Instructor Mentorship Program
Statement of Interest
SAMPLE 1 (approx. 250 words)
Teaching is both intensely public and intensely solitary. My students see the public part of my work every day, but there is so much more to teaching than being in the classroom.
Being part of the instructor mentorship program would be a wonderful support as I continue to develop as an instructor. I am just starting into my [insert # months or # year] of teaching in [name of program(s) and department(s), courses taught in program(s), etc.]
I love teaching and investing in my students; I want to be an excellent teacher. Being a protégé would help me to make sense of some of the more solitary parts of the job, the things that I am more often unsure about. A mentor would give me some insight into what goes on behind the scenes for other teachers — how they prep, mark, plan, and stay organized.
Reflection is such an important part of teaching. I am constantly asking myself what is working and what isn’t—it would be great to add another, more experienced, voice to this conversation. I’ve heard that new instructors have just three years to set their classroom habits. I hope to teach for many years, and am keen to develop strong, healthy habits now. My hope is to be the kind of teacher that challenges and inspires my students to reach excellence in their work and in their lives.
[Name of Instructor Protégé
Program and School
Email / Telephone Number]
SAMPLE 2 (approx. 227 words)
I want the best for my students. I sincerely want to see them excel and thrive, both in their studies at Red River College and in their careers in industry. However, I could use some assistance getting them there, and I believe one-to-one mentoring from a veteran instructor would help.
As a brand-new instructor in the [name of program] this year, teaching in my area of expertise [or insert subject area], I am very aware of what it takes to be successful in industry. In addition to the knowledge, skills and abilities, professionalism, persistence and work ethic are key to being viewed as a solid employee.It is one thing for me to stand in front of my students and tell them these things - it’s entirely another to try and teach it. Although I have a few ideas of how to go about this, if selected for the Instructor Mentoring Program, I hope to learn the tools to help me try to instill these attributes in my students through lessons and assignments.
My colleagues have been nothing short of amazing in helping the ‘new guy’ out with advice and tips, but their time is limited and opportunities to have lengthier, more in-depth discussions about how we do what we do and why aren’t always possible. Having a go-to mentor would be invaluable in helping me help my students.
[Name of Instructor Protégé
Program and School
Email / Telephone Number]