Lakeview Elementary
March 3, 2016 PTO Meeting
In Attendance:
Tibor Burany, (co-President)Christina Hrdi, (co-Vice President)
Alyson Eisch (Principal)Mrs. Rux (2nd grade teacher)
Mrs. Maule (2nd grade teacher)Mrs. Mlachnik (2nd grade teacher)
Lesley Thielke, (Treasurer)Allison Anschutz, (co-Secretary)
Kim Bohman
Opening: Tibor Burany opened the meeting at 6:02 pm
Reading of Minutes: Waived. Tibor Burany made a motion to waive the minutes. Lesley Thielke seconds the motion. The motion passed.
Principal Report: Mrs. Eisch was present and showed the PTO the Spark bags that have not been in use. PTO told her to go ahead and use for whatever she feels they can be used for. Mrs. Eisch stated they will most likely be used for summer reading. School Sports Pictures is the picture group doing school pictures next year. Kindergarten and 1st grade teachers are interested in new tables for their classrooms next year. The tables are $194.00 apiece. Each classroom needs 4. Mrs. Eisch is wondering if the PTO would be interested in donating money towards the tables; sharing half the cost or all the cost. Mrs. Humke is doing the Campbell’s Soup labels program. After this school year the program ends. The Studer Education Survey is being sent out to all parents.
Teacher Report: Mrs. Rux, Mrs. Maule and Mrs. Mlachnik, the 2nd grade teachers were present for the meeting. The teachers thanked the PTO for the money towards the bussing for the field trips.
Treasurers Report:Lesley Thielke went over the February 2016 Treasurer’s Report.
Treasurer’s Report February 2016
Current Balance as of 3/1/2016 $10, 796.19
Pending Deposits $0.00
Pending Disbursements $5,312.33
Available Funds $16,108.52
Balance on Hand 2/01/2016 $15,779.23
Deposit $436.00
Total Income $436.00
02/06/2016 ck#5181 Chrissy Hrdi-Family Game Night $109.02
02/04/2016 ck#5182 Gary Schuster-Babysitting $15.00
02/04/2016 ck#5183Kinter-Babysitting $15.00
02/04/2016 ck#5184Allison Anschutz-Water for Game Night $34.11
02/25/2016 ck#5185 Country Springs $256.00
02/25/2016 ck#5186VOID $0.00
02/25/2016 ck#5187 MNSD-Gifted Money for Specials $4,961.00
Music $1,722.00, PE $1,600.00, Art $1,638.78
02/27/2016 ck#5188 Bins $61.22
Total Expenses $5,451.35
Balance on Hand 02/29/16 $10,796.19
New Business
- Movie Night: Attendance for the night was 100 people. The district has a movie license so it will not be necessary for the PTO to purchase a movie license.
- Splash for Cash: Lesley Thielke stated that 25 people attended the Country Springs. $125.00 was earned. The PTO feels this event should be discontinued due to low attendance rate.
- Book Fair: The book fair will be in the library. March 10th the books arrive and March 11th will be the set up day. Susan Shipley will be the chairperson for the book fair.
- Family Fun Night: Kim Bohman will be the Chair person for this event. Karen Torbeck will help organize the school portion of the event. Chrissy Hrdi will organize the raffle basket part of the event. There will be a sign up at conferences for volunteers. Bounce house may not be allowed in the district due to liability, will need insurance form for bounce house.
- Staff Appreciation Night:Susan Shipley will chair and organize the meal portion of the event. A chair is needed for the event portion. PTO will follow up with Susan Shipley.
- Dragon Nation Spirit Wear: Order forms to be sent home 3/17. Orders will be ready after spring break.
- Dragon Painting: Flyers for the event will go home the end of March and will be limited to 15 spots.
- Restaurant Night: Kim Bohman was present and stated Chipotle will be cancelled for February and will not reschedule. Cousins seemed disappointed with the turn out, but will reward the top class to participate with a pizza party. March 23rd from 4-8 will be Kelly’s Bleachers, 20% and food only. April will be Culvers.
- Board Elections: Seeking nominees, elections will be in May and transfer in June. Tibor Burany and Gary Schuster co-presidents, Jen Leto and Allison Anschutz co-secretariesare all up for the end of their term.
- Tax Filing: It was posted on Facebook and there were no hits regarding someone helping. The PTO will try to go with someone locally. Tax ID # is needed so the PTO can have Insurance.
- Scholarship: Forms are online on the High School website and on Facebook. They are available for submission.
- Box Tops: This has been discontinued as no one was recording and sending in.
Raffle Basket: Chrissy Hrdi stated that Mrs. Rux and Mrs. Sander class still need helpers for the baskets. One basket per grade.
- After School Activity:Chrissy Hrdi stated there is a Martial Arts class that does after school events and would need the gym. This would pose a conflict with Lots for Tots. They offer 2 nights a week for 2 weeks or 1 night a week for 4 weeks. Martial Arts do all for free and all proceeds go directly to the PTO.
Upcoming Month in a Glance
- Skating Night 3/11
- Birthday Table 3/15
- Book Fair 3/16 & 3/23
- Bowling Night TBD Kristina Kucharas signed up to chair the event.
- PTO Meeting 4/7
Meeting Adjourned: Tibor Buranymade a motion to adjourn the meeting. Allison Anschutz seconds the motion. The motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.
Minutes Compiled By: Allison Anschutz, Co-Secretary