Pre-AP/AP Goals/Objectives………………………………….3

Campus Vertical Team Requirements……………...... ….4

Campus Pre-AP/AP Chair…………………….……………....5

Campus Administration…………………………………….….5-6

Pre-AP/AP Teacher………………………………….…….……6


Campus Checklist………………………………….….…...... 10-11

Walk through form……………………………………..………..12


Annual Pre-AP/AP Contract

Alternate Route to Pre-AP/AP Form

Program Expectations and Course Agreement

AP Exam Commitment Form

Pre-AP/AP Placement Review Form

Middle School AP Spanish Language Fact Sheer

Middle School AP Spanish Language Test Request Form

Vertical Team Meeting Sign-In Sheet


  1. To increase the number of students passing all AP exams with a score of 3, 4, or 5 by 5% per year based on 2016 baseline data. The ultimate goal is to have 50% of all students taking an AP exam to pass the exam with a score of 3, 4, or 5.
  2. To increase the number of students participating in Pre-AP/AP courses by 2% per year based on 2016 baseline data.
  3. To increase the number of underrepresented populations in the Pre-AP/AP program by 5% annually from 2016 baseline data.


  1. To ensure all students who sign up to take an AP exam will take the AP exam.
  2. To establish and maintain effective Pre-AP/AP vertical teams from the middle school to the high school level in each discipline where a high school offers an AP course.
  3. To develop in house AP experts by having a minimum of 3 AP teachers per year per campus apply to be AP readers (this number is above and does not include AP Spanish Language and/or AP Spanish Literature teachers who are already AP readers or become AP readers).
  4. To ensure that after three years of development and implementation of campus vertical teams, Pre-AP/AP vertical alignment be District wide.
  5. To implement, maintain, and enhance Pre-AP/AP curriculums that are already developed.
  6. To develop curriculums in the areas where no aligned curriculum exists.
  7. To have an approved College Board syllabus for every AP teacher.
  8. To have every Pre-AP/AP teacher be a registered member of the College Board/AP Central web sites and to utilize the information and data available to teachers.
  9. To have every Pre-AP/AP teacher meet the District training requirements.
  10. To implement the program whereby every secondary campus will utilize AP Potential to identify additional AP courses to offer and students to participate in the Pre-AP/AP program.
  11. To ensure every secondary campus will use the AP On-line Score Reports to analyze strengths and areas for growth in their campus programs.
  12. To secure proper rigor in each Pre-AP/AP course offered and to ensure the monitoring of rigor by secondary campus principals and central office administrative staff will insure proper rigor is in each Pre-AP/AP course offered.


Campuses will create vertical teams for each subject where an AP exam is offered. Each team will consist of Pre-AP and AP teachers who teach classes that align to the AP exam offered.

Vertical teams are required to:

