DATE: 3-29-11PREPARED BY: Jonathan Bennett



LENGTH: One Semester


Seventh grade health focuses on the student and his/her relationship with others. Subject material and activities will focus on mental and health, social health, communication skill, problem solving and decision-making skills, violence prevention/conflict resolution, drug prevention (Project STAR), and drug education. In addition, students will study the body systems in preparation for the course of study in 9th and 10th grades.


  2. Mental Health: (12 classes)
  1. what is mental health?
  2. building positive self-esteem
  3. understanding emotions
  4. managing stress
  5. mental disorders
  6. sources of help
  1. Social Health: (7 classes)
  1. building healthy relationships
  2. developing communication skills
  1. Project STAR: (15 classes)
  1. Techniques to say no
  2. resisting negative peer pressure
  3. use of alcohol
  4. advertising influences
  5. anger and its consequences
  6. de-escalating anger
  1. Wellness and the Body Systems: (40 classes)
  1. nervous system
  2. circulatory system
  3. respiratory system
  4. skeletal system
  5. muscular system
  6. digestive system
  7. reproductive system
  8. endocrine system
  1. Drug Education: ( 16 classes)
  1. tobacco
  2. alcohol
  3. depressants
  4. stimulants
  5. marijuana and other illegal drugs
  6. inhalants
  7. legal medications and their role
  1. COURSE-UNIT OUTCOMES: (Correlate to course outline)

Content/Unit / Objective/skill / Standard/
benchmark / Assessment / Materials / Timeframe
Mental Health / identify the traits of good mental health / 10.1.9D
10.2.9C,D / Chapter 3 Quizzes/Tests / Chapter 3 Resources / 2 Classes
explain the benefits of a positive self-concept and high self-esteem / 10.1.9C,D,E / 2 Classes
identify healthy ways of meeting your emotional needs / 10.1.9D / 2 Classes
describe ways of dealing with stress
identify major mental disorders / 10.1.9D / “Letting Go Of Stress” / 2 Classes
list sources of help to solve problems / 10.1.9D / 2 Classes
Social Health / explain how to build healthy relationships with other people / 10.1.9A,D
10.3.9C / Chapter 4 Quizzes/Tests / Chapter 4 Resources / 4 Classes
identify and practice important communication skills / 10.1.9A,D
10.3.9C / 3 Classes
Project STAR / discuss the consequences of drug use and non-use. / 10.1.9A,D,E
10.2.9B,C,D / STAR Activities / STAR Resources / 3 Classes
describe several types of peer pressure to use drugs. / 10.1.9A,D,E
10.2.9B,C,D / 2 Classes
demonstrate effective techniques for refusing drug offers / 10.2.9D / 2 Classes
evaluate techniques to resist peer pressure / 10.1.9A,D,E
10.2.9B,C,D / 1 Class
apply assertive techniques when resisting peer pressure / 10.3.9C / 1 Class
discuss facts about drugs, their effects, use, and misuse / 10.1.9A,D,E
10.2.9B,C,D / 1 Class
evaluate situations for inappropriateness of alcohol and drug use / 10.1.9A,D,E
10.2.9B,C,D / 1 Class
discuss advertisements as an influence to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes / 10.2.9C / 1 Class
analyze advertisements for alcohol and tobacco / 10.2.9C / 1 Class
recognize an angry, aggressive or violent situation / 10.3.9C / 1 Class
identify consequences of anger, aggression or violence / 10.3.9C / 1 Class
Wellness and Systems / list eight major body system and describe what each does / 10.1.9A,B,C,E
10.2.9A,E / Chapter 10 Quizzes / Chapter 10 Resources / 10 Classes
identify parts of each body system and describe the job of each / 10.1.9A,B,C,E
10.2.9A,E / National Geographic Videos / 10 Classes
describe how to care for each of the eight body systems / 10.1.9A,B,C,E
10.2.9A,E / 10 Classes
identify problems that may affect each of the body systems and describe how these problems may be treated / 10.1.9A,B,C,E
10.2.9A,E, / 10 Classes
Drug Education / explain how tobacco affects your body and health / 10.1.9A,D,E
10.2.9B / Chapter13-15 Quizzes/Tests / Chapter13-15 Resources / 1 Class
explain how tobacco addiction develops / 10.2.9B / 1 Class
identify ways to avoid tobacco and ways to stop using tobacco products / 10.2.9B / 2 Classes
explain how alcohol affects your health / 10.1.9A,D,E / 1 Class
describe stages of alcoholism and the steps that are part of recovery / 10.1.9A,D,E / 2 Classes
list ways to avoid alcohol / 10.1.9D / 1 Class
describe some uses of medicines / 10.2.9A / 1 Class
explain how stimulants and depressants can harm the body / 10.1.9A / 2 Classes
describe the health risks associated with the use of marijuana, hallucinogens and inhalants / 10.1.9A,B,C,E / 3 Classes
identify ways to remain drug-free / 10.1.9A,B,C,E / 2 Class
  1. COURSE MATERIALSCurrent materials used:

Text – Teen Health – Course 2

Mary Bronson Merki, PhD

Copyright – 1996

Publisher – Glencoe/McGraw-Hill

Periodical – Current Health Magazine – issues selected according to unit topics

Guest speakers – Speakers to include, but not limited to, Community members, WilliamsportHospital,



Videos – Videos chosen according to topic being discussed


Homework – teacher-made worksheets

Worksheets produced by the book publisher

Tests – 2 – 3 per marking period

Quiz – 2 – 3 per marking period

Readings from Current Health – as appropriate by topic



All homework and quiz grades will be added together at the end of a marking period. This will be converted to a percentage grade (number of points earned divided by the number of possible points).

Any assigned papers or group projects will be graded with a rubric.

Extra credit may be accepted each marking period. Points will be added to the marking period grade.


Students will be expected to turn in assignments on time. They will be accepted late with the teacher option of deducting late points.

Students absent on the day of an announced quiz will be expected to make it up during the next class period.

Students absent the day a test is announced will be allowed to take the test during the next class period. Students absent the day of the test, but present the day it is announced will be expected to take the test on the first class back.

Students have the option of taking a retest.