Beach Lifeguard
for the 2017 BathingSeason
All candidates will be required to undergo a practical water
and theory test conducted by Examiners nominated by Irish
Water Safety on Saturday, 25th March at 11am at the Waterford
Crystal Sports Centre.
Applicants shall be not less than 17 years of age on Saturday, 25th March 2017. In order to be considered for employment applicants must submit a current Irish Water Safety National Beach Lifeguard Award or equivalent as recognised by theInternational Lifesaving Federation (I.L.S) or submit written confirmation that you have recently passed and are awaiting the Beach Lifeguard Award Certificate by no later than 4pm on Friday, 21st April.
The Garda Vetting Process will be carried out in respect
of all applicants and the Garda Vetting Form must be
completed by every candidate at application stage.Parent/Guardian consentform should only be completed in respect of candidatesunder the age of 18.
Application forms and further particulars can be downloaded from our website at or obtained from Claire Flavin, Human Resources Department, Waterford City and County Council, Civic Office, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.
Closing date for receipt of applications is
4pm on Friday, 24th February 2017
Waterford City & County Council
is an equal opportunities employer.
Application Form for Employment as
Beach Lifeguard/MaorSnámh– 2017 Season
The latest date for accepting completed applications is 4.00p.m. onFriday, 24th February 2017 . Please post the application in sufficient time to ensure delivery by that time. It is essential that adequate replies be furnished to all questions on this application form. Misleading statements will render an applicant liable to disqualification. Completed Garda Vetting Forms with Parental/Guardian Consent where necessary must also be returned with this Application Form.
1.Name in full (Block Letters)______
2.Address (Block Letters)______
3.Telephone/Mobile Number*______
4.Email address*______
4.Date of Birth______
5. Place of Birth______
6.Education Details
DatesFrom To / Name of School / Examination / Results
7.Give details of your swimming/life-saving qualification(s) as well as First Aid, VHF Radio and Boat competency.
Please attach documentary proof – photocopies not acceptable, all shall be returned to you.
Please attach original birth certificate which will be photocopied and returned to you.
Year of Award / Awarding Agency / Examination / Result8.Are you in good health and free from any physical defect? ______
If not, please give brief details ______
9.Is your colour vision normal? ______
If not, please give details of any defect ______
10.Is your eyesight normal without contact lenses or glasses? ______
If not, state form of correction used ______
11.Below give full particulars of all your previous employment to date or experience relating to swimming and/or lifesaving.
From To
/Name and Address of Employer
/Type of Employment
12.What is your current occupation? ______
13.If offered appointment when could you take up duty? ______
14Proposed leave/holidays which you intend taking______
15.REFERENCES:- Give below the names of two responsible people to whom you are well known, but not related.
Name / NameOccupation / Occupation
Address / Address
I, the undersigned, hereby declare all the foregoing particulars to be true.
Signature of Applicant ______Date ______
Note: The completed Application Form and Garda Vetting Form should be forwarded to
Beach Lifeguard,Human Resources Section, Civic Offices, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford
on or before 4pm on Friday, 24th February 2017
* E mail & Mobile Number are Mandatory – Please Complete above.
Waterford County Council
Candidates shall be of good character.
Candidates shall be over 17 years of age on 25th March, 2017.
In order to be considered for employment applicants must submit a current Irish Water Safety National Beach Lifeguard Award or equivalent as recognised by the International Lifesaving Federation (I.L.S) or submit written confirmation that you have recently passed and are awaiting the Beach Lifeguard Award Certificate by no later than 4pm on Friday, 21st April.
Have thorough knowledge of resuscitation including Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation.
4.Garda Vetting
Applicants are required to undergo Garda Vetting. (Parental consent required for Under 18s).
Candidates will be required to display a proficiency in resuscitation, swimming ability and rescue techniques in oral and practical tests. Waterford City & County Council will not be responsible for the payment of any expenses incurred by the candidates in presenting themselves for this practical test. All successful candidates will be required to undergo an interview. Appointment will be made in order of merit from the combined results. Overall result will be weighted 70/30 in favour of performance at practical water and theory test.
(i)Candidates must be free from any defects or diseases, which would render them unsuitable to hold the position, and be in a good state of health.
(ii)For the purposes of satisfying this requirement, it will be necessary for all candidates who are successful at the practical test to undergo a medical examination at their own expense before being appointed. The Local Authority may nominate the medical practitioner. Visionary or other defects must be rectified before appointment.
7.The employment is part-time and non-pensionable and is for the Summer 2017 season only.
8.Hours of Work
Your normal hours of work will be from 11a.m. to 7p.m., 6 days per week with a requirement to work EVERY WEEK-END AND BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY (Hours subject to change).
9.Rate of Pay
Your rate of pay will be €500 per week, based on a 42 hour week.
10.Successful candidates may be required to undertake other duties from time to time, such duties being reasonably consistent with the position of Lifeguard.
11.You will be required to present at 10.00a.m. one morning per week to facilitate training and up-skilling.
12.Any leave/holiday which you propose taking during the lifeguarding season MUST be documented at time of submission of this form. This may be approved/disapproved at the discretion of Waterford City & County Council. Leave/Holidays not documented at time of application will not be considered and any such leave taken may result in suspension/termination of position.
- General/Skills – Candidates must achieve 50% in this Section
(a)General aspects of safe Lifeguarding (Written Paper)
(b)Practical BLS Skills
Maximum Mark for (a) and (b) (65)
- Swim
200m timed freestyle swim in less than 4 minutes. Start in water with canbuoy/rescue tube and no tumbleturns.
Marks are allocated from a maximum of 45 to a minimum of 1 dependent on time taken to complete the swim.
Candidates finishing outside of the 4 minutes are deemed to have failed Section B
- Pool Assessment – Candidates must achieve 50% in this Section
- 100m tow with canbuoy/rescue tube
- 25-meter approach, release and 25 meter carry (Front Double)
- 25-meter approach, release and 25 meter carry (Rear Double)
- Spinal Injury management in shallow water (splint or clamp)
- Underwater search, locate and pick up submerged manikin, exchange at surface for subjectandadminister deep water resuscitation for 10 m.
Maximum Mark Pool Assessment (105)