Budleigh Salterton Medical Centre

Patient Group


NHS 111 - NHS 111 free phone service is now up and running locally. It has been set up to try and prevent people with non-life-threatening medical problems trying to access medical advice through the 999 emergency service.
111 is aimed to help those who need medical advice fast and are unable to wait until their surgery is next open (eg: you or your child becomes ill overnight or at the weekend; you think you need to go to A&E or need another NHS urgent care service; you need health information or reassurance about what to do).
Locally NHS 111 will feed into DDOCs and you will be contacted by a local GP if NHS 111 are unable to resolve the problem over the telephone. Dial 111 from any telephone for further advice.
DEVON DOCTORS ON CALL (DDOC) - If you ring 111 and it is felt you need to see a doctor urgently but the problem is not life threatening, your call will be triaged and a local GP will call you back as soon as possible.
Depending on the nature of the problem, they will deal with this either by telephone or face to face at a local treatment centre (usually Exmouth Hospital for Budleigh patients). As from 10th March you can only contact DDOCs via 111.
WHEN TO DIAL 999 - If someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk, this is an emergency and you MUST call 999 for an ambulance. Examples of medical emergencies include (but are not limited to): chest pain; difficulty in breathing; unconsciousness; severe loss of blood; severe burns or scalds; choking; fitting or concussion; drowning; severe allergic reactions.
Dr Ben Hallmark
Patients are urged to be vigilant to the increasing number of scams targeting older and vulnerable groups in the community. The growing incidents of scams involving older people is putting many seniors at risk, threatening to strip them of their assets, their independence and their trust. Older people are vulnerable targets for criminals who regularly devise new schemes to attempt to steal their valuables; whether it is their money, their identity, or their property.
In the UK, scam marketing, which includes the use of the internet, phones and post, makes up the largest proportion of fraud. Between 2012 and 2013, over 1 million UK adults sent money in reply to unsolicited communications and just under half of these were defrauded as a result, costing UK individuals an estimated £3.5 billion in total.
The impact of scams and fraud on the elderly is significant:
·  Emotional Distress
·  Inability to recover Financially
·  Loss of Independence
·  Poor Self Esteem
1)  Never give any personal information on the phone, particularly on a phone call that you did not initiate. Scammers will pretend to be calling from your bank or other official organisation.
2)  NEVER give a PIN number to anyone
3)  NEVER send a cheque in response to a prize claim
4)  Only send cheques to charities that have been verified as genuine
5)  Make sure that your computer has up to date anti-virus software
6)  Do not open attachments or respond to emails from people you do not know or did not expect to receive. They may contain viruses that can steal your personal details.
FREE local workshops on Senior Fraud Protection are being organised by Home Instead 01395 200600
A number of our patients have advised they are unsure which days which GPs are available. This is the “usual” rota but obviously this can change due to holiday, sickness, essential training etc.
Dr Richard Mejzner
Dr Simon Franklin
Dr Ben Hallmark
Dr Karen Heaney
Dr Tania Davis
Dr Helen Parkes
Dr Helen Catterick / Monday, Thursday, Friday
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Wednesday, Thursday
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday am
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday pn
Tuesday, Thursday
As a practice we see everyone who wishes to be seen on the day they have contacted us. What we are not able to do is guarantee which doctors are available as demand varies so much from day to day.
With planning under way for the development of a new Health and Well-Being Hub at Budleigh Salterton Hospital, the NEW Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (the local NHS) have asked Healthwatch Devon to carry out a consultation with younger people in the Budleigh Salterton area to ensure that the Well-being Hub meets younger people’s needs as well as the older sections of the community.
Younger People, under the age of 25, are encouraged to complete a short survey online which will help identify their concerns and wishes for health and social care needs. The survey will also help identify any specific needs which could be accommodated at the well-being hub for younger people such as community events or youth activities. Take part in the survey and you will be entered into a prize draw to win £40 in shopping vouchers.
Younger people have specific health and social care needs and the community hub could help with advice, information and clinics on sexual health, employment, depression, bullying, self-harm, allergies, pregnancy, drugs, alcohol abuse, eating disorders, healthy life-style plus much more.
Parents of younger children are also encouraged to complete the survey with their children so that commissioners and local GP’s can better appreciate the needs and wishes across all age groups in the community.

To take part in the online survey, please visit the website http://goo.gl/UFpHZ6 or scan the QR code with you smart phone for instant access to the survey. Please respond by 31st May 2014.
Only one entry per person
Date: Wednesday, 4th June 2014 @ 6.30pm
Venue: Public Hall, Station Road, Budleigh Salterton
Followed by guest speakers from FORCE and Hospiscare
FORCE: Cancer Charity providing support for anyone affected by cancer. Runs a purpose built Support and Information Centre based in its own grounds at the RD&E Hospital in Exeter.
HOSPISCARE: Charity providing high-quality care and dedicated support to people who are terminally ill. Local Hospiscare nurses operate from the Budleigh Salterton Medical Centre.
The Patient Participation Group (PPG) is currently looking to recruit 2 new committee members who must be patients of the practice. Preferable the new members should be representatives from outside of the town centre (eg, Otterton, Colaton Raleigh etc). The reason for this is that the PPG Constitution states that we should have at least 2 members who are non-residents of Budleigh Salterton.
The voluntary post holder need have no previous experience, simply an interest in the development and on-going changes to their medical centre. Meetings are held every other month on a Friday.
The latest audit to see if Memory Café is meeting the needs of its members highlighted that for the majority of people we are which was excellent news.
94-100% ofmembers found the various activities enjoyable, with 88% feeling we had the right number ofguest speakersand 94% feelingthat theywere relevant. 94% of members found the staff approachable and were happy with the refreshments! Two people commented that they wanted the Memory Café to continue with two others wanting it to run weekly rather than fortnightly. An additional person noted that we were doing a good job!
We would like to stress that if members are unable to be left unattended at home for two hours, then they will also need to be accompanied to the Memory Café as we not able to offer respite. Memory Café numbers have increased over the last year which means staff are unable to offer one to one supervision.
We are always looking for volunteers either as background help in the kitchen or front of house so if you are able to help then please contact either myself or Diane on 01395 441212.
To raise funds there is now a 50p book sale at the surgery reception. This is very popular with waiting-room patients and consequently we have a high turnover of books – replenishments would be greatly appreciated!
Sophie Carmody, Practice Nurse
Are you worried about your memory? Do you care for someone with memory problems?
Come and meet new people and play games and quizzes in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm (every other Friday) - Venue: Budleigh Salterton Football Club
Budleigh Salterton Football Club, Greenway Lane, Budleigh Salterton (Free Parking)
For all enquiries please phone Sophie or Diane on 01395 441212