  1. Meet once per six weeks. Teams must meet for a minimum of one hour.
  2. Annually analyze student performance on each AP exam and use the information to guide and direct their strategies for meeting all the stated BISD goals and objectives.
  3. Develop strategies to use in the Pre-AP courses to better prepare students for the AP course.
  4. Implement, maintain, and/or enhance Pre-AP/AP curriculums already in place.
  5. Develop Pre-AP/AP vertically aligned curriculums where none exist.
  6. Become members of the College Board at the AP Central web site.
  7. Utilize all information and data available on the College Board web site to enhance their programs.
  8. Work with campus AP Chair and administration to achieve all the stated BISD goals and objectives.
  1. Each campus will select a Pre-AP/AP Chair
  2. Criteria
  3. Minimum 3 years experience teaching AP level classes
  4. Must have core GT and AP hours
  5. Must maintain 6 yearly ongoing credit hours for GT and AP
  6. Must be an academic leader, with knowledge of College Board and AP procedure
  1. Purpose
  2. To work with Advanced Academics on enhancing campus program
  3. To ensure that all AP teachers has approved syllabi with the College Board
  4. To create campus vertical teams in each core subject area
  5. To lead campus vertical team meetings
  6. To ensure that all campus Pre-AP/AP teachers have College Board log-ins and understand how to use the web site to improve their classes and scores
  7. To understand and utilize AP Potential
  8. To understand and utilize the AP performance data that is available on line for each campus
  9. To ensure that all Pre-AP and AP teachers have their institute training and are up to date with on-going training each year
  10. To work with campus administration toward creating an environment that utilizes on-going assessment of the entire campus Pre-AP/AP program
  11. To nominate a minimum of 3 AP teachers per year to become AP readers
  12. To ensure all District required paperwork is in place for each Pre-AP/AP student (Annual Application, Contract, and Placement Review Form if applicable)
  1. Campus Administration will work toward increasing both the number of students participating in the Pre-AP/AP program and the number of students achieving passing scores on the AP exam, and ensure successful administration of the AP exam.
  2. Create a Pre-AP/AP campus culture through
  3. Creating standalone Pre-AP/AP courses
  4. Insuring District student placement procedures are followed
  5. Identifying additional AP courses that can be offered through the utilization of AP Potential
  6. Monitoring of Pre-AP/AP teachers through walk-throughs and use of the AP syllabi – a minimum of 2 walk-throughs per semester
  7. Allowing Pre-AP/AP teachers the time to work with the campus AP Chair in the creation of subject area vertical teams
  8. Understanding and utilizing the AP performance data available for each campus per AP exam
  9. Ensuring that every Pre-AP/AP teacher has attended the appropriate summer institute
  10. Monitoring and requiring all Pre-AP/AP teachers earn their yearly on-going training
  11. Encouraging all AP teachers to become AP readers
  12. Understanding, educating, and monitoring all Pre-AP/AP teachers on the use of rigor in the Pre-AP/AP courses
  13. Utilizing the Pre-AP/AP walk-through form as part of the teacher’s evaluation process
  1. Each Pre-AP/AP teacher will participate in all activities necessary to improve each school overall Pre-AP/AP program and student performance on AP exams
  2. This includes
  3. Participating in campus vertical team meetings
  4. Knowing and understanding student expectations to be successful on each AP exam (by subject area taught)
  5. Teaching all Pre-AP/AP classes at the appropriate level and rigor
  6. Helping to create effective campus and subject area vertical teams
  7. Becoming familiar and utilizing all materials available on-line at the College Board web site
  8. Staying up to date in training (It is recommended that all AP teachers attend a summer institute at least once every 3 years)
  9. Staying up to date on changes in the AP exams
  10. Applying for and becoming AP readers
  11. Understanding and implementing the components of rigor at all times
  12. Self monitoring of student performance on the AP exams
  13. Creating an environment and expectation of high achievement from their students in both the Pre-AP/AP course and on the AP exam
  14. Working with district colleagues to improve the overall campus and district Pre-AP/AP program.

Time Line

Time Line Continued

Time Line Continued

Campus Checklist

Expectation / In Place / Documentation
All Pre-AP/AP teachers have summer institute training in the subject area they are teaching. / Documentation collected by Dean and submitted to Advanced Academics
All Pre-AP/AP teachers have on-going hours / Documentation submitted to Advanced Academics by teacher
All Pre-AP/AP teachers are members of the College Board website / Documentation collected by campus chair and submitted to Advanced Academics
All Pre-AP/AP teachers have District required paperwork in place for each student:
1)Pre-AP/AP Annual Application
2)Pre-AP/AP Contract
3)AP Test Commitment Form / Pre-AP/AP Application –Collected by counselor and place in student’s file
Pre-AP/AP contract – Collected by teacher and kept in file
AP Test Commitment Form – Collected by teacher and saved in student’s file
There is no double coding in any Pre-AP/AP courses / Campus Master Schedule – submitted to Advanced Academics
Campus has utilized AP Potential in identifying students and courses for the campus / AP Chairsubmits print out to Advance Academics
Campus has analyzed AP results from previous year to prepare for upcoming year / Sign-in sheets from meetings – submit to Advanced Academics
Teachers are teaching at the appropriate rigor for a Pre-AP/AP course / Walk through forms
All AP teachers have an approved syllabus through the AP Audit / College Board Audit Web page – information collected by Advanced Academics
Every campus has a Pre-AP/AP Chair / Names submitted to Advanced Academics
Every campus has at least three teachers who have submitted their applications to the College Board to become AP Readers (not including the Spanish AP Language/Literature teacher(s)) / Copies of applications collected by campus chair and submitted to Advanced Academics
Campus vertical teams per subject area are in place / Campus chair submits teams to Advanced Academics
Campus vertical teams are meeting at least once per six-weeks / Sign-in sheets collected by campus chair and submitted to Advanced Academics
All AP students who have signed the AP Test Commitment form take the AP exam / AP Invoice submitted to Advanced Academics

