Algebra 2
withMs. Ludford
Room: A101 Phone: (952) 467-7128
Prep hour5 E-mail:
I am looking forward to having you in class and hope that you will find success in mathematics this year. This class, along with Advanced Math, will help students prepare for college mathematics.
- Assignments will be posted daily on Infinite campus along with notice of upcoming quizzes/tests.
- Grades will also be posted daily online.
- Here you can view the textbook plus many other supplementary materials.
Items needed:
- Graphing calculator (TI 83, 84)
- Pencil
- Notebook
- Graph paper
Classroom Expectations:
- Be on time
- Be prepared
- Be courteous
- Be respectful
- Be honest
- No cell phones are allowed during class. If a cell phone is seen it will be taken away. If it is seen during a quiz or a test, a “0” will be given for that quiz or test.
Discipline Procedures:
- Verbal warning
- 30 minutes of detention with me
- Written referral to principal and parent; principal assigns detention.
- Student conference
Assignment and Make-up policies:
- Daily homework and will be assigned and expected to be completed before class the following day. It is worth 5 points if completed and on time. If there are questions, students are encouraged to come in before or after school for extra help. Homework that is late will receive partial credit and must be completed before the test for that unit in order to get credit.
- There will be at least one quiz and one test per chapter. It is expected that you spend additional time outside of class preparing for these assessments. Quizzes must be made up before the test is taken. Quizzes and tests must be taken within 3 days of being absent.
- You will have a day per day absent to make up daily work. Any work not completed by the extended due date will result in partial or zero credit.
- Any student that does not pass a test may retake the test after spending time before or after school reviewing the material with the teacher. The highest score a student could receive on this retake would be 60%. If a student chooses to retake a test, it must be done within 1week of the original test unless an exception has been made with the teacher.
- Missing class due to a school-sanctioned activity does not count as an absence. Any homework assigned must be turned in prior to leaving for the activity. You must take a quiz/test prior to leaving for the activity or immediately the next day.
- If students fail either semester they will be expected to retake the class the following year.
Grading scale:
A: 93% - 100%
A-: 90 – 92
B+: 87 – 89
B: 83 – 86
B-: 80 – 82
C+: 77 – 79
C: 73 – 76
C-: 70 – 72
D+: 67 – 69
D: 63 – 66
D-: 60 – 62
No extra credit
Instructions for retaking tests:
- You can raise the test grade to a D-.
- You must correct your test and your quizzes for the chapter and hand them in when you retake the test. You need to review the material.
- The test must be retaken within one week of the original test.