University Libraries Faculty Meeting


September 23, 2016

Cooper Library, Room 107

1:00 p.m.

Faculty present: Bodenheimer, Burk, Comfort, Cooper, Cross, Dean, Dutkiewicz, Farrell, Futral, Grant, Hollandsworth, Julian, Marcano, Randall, Redd, Rock, Rook Schilf, Ryan, Teague, Tyler, Vinson, Wesley, Wesolek, Wilmott

Absent: Burns, Cochrane, Edwards, Sheffield, Taylor

Presiding: Library Chair Peg Tyler

Welcome and Introductions

Chair Tyler called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m. She welcomed recent hires Kirstin Dean (Lecturer) and Nashieli Marcano (Assistant Librarian).

a.  Approval of the minutes of the Spring 2016 Library Faculty meeting (March 7, 2016, distributed on StaffWeb) The minutes were approved as written.

b.  Reports of Standing College Committees

1)  Library Advisory Committee – No report.

2)  Information Access Committee – Julian

Julian listed a number of new resources and upgraded ProQuest databases added since the last faculty meeting. The Committee has done some initial work on allocations for monographs and the possible reinstatement of some approval plans or a patron-driven acquisition program.

Julian also reported on pertinent PASCAL activity. The Common Collections Committee is moving forward with a pilot of YBP’s Gobi and GobiTween and will be seeking volunteer libraries soon. After that, the committee will be looking for volunteers for a pilot of Gold Rush from the Colorado Alliance. (See full report, attached.) She yielded the floor to Wilmott and Ryan.

Wilmott further elaborated on the ASERL one year CARL Gold Rush Monograph Assessment pilot project. Clemson Libraries has uploaded all monographs information in early June. Likewise, Clemson has implemented GobiTween, a tool for collaborative collection development. He hopes that Clemson will be able to participate in the PASCAL pilot of both projects. He will provide a demonstration of GobiTween to selectors. (See full report, attached.)

Ryan reported that PASCAL’s Consortial Purchasing Committee has distributed a prioritized wish list regarding unclaimed lottery fund expenditures to committee members for review and presentation to the Board of Directors.

3)  Library Curriculum Committee – Vinson. No report.

c.  Reports of Special/Ad Hoc Committees

Library Faculty Guidelines Revision Committee – Cooper

Cooper reported that draft sections of the Guidelines have been completed, thanking the faculty for its participation and comments. As to the next steps, there will be benchmarking to research-high institutions, looking at how peer review is conducted. Then, a full draft will be assembled, submitted to the Chair and Dean, followed by a full faculty meeting to conduct a comprehensive review of the document. Notes from the recent Department Chairs meeting (Sept. 14, 2016) will be taken into consideration. Timeline: though the goal was to complete the revision this year, the timeline will have to be extended.

The Chair thanked the Committee for its amazing and diligent work.

Health Sciences Librarian Search Committee – Hollandsworth

This committee consists of Hollandsworth, Ryan and Cooper. The job ad has been released; the committee will hold a formal meeting to begin sorting candidates. There are about 7 applicants to date. Interfolio is being used to manage applications and reference checking.

Dean Farrell noted that Wilmott helped with identifying ways to advertise for diversity on this search. Faculty can always contact persons they deem potential candidates, or those leads can be forwarded to the Dean.

Library Fellows Working Group – Redd for Cochrane

See attachment, “On Fellowship”

Redd summarized the report. Dean Farrell was very impressed with the report, and will fund such an initiative. Chair Tyler called for those interested in working on the committee described in the report to contact her, noting that this was an avenue for research. It was also noted that such a program will also promote diversity.

d. Reports of Standing Department Committees

1) Sabbatical Leave Committee – Tyler

Taylor is on sabbatical until January 2017. Tyler pointed out that the deadline for Fall 2017 sabbaticals in January 31.

2) Library Faculty Reappointment Committee – Dutkiewicz

The Reappointment Committee has been formed, and has three reviews to conduct: Sheffield, Randall, and Marcano.

3)  Library Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee – Comfort

Chair Comfort announced that Kathryn Wesley is going up for Full Librarian.

4)  Library Faculty Post-tenure Review Committee – Cross

Chair Cross noted that the Committee had not received its charge. Library Chair Tyler then named the librarians under post-tenure review: Cross, Dutkiewicz, Teague.

e.  Faculty Senate Report – Wesolek

Senator Wesolek encouraged participation in the Optimal College Town Assessment, which is being conducted to understand the quality of the relationship between Clemson University and the City of Clemson. (One can submit twice if you are both a faculty member and a city resident (but not from the same IP). Survey closes Sept. 30.

