General Qualifying Application
Section 1: Site Information
Name of Site:*
Street Address:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip Code:
* As it should appear on the ACRIN contract, website and database
Name of ACRIN Site Investigator* (Attach CV):
Street Address (if different than above):
Street Address:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
* The ACRIN Site Investigator is responsible for oversight of ACRIN activities at the institution; he/she may also function as a Principal Investigator on one or more ACRIN studies.
This application is for: (Check all that apply)
One hospital
One hospital with affiliated, freestanding facilities (clinics, imaging centers, etc.)
A multi-hospital system
A multi-hospital system with affiliated, freestanding sites (clinics, imaging centers, etc.)
One freestanding, non-hospital affiliated facility (clinic, imaging center, etc.)
More than one freestanding, non-hospital affiliated facility (clinics, imaging centers, etc.)
Site Accreditation:
In the table below, please list your site name and, if applicable, the names of all affiliated hospitals, facilities, clinics, etc. covered by this application.
Name of Site /Affiliated Facilityand address / JCAHO* Accreditation / Other Accreditation
(General Facility)
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
* Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. For sites not JCAHO accredited, attach a “Site Quality Indicators” summary that includes a description of the site’s facility safety program, quality improvement program, and incident reporting procedures.
Comments (optional):
HIPAA Compliance:
Compliance with the requirements of the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules for the handling of Protected Health Information (PHI) is a requirement for participation in ACRIN trials. In addition, sites must have a designated HIPAA Privacy Officer or federal compliance person.
Are all sites covered by this application HIPAA compliant? Yes No
If yes, please record the name(s) of compliance officer(s) or person(s):
If no, describe what actions will be put in place to become compliant with HIPAA rules and the associated timeline for achieving compliance:
Section 2: Personnel
Position Type / Number of FTE Staff / Certification or Equivalent / Number of Certified StaffDiagnostic Radiologists / ABR
Nuclear Medicine Radiologists / ABNM
Physicists / ABMP
MRI Technologists / RT(MR)
CT Technologists / RT(CT)
PET Technologists / ARRT(N)
Research Associates and/or Data Managers / CCRP/ACRP
Is your site involved in training radiology residents? Yes No
If yes, record the number of residents:
Comments (optional):
Section 3: Technology Infrastructure
Do you have:
1. Internet access? Yes [ Broadband / Dialup] No
2. Browser: Internet Explorer 4.0 or Netscape 4.0 higher? Yes No
3. Capability to view PDF documents? Yes No
4. Technical support related to software installation and
image management? Yes No
Comments (optional):
Section 4: Equipment Inspection
Inspection/certification by state, city or local agencies for x-ray and other ionizing-radiation-producing equipment. (Attach copy of most recent report)
/ Frequency of InspectionComments (optional):
Section 5: Regulatory
Does your site have Federal-wide Assurance (FWA) approval as required by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Federal Drug Administration? Yes No
If yes, please provide your FWA number:
If no, please note that this approval is required to participate in ACRIN trials.
Visit: for more information.
Does your site have an Institutional Review Board? Yes No
If no, please provide the name and address of an affiliate institution’s IRB or a commercial IRB that will provide this service for you:
Name of IRB:
Street Address:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip Code:
Comments (optional):
Section 6: Research Experience and Support
Please indicate prior research experience, if any, conducted at your site in the past five years by checking the relevant box(es) and indicating the research sponsor.
Single-institution retrospective research
Sponsored by Federal or state government
Sponsored by pharmaceutical or device company
Multi-center retrospective research
Sponsored by Federal or state government
Sponsored by pharmaceutical or device company
Single-institution prospective research
Sponsored by Federal or state government
Sponsored by pharmaceutical or device company
Multi-center prospective research
Sponsored by Federal or state government
Sponsored by pharmaceutical or device company
List site’s participation in research of other National Cancer Institute’s clinical trials cooperative groups:
(Check all that apply)
Does your site have access to a tumor registry? Yes No
Research support available at your site: (Check all that apply)
Research contract support
Research budget development support
Public relations and participant recruitment support
List any unique features of your program of potential value to ACRIN:
Signature of ACRIN Site Investigator Date
Signature of Radiology Department Chair Date
Please forward entire application to:
ACRIN Administration
American College of Radiology Imaging Network
1818 Market Street, Suite 1600
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: (215) 574-3240
ACRIN GQA Version: 05.04.07 Page 1 of 4