Parish of St. Andrew, Westland Row

Spy Wednesday - 23rd March

8.05am &10.00amMass

12.45pm Sacrament of Reconciliation

Holy Thursday - 24th March

7.30pmMass of the Lord's Supper

8.30- 9.30pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Good Friday - 25th March (Day of Fast and Abstinence)

12.00 noon Stations of the Cross

3.00pmSolemn Ceremony of the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus

6.00pmPrayer around the Cross

Holy Saturday26th March

9.00pm Solemn Easter Vigil Mass

Easter Sunday27th March

10.00am and 11.30am Mass

Easter Monday 28th March (Bank Holiday)

10.00 am 28th March – 1st April Mass only


Holy Thursday: 10.00am

Good Friday:10.00amand 4.00pm

Holy Saturday:10.00am

The Priests of the Parish wish you peace and joy this Easter and invite you to share in the Parish Ceremonies

Parish of our Lady’s Nativity, Leixlip

Palm Sunday 20th March

Blessing of the Plam will take place outside main door of church before all Masses.

*Sunday Mass Schedule as usual

Monday 21st March

7.25am, 9.30am & 7.30pm Mass

8.00pm Penitential Service, Leixlip

Tuesday 22nd March

8.00pm Penitential Service, Confey

Wednesday 23rd March

7.25am, 9.30am & 7.30pm Mass

Holy Thursday 24th March

10.00am Morning Prayer of the Church

6.00pm Children's Mass of the Last Supper

8.00pm Solemn Mass of the Lord's Supper

10.00— 11.00pm Watch and Pray —at Altar of Repose

Good Friday 25th March

10.00am Morning Prayer of the Church

11.30am Children's Stations of the Cross

3.00pmCelebration of the Lord's Passion (Veneration of the Cross & Holy Communion)

8.00pm Traditional Stations of the Cross

10.00am Prayer around the Cross led by the Taize Music Group

Holy Saturday 26th March

10.00am Morning Prayer of the Church

8.00pm Easter Vigil with Mass (First Mass of Easter Sunday)

Easter Sunday 27th March

8.30am, 9.45am, 11.00am, 12.15pm & 7.30pmMass

Easter Monday 28th March (Bank Holiday)


Easter Week29th — 31st March

10.00amMorning Mass

Friday 1st April

First Friday of the month: Masses at 10.00am& 7.30pm will be offered for all those onthe parochial altar list of the dead.

Saturday 2nd April

10.00am & 6.00pm (First Mass of Sunday)

Sunday 3rd April

Normal Mass times & 3.00-5.00pm Divine Mercy

Devotions (Adoration, Mass & Benediction)


Tuesday 22ndMarch (No Confessions after 7.30pm Mass)

Wednesday 23rd March Confessions after all Masses.

Holy Thursday: After 6.00pm & 8.00pm Masses.

Good Friday: After 3.00pm & 8.00pm ceremonies.

Holy Saturday: 10.30-11.30am & 3.00-4.00pm

We invite you to be with us as we celebrate Holy Week in our parish. We hope this Easter and throughout the Jubilee Year of Mercythat you will experience the mercy, compassion and inner peace that the Risen Lord promises.BeannachtainaCáscadibh go leir.

From:The Parish Team: Frs. John McNamara, Adm, Karl Fortune, C.C. EladiusMutunzi P.C. & Mrs Ell.

Parish of Ballymore Eustace - Church of the Immaculate Conception

Saturday 19 March (Blessing of Palms at each Mass)

7.00pm Vigil Mass

20 March - Palm Sunday (Blessing of Palms at each Mass)

10.00am Mass

Monday 21 March

10.00am Mass - (Confessions after Mass)

8.00pmPenitential Service

Tuesday 22 March

10.00am Mass - (Confessions after Mass)

Wednesday 23 March

10.00am Mass – (Confessions after Mass)

Holy Thursday 24 March

8.00pmMass of the Lord’s Supper Confessions after Mass.

10.30pmAdoration at Altar of Repose (until 10.30 )

No morning Mass

Good Friday 25 March

3.00 pmCelebration of the Lord’s Passion & Holy Communion.

8.00pmStations of the Cross

Confessions after Stations of the Cross

Holy Saturday 26 March

12.00 noon to 1.00pmConfessions

9.00pmEaster Vigil

Easter Sunday 27 March

10.00am Mass of the Resurrection

Beechwood Parish -Ranelagh

Holy Thursday 24th March

7.30pmMass of The Lord Supper with Ranelagh singers.

Good Friday- 25th March

10.00amEcumenical way of Cross through Ranelagh- Beginning at Beechwood Church with Scripture- concluding at Sandford.

Good Friday 25th March

3.00pmCelebration of Lords Passion with Holy Communion.

8.00pmTraditional Stations of the Cross.

9.30pmSilent guided meditation and Night Prayer of the church.

Holy Saturday 26th March


9.00pm Easter Vigil - Music by Scola Nomine Jesus.

Easter Sunday 27th March

10.00am Irish Mass - with trading Irish Music.

11.30am Mass with Family Choir.

Willington Parish - St. Jude the Apostle

Palm Sunday 20th March

Palms will be blessed and distributed at all Masses

Monday 21st


8.00pmPenitential Service

Tuesday 22nd


Wednesday 23rd March


Holy Thursday 24thMarch

*No Morning Mass

5.00pmSpecial Mass for Children

8.00pmSolemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper

11.00 – 12.00pm Midnight Holy Hour “Watch & Pray”

Good Friday 25th March

*No Morning Mass

12.00pmChildren’s Stations of the Cross

3.00pmSolemn Celebration of the Lord’s Passion and Holy Communion

8.00pm Stations of the Cross with music by the Taize Group

Holy Saturday 26th March

*No Morning Mass

9.00pmVigil & Mass of the Resurrection

Easter Sunday 27th March

10.00am and 11.30amMass


Good Friday-11.00am to 12.00pm

Holy Saturday- 11.00am to 12.00pm

During Easter Week from Monday 28th March-Saturday 2nd April there will be only one Morning Mass at 10.00am.

Weekend of 2nd/3rdApril - Mass times as usual.

Parish of St. Laurence O’Toole Roundwood & Moneystown

Palm Sunday: 20th March

Palms blessed at the 6.30pm Vigil,

10.00am (Moneystown) and 11.30am Masses

Monday and Tuesday of Holy Week:

Masses at 10.00am

Holy Thursday: 24th March

5.00pm - Mass in Moneystown

8.00pm -Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper followed

by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament concluding

with Prayer of the Church at 9.15pm

Good Friday: 25th MarchA day of Fast and Abstinence

12.00 noon - Stations of the Cross (Moneystown)

3.00pm - Solemn Celebration of Our Lord’s Passion and Holy Communion (Roundwood)

8.00pm - Stations of the Cross (Roundwood)

Holy Saturday: 26th March

11.00am (Roundwood)Parish Penitential Service -

9.00pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday: 27th March

Masses at 10.00am (Moneystown) and11.30am (Roundwood)

Balcurris Parish - St Joseph’s

Saturday 19th March

7.00pm Vigil Mass

Palm Sunday 20th March

10.00am, 12.00pmMass

Palms blessed at all the masses.

Monday March 21st

7.30pmReconciliation Service

Holy Thursday March 24th

7.00pmSolemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper followed by

Adoration at the altar of repose.

Good Friday March 25th(A day of fast and abstinence)

11.00am Outdoor stations of the cross beginning at St Joseph’s

3.00pmCelebration of the Lord’s Passion.

Holy Saturday March 26th

5.00 – 6.00pmConfessions

8.00pmSolemn Celebration of the Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday March 27th

10.00am and 12.00pmMass

Parish of Knocklyon - St. Colmcille

Monday 21s March

Service of Hope and Healing: 8.00pm

Holy Thursday 24th March

Morning Prayer: 10.00am

Children's Eucharist: 3.30pm

Celebration of the Lord's Supper: 7.30pm

Reposing of the Blessed Sacrament: 8.30pm

Night Prayer: 9.45pm

Good Friday 25th March

Morning Prayer: 10.00am

Stations of the Cross for Children: 11.00am

Stations of the Cross for Adults: 12.00 noon

Celebration of the Lord's Passion: 3.00pm

Musical Presentation of the Lord's Passion: 8.00pm

Holy Saturday 26th March

Morning Prayer: 10.00am

Confessions: 10.30am - 11.30am

Confessions: 4.00– 5.00pm

Easter Vigil: 9.00pm

Easter Sunday 27th March

Dawn Mass: 7.00 am [Iona Pastoral Centre Garden]

Masses: 9.00am,10.00am,11.00, 12.30pm[No Evening Mass]