Various numbers have been circulating about the ideal size of Clemson’s enrollment. This is to be determined. Chuck Knepfle, associate vice president for enrollment management, is tasked with this issue.

As far as policy matter are concerned (Wesolek sits on the Policy committee), he noted changes to Section VII.2. At the request of the Senate President, there is a “committee on committees” that will work on standardization of committee structures in Section VII of the Faculty Manual. This effort will be supplemented by a website that lists the committees and membership, which will enhance transparency.

Wilmott, Senate Alternate, reported on the Ad-hoc Committee on Diversity and Inclusion. A draft report is due to the Senate President by the end of the year. It comprises three subcommittees, one of which, concerning faculty diversity and retention, chaired by Rhonda Thomas, includes Wilmott. (See full charge and report, attached.)

f.  Dean’s Report

Dean Farrell commended the work on the Guidelines and the Library Fellows Working Group. Work on the Libraries Forward strategic plan and the Guidelines put the Libraries ahead of schedule on these two Provost charges. Librarians need to be aware of the research university focus and its impact on teaching faculty. On the LibrariesForward plan, a staff-only forum will be held; the online survey is expected to run through Sept. 30. The LibrariesForward working group asked the Library Leadership Team to focus the original goals. What a “research library” is requires a broader conversation. It is a continuum, based on a series of metrics. Be ready to talk to staff about what that means.

Budget. Student fees are being handled differently. Instead of one “pot” at the end of the year, the payments arrive over a series of months. This results in a cash-flow deficit in September (to about one million), and does impact collections. Personnel costs are higher, but are the result of positive actions. There have been recent hires, and staff performing higher level work are being reclassed accordingly. Administration will do as much as possible in this regard. There are, however, no new positions. The Associate Dean position: the Library Leadership Team is examining the duties and skills connected with it. While the addition of an associate dean is an “unknown quantity” and is a point of anxiety among staff and faculty, the guiding considerations are that deans must have skills in leadership and collaboration, and provide facilitation for “your work.”

Libraries reorganization. The reorganization is not going to be a big overhaul. There are “pinch points” that will be addressed and the Library Leadership Team is examining these. Please avail yourselves of the Team’s meeting notes that are posted on StaffWeb, or ask you unit head for more information.

g.  Chair’s Report

Library Chair Tyler noted that the Action Timeline is already one month behind. Faculty goal setting has been delayed by the development of ClemsonForward. Faculty goal-setting meetings with unit head and Chair will be conducted in October. There will be an effort at fixing the problem of late goal setting (setting goals in the fall for a year that starts and ends in May. Tyler also pointed out that a review process for lecturers will be needed. Arrange an appointment with the Chair if you have any eTPR or FAS questions.

h.  Old Business


i.  New Business

Bylaws Revisions—Dutkiewicz and Tyler

See attachments

1.  Bylaws Revision Summary.docx: (read first)

2.  Bylaws_Sept 2012_Approved Nov. 2012.docx: current Bylaws

3.  Bylaws_Sept 2016 commented draft.docx: A mark-up of the current bylaws with comments and line numbering

4.  Bylaws changes Sept 2016.xlsx: A spreadsheet of the changes, keyed by the line numbers in document 3.

5.  Bylaws_Sept 2016 draft clean copy.docx: A “clean copy” of the Bylaws, assuming the changes were approved.

Secretary Dutkiewicz presented the attachments (listed above) for the faculty’s “first reading.” Comments included: a lecturer review committee will have to be added; Tyler asked faculty to examine all committees: are they functioning and have the memberships that are appropriate? There were observations about the term “regular” faculty in Article 2; access to Roberts Rules (in StaffWeb?); and the access and archiving practices for the minutes. As to content of minutes, it was recommended that the full reports of main reporters be included.

Additional comments about the Bylaws revision should be referred to the Secretary.

