Deans’ Council Meeting
Held: June 6, 2013
Attendees: B. Barnett, L. Chakrin, E. Saiff, S. Rosenberg, S. Perry, H. Nejad. S. Rice and C. Romano.
Academic Achievement Ceremony
S. Murchio gave a review of the Academic Achievement Ceremony.
The new online reservation form for students has worked well.
She voiced concern over continuing to edit the student bios but deans all felt that she had done a good job and should continue the practice. In the future, they would review the draft of the bio before it became final for the program.
Discussion on timing and other events that took place in the Berrie Center that day. It was suggested that a light reception be held directly after the event.
Institutional Effectiveness
Deans need to be more aware of what will go into next year’s annual report and will need to use a template in the future.
The Provost and Vice Provost will put together dates for when program reviews and school reports are due and the date of retreats.
B. Barnett offered deans the opportunity to meet with her and the Vice Provost and the conveners if that would help them with planning their annual report. It would be started on the school level for the next year. There will be five meetings with the dean and conveners to take place in June after program reviews but before school reports.
She also suggested that deans be copied on any data that conveners give to the provost or vice provost.
Strategic Plan
Discussion about Strategic Plan -- specifically transportation and enrollment, and Ramapo having a presence in Washington and Trenton.
Have made a commitment to make sure that priority plans will be reviewed and discussed in Cabinet.
B. Barnett asked everyone to start thinking about goals for the academic plan so that they are in support of the accomplishments that are in the Strategic Plan.
Coursera and Moocs
Discussion of Coursera and Moocs and looking at prior learning assessment. Students have to prepare a portfolio to prove that they have in fact acquired knowledge that would be a possibility for using Moocs.
Need to plan around assessments of the online courses and need to test if these courses are equal to in-seat courses.
There is also a need to make sure that the quality issue is addressed before adding more online courses.
B. Barnett asked that deans have line requests ready for the next deans meeting. The criteria for requesting the lines would be sent out to all deans by email.