2 / Read for 15 minutes per night and record your reading in your diary.
Complete set Mathletics tasks.
3 / Read for 15 minutes per night and record your reading in your diary.
Visit your class blog and leave a ‘quality’ comment on the ‘Week Three Homework’ post. This comment must be at least three sentences long, and your spelling and punctuation must be absolutely perfect. Make sure you answer the question.
Blog addresses: or
4 / Read for 15 minutes per night and record your reading in your diary.
Complete set Mathletics tasks.
5 / Read for 15 minutes per night and record your reading in your diary.
Design your dream bedroom and present it as a labelled bird’s eye map.
6 / Read for 15 minutes per night and record your reading in your diary.
Complete set Mathletics tasks.
7 / Read for 15 minutes per night and record your reading in your diary.
Visit your class blog and leave a ‘quality’ comment on the ‘Week Seven Homework’ post. This comment must be at least three sentences long, and your spelling and punctuation must be absolutely perfect. Make sure you answer the question.
Blog addresses: or
8 / Read for 15 minutes per night and record your reading in your diary.
Complete set Mathletics tasks.
9 / Read for 15 minutes per night and record your reading in your diary.
Write an acrostic poem about Australia (each line of your poem begins with the letters of the word ‘AUSTRALIA;
A sunburnt country,
Uluru in the red centre,
Surrounded by sea…etc.
Your poem must be emailed to your teacher as an attachment (as you have been taught).

10 / Read for 15 minutes per night and record your reading in your diary.
Complete set Mathletics tasks.

Homework and diaries are due every Tuesday morning.