Chair Tyler expressed the concern that the “Statement of Understanding” about annual review ratings should not be a document external to the Bylaws/Guidelines. The discussion turned to the question as to what job description is a faculty member reviewed on. Discussion ensued with various methods: the offer letter, an agreement letter (if there were substantial changes), a job description, and percentages in FAS. This raised the question of what the percentages mean. Dean Farrell suggested that they are an expression of weight rather than time and that in Librarianship, the practice of librarianship, scholarship, and service are strongly integrated. Therefore, external reviewers very well should comment on research and service, whereas they might not be able to comment directly on librarianship. Other matters of review, and post-tenure review were discussed, including the situation in which a librarian approves goals for, and reviews, another librarian. The Chair acknowledged that since position descriptions are currently non-existent or outdated, job analysis (for which she has tools) will be forthcoming.

j.  Announcements

Announcement of a staff hire in the Interlibrary Loan department is anticipated shortly.

k.  Adjourn Meeting

The meeting was adjourned at 2:51 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Scott M. Dutkiewicz

Faculty Secretary

Draft (without attachments) Sept. 30, 2016 distributed to faculty, and offices of Provost and President

Full reports

IAC Report to Faculty – Sept. 23, 2016

We were able to add several new resources since our last faculty meeting:

>Early English Books Online, Text Creation Project 1-2 (130,000 MARC records)

>African-American newspapers, Series 1-2 (1827-1998) (Readex)

>ProQuest – four major Historic African American newspapers

>Business Expert Press 2016 collection (e-books)

>Moody’s/Mergent Digital Manuals

>Forbes, Fortune, and Business Week Magazine Archives (EBSCOHost)

>Joanna Briggs Institute Evidence Based Practice database to support nursing PhD (having Ovid license issue – in counsel’s office for the second time)

>Annotated English Gigaword (dataset) (working on this one)

>Upgrading to the SPIE Digital Library (Intl Society of Optical Engineering)

We reviewed resources charged to the Sandhill endowment and added a new database for them, AgBiotechNet: the online service for agricultural biotechnology.

We also upgraded some ProQuest databases (now with full-text):

>Accounting & tax image package – to Accounting Tax and Banking Collection

>DAAI: design and applied arts index – to Art design & architecture collection

>Polymer Library, CSA materials research database, Environmental science & pollution management to SciTech Premium Collection.

We’ve done some initial work on allocations for monographs and the possible reinstatement of some approval plans or a PDA. Expect to take that back up in early October.

PASCAL report – Common Collections Committee is moving forward with a pilot of YBP’s Gobi and GobiTween and will be seeking volunteers soon. After that, the committee will be looking for volunteers for a pilot of Gold Rush from the Colorado Alliance.

Acquisition Collection Management Team Report to Library Faculty

Reported by Derek Wilmott, 9/23/2016

Gold Rush – Allotted $1200 to participate in a 9-member ASERL institution 1-year pilot project to subscribe to the CARL Gold Rush Monograph Assessment Project. This project aims to identify and compare common and unique collections, exploring a possible collaboration for a cooperative monograph retention. Our monographs information was uploaded in Gold Rush, in early June. At the moment, we have looked at the Eastern Academic Scholars’ Trust (EAST), as the model for a cooperative monographs retention project (Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College, & University of Massachusetts Amherst).

PASCAL Libraries are currently planning the use of Gold Rush for a similar statewide collaboration for a cooperative monograph retention program. I hope to include us in their pilot project, since our information currently resides on the Gold Rush platform.

YBP Gobi – GobiTween, a tool for collaborative collection development. This is a currently available PASCAL-wide subscription that I have submitted our print monographs holdings information to YBP. We can now see if our Libraries already “own” a print title in our collections on the Gobi platform. This should reduce the possibility of purchasing an unwanted 2nd copy for a title for firm orders, as well as reducing duplicate titles on approval plans. We are working to gather the ISBN data for e-books, however this was complicated by the fact that not all of our e-book records have valid ISBNs or ISBNs at all. We are working on it and hope to gather that collection data soon to submit in a subsequent upload into Gobi.

Short and long, it will save us monies that can be directed to 1st copy purchases. PASCAL’s subscription is active until Spring 2019. They are looking for a small group of PASCAL member libraries to participate in a formal pilot of GobiTween and are currently working out the details (timeline, structure, etc.). I hope that we will be able to participate in this pilot project.

Best part: It is a free Gobi service to submit our data 4 times in a calendar year.

Library Faculty Report on the Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity & Inclusion

Reported by Derek Wilmott, 9/23/2016

This 10-member committee was established in recognition of the issues regarding diversity and inclusion on campus. The Faculty Senate recognized that as a part of the leadership team of Clemson University, it was their responsibility to effect positive change in the current climate on the campus. The ad hoc committee on diversity and inclusion was charged, last May to: