Shortly after the death of 1st Lt. Travis Manion in Iraq on April 29, 2007, the fallen Marine’s mother, the late Janet Manion, founded the Travis Manion Foundation (TMF) to empower veterans and families of the fallen to develop character in future generations in order to strengthen communities. The words Travis spoke before leaving for his second and final deployment to Iraq – “If Not Me, Then Who...” – has inspired a rapidly growing, countrywide movement to redefine America’s national character.
At TMF, we unite communities to build a nation that values character above all else; where integrity is more important than celebrity, and social impact outweighs personal gain. Where acts of courage, service, and kindness triumph, and communities unite to raise each other up as exemplified by our nation’s fallen heroes.
The 9/11 Heroes Run, a national 5K race series held annually byTMF, unites communities across the country and around the world with the goal to never forget the sacrifices of the heroes of September 11th and the wars since: veteran, first responder, civilian, and military.
What started in the small town of Doylestown PA back in 2007 as alast minute grassroots event with a few hundred people has exploded into an international, volunteer executed, series that spans over 50 cities around the world every year. Last year, more than 50,000 participants joined with their communities to run, volunteer, donate, cheer, but most of all: honor. A family friendly event that welcomes runners & walkers of all levels and of all ages, the 9/11 Heroes Run is the perfect opportunity to join your community and thank your local veterans, first responders, and their families!
The <INSERT CITY9/11 Heroes Run will be held on <DAY, MONTH, YEAR> at <TIME> at <LOCATION> and we want YOU to be a part of it all! Funds raised by the race directly benefit veterans and survivors through TMF’s pillar initiatives: Veteran Transition Workshops (personal development & career development), Expeditions (serving to honor the fallen), and Character Does Matter (veterans & families of the fallen mentoring youth). In order to support these programs, we need your local support!
“At the local level, we rely heavily on localsponsorshipsand participation by members of our community to create a buzz about our event in the weeks leading up to the race”
Jim O’Farrell, Alexandria VA Local Race Director
“[local sponsor] generosity has allowed us to create a memorable experience that finds our participants and our community returning year over year... Our partners are the biggest reason we are able to put on the kind of 9/11 Heroes Run that both properly represents and helps support the Travis Manion Foundation, and we are profoundly grateful to them.”
NatanyaLevioff, Annapolis MD Local Race Director
Gary Sinise once said about the 9/11 Heroes Run, “Just imagine on September 11th, all across the country, hundreds of thousands of people coming out and running or walking not just to raise money, but to remember all those who gave their tomorrow for our today.” We hope you will consider supporting the 9/11 Heroes Run and help us unite our communities to remember those who gave their tomorrow for our today.
President, Travis Manion Foundation 9/11 Heroes Run Race Director, <INSERT CITY
“IfNotMe, Then Who...”
Foundation isa501(c)(3)NonprofitOrganizationCombined FederalCampaign#15968• EmployerIdentification#41-2237951