Campus Name:______

Principal’s Signature:______

Campus Pre-AP/AP Chair’s Signature:______

Date Due: This form is due to Advanced Academics when the campus submits its AP Invoice to Advanced Academic. Received by:______

Pre-AP/AP Walk -Through Form


 Objective on boardWhat is the learning objective?______

Classroom arrangement:  Individual Pairs Small Group Whole Group

Note: 0 = Not observed, 1 = < 50%, 2 = > 50%

Teacher Behavior / 0 / 1 / 2 / Student Behavior / 0 / 1 / 2
Teacher as facilitator: / Engaged Student
Engages all students / Students are engaged in class work
Student- centered classroom / Students feel freedom to ask questions
Does not answer student questions but leads students to discover own answers / Students participate in classroom discussion and/or activity at appropriate level
Asks appropriate questions to lead students to discover their own answers / Students are able to make their own deductions and formulate their own opinions based on teacher feedback
Discussions/Activities are at the higher end of Bloom’s Taxonomy (analysis, synthesis, evaluation) / Students demonstrate the ability to work at the high end of Bloom’s taxonomy through their discussion and work
Teaching with appropriate rigor is evident: / Student is able to work at the appropriate rigor:
Content acquisition / Content acquisition
Critical/Analytical Thinking / Critical/Analytical Thinking
Relevance / Relevance
Integration / Integration
Application of concepts / Application of concepts
Long term retention / Long term retention
Teacher is following the AP approved curriculum: / Student is able to effectively work with the AP approved curriculum:
Teacher has an approved curriculum from the College Board / Students understand the expectations during the lesson
Teacher is following the approved curriculum / Students are able to successfully work within the parameters of the AP curriculum
There is an emphasis on critical thinking and analysis during the class time / Students exhibit critical thinking and analysis during the class time
There is evidence of critical/analytical writing / Students writing demonstrate critical and analytical thinking in their writing
Observers’ Signature:______

Brownsville Independent School District

Annual Application for Admission into Pre-AP/AP Program

Student Name:Grade:

Student ID#:Parent’s Name:


City, State, Zip Code:

Home Phone:Work Phone:

Pre-Advanced Placement/ Advanced Placement Courses Applied For:





Parent’s Signature

Student must meet the following criteria in order to be placed in the Brownsville ISD Pre-AP/AP Program:

Have at least an 80 average from the most recent grade (First Semester average) in the specific academic discipline for a non-Pre-AP/AP class or have passed the previous Pre-AP/AP class in the specific academic discipline with at least an70 average.

  • 1st Semester Subject Average: English:_____ Reading:_____ Math:_____Soc. Stu: _____ Sci:_____

The student must have achieved Level II - Satisfactory performance in the STAAR areas tested to date.

  • Current STAAR/EOC Scores:English:_____ Reading:_____ Math:_____ Soc. Stu: _____ Sci:_____

Alternate route to Pre-AP/AP admission: Letter of recommendation by the campus administrator.

At the beginning of the course, the student and their parents will sign the district Pre-AP/AP Program Expectations and Course Agreement. The Agreement will be secured and maintained by the teacher of record.

Brownsville ISD, Department of Advanced Academic Services

Brownsville Independent School District

Letter of recommendation by the campus administrator

(Alternate Route to Pre-AP/AP Admission)

I, , am writing this letter of

(Write name and position)

recommendation for so that he/she may be placed in the

(Student’s name)

following Pre-AP/AP class(es) for grade for the ______school year .

I understand that the student did not meet the 80 or above average to be automatically placed in the class(es); however, I feel that he/she will be successful in the Pre-AP/AP classes specified above.


