THTR 209- Theatre Practicum

Great Basin College

Spring 2012

Instructor: Christine Young-Gerber

Office:MH 126


Phone: 775-753-2183

Office Hours: MWF 12-2:50pm, T 10am-12pm, TR by appointment

Location: GBC Theatre

Meeting Times: MWF 3-7:30pm (Some Saturdays)

Performances: March 15, 16, 17 @ 7:30pm, March 18 at 2:30pm

Please note: This syllabus is tentative and subject to change.


THTR 209 Theatre Practicum

Course Catalogue Description:

Performance and production of plays for GBC’s Little Theatre season.

Required Texts and Materials:

Urinetown. Librettos will be furnished by the school.

You may be asked to provide costume pieces such as shoes, stage makeup, and hair dressing.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

  • Be able to analyze a script for pertinent information.
  • Be able to analyze a character for performance or create an appropriate technical run list.
  • Perform in or provide technical support for a play in the GBC Little Theatre season.
  • Learn teamwork and communication skills pertinent to theatre and other occupations.

Outcomes will be met through:

  • Rehearsing for the play
  • Performing the play

Communication Skills-Strong

Students will analyze scripts, songs, and their character for pertinent information relating to performance- through rehearsal, discussion, and written analyses.

Critical Thinking Skills-Moderate

Students will work together to create an ensemble and will recognize how their specific part fits into the whole- through rehearsal and performance.

Personal and Cultural Awareness-Strong

Through the play rehearsal, performance, and set building, students will gain an appreciation of the components of play production. They will also recognize how they specifically fit into the ensemble- through rehearsal and performance.

Method of Instruction:

Instruction will include discussion, rehearsal, and performance. Some written work.

Cell Phone Policy:

Cell phones must be turned off before class and left off during class. Neither phoning nor text messaging is permitted.

ADA Statement:

Great Basin College is committed to providing equal education opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The Students with Disabilities Office, located in Berg Hall, will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services. For more information or further assistance, please call 775.753.2271.

If this applies, please provide me with the appropriate documentation during the first week of class. Do not wait until the final.

Participation and Attendance:

Participation and attendance is required and mandatory.

Missing rehearsal (not already noted as a conflict) without checking with the director will result in your role being recast.

Being late for rehearsal more than once will result in your role being recast.

Early= On Time. On Time= Late.

Classroom Behavior and Studio Policies:

Instructors have the responsibility to set and maintain standards of classroom behavior appropriate to the discipline and method of teaching. Students may not engage in any activity that the instructor deems disruptive or counterproductive to the goals of the class. Cell phones are a nuisance and are not to be brought to the classroom. Instructors have the right to remove offending students from class. Repetition of the offense may result in expulsion from the course.

What this means:

  • There are no excuses. I will listen to reasons for absences, inability to complete work, etc. but ultimately in theatre, there are no excuses. Do the work, attend the class, or don’t. It’s a choice.
  • Turn off all cell phones, iPods, computers, and any additional objects I have not listed and put them away in a place that is not your pocket. The only exception is the use of a digital recorder to record your work.
  • Rehearsal ends at the time listed on the schedule. Please refrain from packing up before then.
  • Please be quiet and attentive while others are performing/working. Extend others the same courtesy you would have extended to you. Disruptions while others are working will not be tolerated.
  • Acting is a continuous effort. Therefore, these exercises are not meant to be instantly successful. They must be practiced and integrated into daily life for them to work. Often, we will not revisit earlier exercises in class; therefore, you should be practicing them on your own.
  • Please wear clothing in which you can move comfortably and modestly. Also, please wear clothing you don’t mind getting a little dirty.
  • Obsessive critical thinking is deadly. Purge those thoughts immediately! In other words, please don’t compare your work, performance, ability with others’. This is not a competition.
  • If you didn’t see it with your own eyes or hear it with your own ears, don’t invent it with your small mind and share it with your big mouth. In other words, we all have to work together. We’re adults. Get along or get out.

Graded Activities:

Rehearsal and performance. Be aware that tardiness will lower final grades, provided the role has not been recast.

Grade Scale:












FLess than 60%