WJHS Mathematics Department Common Expectations

The Mathematics Department at WJHS will strive to have its students become self-motivated, competitive, lifelong learners, equipped to thrive throughout their lives. More than just earning a grade, we expect students to perform at an appropriate level of rigor, which promotes problem-solving and thinking abilities. Teachers will have a common focus on problem-solving. We feel that homework, reading, research, and the use of technology are essential to success in any course. We expect the highest level of honesty and integrity.

Topics: / Linear Functions / Special Quadrilaterals
Systems of Equations & Inequalities / Similarity
Exponents & Radicals, Power & Exponential Functions / Right Triangles & Trigonometry
Length & Area
Polynomials, Rational Expressions, & Factoring
Quadratic Functions & Graphing / Solids

Evaluation of student learning will be done with the following guidelines:

1.  In this classroom, students are graded upon their progress toward meeting the state standards in Algebra 1 and Geometry.

2.  Final grades will not be affected by non-academic factors. Those will be reported separately.

3.  Only assessments that take place after learning is supposed to have occurred (“summative assessments”) will be used for grading purposes. Practice assignments will not factor into the student’s final grade.

4.  Students will be allowed to redo or retake assessment work to allow them a chance to meet standards.

5.  New information showing additional learning about any given standard will replace old information.

6.  Grades will reflect the most recent learning. For example, if a student had previously scored a 2 on a standard, and later demonstrates an improvement in that standard to a 4, only the 4 will appear in the gradebook.

7.  All assignments will be graded on the 0 – 4 point scale below:

4 (100) / 3 (85) / 2 (70) / 1 (55) / 0 (0)
The student
exceptional skills
and knowledge
above standard. / The student
proficiency with
the standard, only making minor mistakes. / The student
shows emerging
progress toward
standard, but
overall lack of
understanding. / The student is
making minimal
progress toward
standard. / No evidence of

The semester exam will be 10% of the final course grade and will also allow students another attempt at scoring higher on low standards.

Students will earn a half credit each semester.

I am available for extra help before school on most Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and after school on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Necessary Materials: Scientific or Graphing Calculator


Graph paper

Notebook paper

5 folders with pockets and prongs for 1st semester

7 folders with pockets and prongs for 2nd semester

Absences: I will accept assignments one day late for each day the student’s absence was excused. Students can find out about missed assignments by asking their class buddy.

Late Work Policy: Assignments should not be late. Do not expect me to except them. If a student has difficulty with an assignment or has unusual circumstances arise that prevents he/she from completing the assignment, the student should see me BEFORE the assignment is due (i.e. in the morning before school starts) to see IF an extension is possible.

I have read these policies and promise to always give my best effort, even if I struggle.

Student Signature ______

I have read and gone over these policies with my child and will support decisions made enforcing them.

Parent Signature ______