Campus Administrator Signature Campus

Brownsville ISD, Department of Advanced Academic Services

Brownsville Independent School District

Pre-Advanced / Advanced Placement (AP)

Program Expectations and Course Agreement

Course Title:

Pre-AP/AP courses challenge and enrich motivated college-bound students to expand their education beyond the typical secondary program. Pre-AP and AP coursework develops advanced skills and content background to prepare students for the college level work in Advanced Placement (AP) courses and on AP exams. Success requires student commitment to the expectations of the Pre-AP/AP program. Students will be expected to:

  • Learn, analyze, synthesize and manipulate knowledge and skills; think critically;
  • Budget time effectively and efficiently: expect homework daily per course;
  • Develop effective study skills;
  • Develop advanced content area vocabulary;
  • Utilize community and industry resources;
  • Develop multi-media and oral presentation skills; and
  • Maintain a passing grade of 70. A 60% grade for UIL eligibility does not constitute a passing grade for Pre-AP/AP.

It shall be understood that success also requires support from all stakeholders: students, parents, administrators, teachers and counselors.

STUDENT: I agree to organize my time and give extra effort to successfully complete the above-named Pre-AP/AP course. I have read the course description and agree to the requirements of the class.

PARENT: I agree to be familiar with the above Pre-AP/AP course requirements and to help my son/daughter organize study time in support of class assignments. I will notify the teacher immediately of any concern that I have relating to the Pre-AP/AP class or my child’s progress. I have read the course description and agree to the requirements of the class.

TEACHER: I agree to teach the above Pre-AP/AP course at a college preparatory pace appropriate to the grade level as outlined by the College Board. Students and parents will be notified immediately if student work and/or assessments are unsatisfactory.

PLACEMENT: In order to be placed in the Brownsville ISD Pre-AP/AP program students must: (1) have at least an 80 average from the most recent grade in the specific academic discipline for a non-Pre-AP/AP class or have passed the previous Pre-AP/AP class in the specific academic discipline, and (2) have passed all STAAR areas tested to date. Student performance will be evaluated at the end of the first and fourth six weeks to determine if Pre-AP/AP is the best placement for the student.


HONOR CODE: The class will be conducted under an honor code. All students will be expected to do their own work. Occasionally, students will be given projects or exams that must be completed outside of class. If a student breaks this code, it may result in the student’s removal from the course.

TEST PARTICIPATION:Students enrolled in AP classes are required to sign an AP Exam Commitment Form per AP course.

Required Signatures:






Brownsville ISD, Department of Advanced Academic Services

Brownsville Independent School District

AP Exam Commitment Form

(High School)

For students who are taking AP courses.

There should be one form per AP course taken per student on file.

Students enrolled in an AP course will be required to take the AP exam. However, the following options for AP students regarding grade weight, GPA, and exam expectations are available to Brownsville Independent School District students.

There should be one form on file for each student enrolled in an AP course. This means one form per student per course. It is the AP teacher’s responsibility to make sure these forms are filled out and signed. It is the counselor’s responsibility to make sure any changes in GPA, grade weights, and/or class ranking due to the student’s choice and/or performance on the AP exam are reflected on the student’s schedule, transcript and permanent record.

Completed forms are due to the teacher by the last day of the first six-weeks of a school year. Any student who is enrolled in an AP course and does not return the completed form by the stated deadline will automatically be dropped on that day.

Any changes in grade weights and class ranking will occur after July 30th when final AP results have been received by the campus and/or the District.

Grade weight and class ranking considerations:

  • All AP classes will be given a Level 3 grade weight.
  • Students taking the AP course and the AP exam will receive a level 3 course number and grade weight for GPA and class ranking purposes.
  • Any freshman, sophomore, or junior who passes the AP exam with a score of 3, 4, or 5 will receive a Level 4 grade weight for the AP course. The level change will occur after AP results are received by the campus and/or the District. This includes students who challenge the AP exam without having been enrolled in the AP course.

** A $15.00 deposit is required in order to have an AP Test(s) ordered. This fee will be reimbursed once the AP Test(s) are taken in May. The $15.00 deposit will be forfeited if the AP Test(s) are not taken. Students are responsible for requesting a refund after the AP Test(s) are taken. The $15.00 deposit will be forfeited if not requested by the last class day.