Position applied for:
Reference number (office use only)
How did you become aware of this vacancy?
Personal Details
Surname / Forename(s)
( Home
( Mobile
Postcode / * Email
Secondary Education
Dates / Name & Address of School / Examinations & Grades
Further & Higher Education & Training
Dates / Establishment / Course / Qualifications
Foreign Languages
Language / Proficiency Spoken / Proficiency Written
Employment History – Present / Most Recent Employment
Dates & Duration / Employer & Type of Business / Position Held & Main Duties
Final Remuneration £
Details of Previous Employment in Date Order
Dates & Duration / Employer & Type of Business / Position Held & Main Duties
1.  Please describe your strengths and weaknesses
2.  Describe the most significant challenge that you have faced, perhaps in relation to your positions of responsibility, activities or studies. How did you approach it and what was the outcome? What did you learn?
3.  Describe a situation where you had to look beyond the obvious to find a solution. Who else did you involve and why? How did you tackle it and what was the outcome? What did you learn?
4.  Describe the challenges facing the logistics industry over the next 3 – 5 years
5.  How and why have you reached the decision to apply for this programme?
6.  Please describe any activities undertaken in your spare time – extracurricular activities, membership of societies, voluntary work etc.
7.  Please write a statement about yourself
Do you have any relatives or friends employed by Jungheinrich UK Ltd?
No ¨ Yes ¨ Please give details
Do you have/ anticipate having any additional employment whilst being employed at Jungheinrich UK Ltd? No ¨ Yes ¨ Please give details
Have you been convicted of any criminal offence? No ¨ Yes ¨ Please give details
Note: You are not required to give any information on ‘spent’ convictions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
Do you hold a current Driving Licence? No ¨ Yes ¨
Is it free from endorsements? Yes ¨ No ¨
If No, please give details
As the graduate programme is an international programme it is important that you are able and willing to live and work abroad
Are you willing and able to work abroad Yes ¨ No ¨
Please supply the names and addresses of two references one of which must be from a previous employer (References will only be contacted if you are successful in your application)
Name: / Name:
Address: / Address:
Contact Number: / Contact Number:
Email Address: / Email Address:
Relationship: / Relationship:
By signing and returning this application form, you consent to Jungheinrich UK Ltd using and keeping information about you provided by you or by third parties, such as referees, relating to your application or future employment.
I confirm that I am aware that the information contained in this document will be held on the Company’s database and personnel file for internal use only. However, if this application is unsuccessful this form will be kept on file for 3 months then subsequently destroyed.
I also confirm that the details contained in this document are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

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