted by the Hurricane Harvey flooding. The Early Learning Center (ELC) is a couple of weeks into the new school year. He conducted memorial services for Michael O’Conner and Gerland Taylor this month. He continues worship services at Belmont Village, as well as his hospital visits and reaching out to prospective members and visitors to Holy Cross.

Deacon Karen Davidson reported on her activities for the month. She had a very busy month with her ongoing hospital visits and prayers, phone calls and visits for HCLC members and friends. She also prepares the PowerPoint presentation for the early worship service. She reminded Council of the October study of Rick Steves’ Luther and the Reformation DVD, which will be a 3 week study during the Adult Forum time slot after the early worship service (DVD viewing on October 8th and 15th, with a discussion of the DVD on October 22nd).

Pastor Jhon Jairo Arroyave reported that he was aware of only one family in the Spanish congregation that had to be evacuated during the flooding from Hurricane Harvey. Sunday School started with 22 students on the first Sunday; he expects attendance of 25-30 students as things settle back to the post-Harvey normal. Members of the Spanish Ministry continue the mowing and maintenance of the Telge property. He reported to Council that, as in the past, members of the Spanish congregation will help with the setup and take down for the Rummage Sale.

Old Business and Committee Reports:

Warren Schick updated Council on Building and Grounds activities. Holy Cross received bids ranging from $1,500-$1,850 for the removal of the large oak tree that fell on the Telge property during recent heavy

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rain. Bryan Kile and Pastor Berggren have been working on cutting the tree into smaller pieces for easier removal. Mr. Schick noted that the Early Learning Center will replace the playground awning, which was damaged during Hurricane Harvey. The new awning will cost approximately $5,000 and will be paid for with proceeds from ELC fundraisers. Jay Byerly reported that a leak in the roof of the gym caused a School of the Woods volleyball game to be moved to a different location. He also brought to Council’s attention that the school has begun construction on their own gym on a property across Wirt from the campus.

Work continues on the HCLC Constitution and Bylaws update. Warren Schick and Calvin Remmert have reviewed 10 out of the 20 sections which need to be brought into compliance with Synod guidelines. They hope to have the process completed in time for the spring congregational meeting.

Warren Schick presented an email from Mark Kilkenny of (Telge Property Team) updating him and other team members on the preliminary inquiries regarding the property.

There was nothing new to report from the Spanish Ministry Team.

Bettie Baring reported on WELCA activities. The annual meeting was held on September 16th. WELCA received a $250 contribution from Thrivent, which will be used to purchase materials for the Lutheran World Relief quilt project. Marilyn Flick has agreed to chair the Memorial Committee. The Bereavement Committee and the Lutheran World Relief Quilt Project are still in need of Coordinators. The next WELCA meeting will be December 2nd.

Pastor Berggren, Deacon Davidson, and Warren and Penny Schick met to discuss the HCLC Memorial Service/Reception policy to make sure the information distributed is up to date and clearly communicated to bereaved families. After additional discussion at this meeting, Mr. Schick made the decision to revisit this matter.

Due to a scheduling conflict, the HCLC workday was rescheduled for October 14th.

New Business:

Fredda Yurk reported that after Hurricane Harvey she had been contacted by a representative of the Wabash Valley Hospice (from Terre Haute, Indiana) who wanted to send a truckload of disaster relief supplies to be distributed to flood victims in Houston. Robin asked if Holy Cross would aid in this endeavor. Ms. Yurk coordinated this grass roots effort, taking delivery of the supplies, and directed this generous donation to the Harvey Relief Hub on Taylor Street near downtown. Ms. Yurk wanted to especially thank Robin and the Hospice, the driver who donated his time to bring the supplies, and Bryan Kile and Warren Schick for unloading the truck.

Warren Schick reported on the Pantry activities. He called attention to the extra help and work by Mary White and the Pantry volunteers for people affected by Harvey flooding. He noted that the success of the Pantry sometimes results in food donations and boxes taking up most of the out-building and making it hard to get to HCLC equipment, and considered that shelves might be necessary to keep things in order. Ms. White proposed that the Pantry get a cardboard recycling dumpster to be put next to the HCLC trash dumpster in the back parking lot.

Council approved reinstating the printed Order of Service and Bulletin for Sunday worship services.

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Council approved Warren Schick’s request to remove the carpet in the Youth Room. Leaks during heavy rains have repeatedly gotten the carpet wet, and it smells. Mr. Schick thought the floor underneath was brick or linoleum, and since the room is used by the ELC, an area rug could be purchased in replacement.

The next Council meeting will be on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 2:00 p.m.

Upon motion to adjourn, the meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Julie Kilkenny