*Easter Week Monday to Friday of Easter Week - Mass at 10.00am only

St. Anne’s Parish – Shankill

Sunday 20th March - PALM SUNDAY

8.00am, 9.00am (Hospital), 10.30am, 12.00 Noon, 6.00Mass

Wednesday 23rd March – Spy Wednesday

10.00am & 7.30pmMass

8.00pmPenitential Service

Thursday 24th March - Holy Thursday

12.00 Noon – 12.30pmConfessions

8.00pmMass of the Lords Supper

9.00 – 10.00pmAdoration of the Blessed Sacrament

(Resource Centre)

Friday 25th March – Good Friday

12.00 NoonThe Way of The Cross

3.00pmCommemoration of the Lord’s Passion & Holy Communion


7.30 pm Prayer around the Cross

Saturday 26th March – Holy Saturday

12.00 Noon – 12.30pm Confessions

8.00 – 8.30pm Confessions

9.00pm Easter Vigil

Sunday 27th March – EASTER SUNDAY

8.00am, 9.00am (Hospital), 10.30am, 12.00 Noon, 6.00pmMass

*Monday 28th March – 1st April (First Friday)


Navan Road Parish – Our Lady Help of Christians

19th March - Saturday

6.30pm Vigil Mass With blessing of Palms

20th March - Palm Sunday (with blessing of Palms at all Masses)

9.00am, 10.30am, 12.00 Noon,6.30pmMass

Reconciliation Services

Monday 21st March

7.30pm Our Lady Help of Christians

Tuesday 22nd March

7.30pm Church of the Most Precious Blood

Wednesday 23rd March

7.30pmChurch of Christ the King

Holy Thursday 24th March

10.00amMorning Prayer

7.30pmSolemn Celebration of the Lord's Supper

8.30pmApproxWatch and Pray (Ending with Night Prayer at 9.30pm)

Good Friday 25th March

10.00amMorning Prayer

12.00 noonChildren's Stations of the Cross

3.00pmSolemn Celebration of the Lord's Passion

7.30pmStations of the Cross - with Folk Group

Holy Saturday 26th March

10.00amMorning Prayer

9.00pm Easter Vigil


AfterMorning Prayeruntil 11.30am & from 2.30-4.30pm

Easter Sunday 27th March

9.00am, 10.30am, 12.00 noon, 6.30pmMass

*Easter Monday 28th March—Saturday 2nd April inclusive


6.30pmSaturday Vigil

Haddington Road – St. Mary’s Church

Monday 21st March - Wednesday 23rd March

8.00am, 10.00amand 12.40pmMass

Holy Thursday 24th March

10.00amMorning Prayer

10.30am to 11.30amConfessions

6.00pmConcelebrated Mass of the Lord’s Supper with Parish Choir

8.00 to 9.00pmWatch and Pray

Prayerful Reflection in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament

Good Friday 25th March

10.00amMorning Prayer

12.45pmStations of the Cross

3.00pmSolemn Celebration of the Lord’s Passion with Parish Choir

8.00pmAt the Foot of the Cross

Holy Saturday 26th March

10.00amMorning Prayer

10.30am to 11.30am and 3.00to 4.00pmConfessions

9.00pmEaster Vigil Concelebrated Mass with Parish Choir

Easter Sunday 27th March

9.30amMusic by Crux Vocal Ensemble

11.00amMusic by Parish Choir and Cantor

There is no Evening Mass

Easter Monday 28th March – Friday 1st April

There will be ONLY one Mass at 10.00am

Walkinstown Parish

Monday 21st March - Wednesday 23rd March


Holy Thursday 24th March

10:00amMorning Prayer: followed by Confession Rite One

7.30pmMass of the Lord’s Supper

Good Friday 25th March

10.00am Morning Prayer: followed by Confession Rite One

12.00 noonStations of the Cross

3.00pmLord’s Passion with Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion

7.30pmStations of the Cross

Holy Saturday 26th March

10.00amMorning Prayer: followed by Confession Rite One

7:30pmEaster Vigil Mass

Easter Sunday 27th March

9.30am and 11.30amMass

City Quay – Immaculate Heart of Mary

20th March - Palm Sunday (with blessing of Palms at all Masses)

11.00-11.30am, 4.00pm 6.30pmMass

Holy Thursday 24th March


Good Friday 25th March

12.00 noon & 6.00pmStations of the Cross

3.00pmSolemn Celebration of Our Lord Passion and Holy Communion

Holy Saturday 26th March

6.00pmEaster Vigil

Easter Sunday 27th March

11.30am and 4.00pmMass

St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Laurel Lodge, Castleknock

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion (March 20th)

Palms blessed in courtyard and carried in procession to Altar.


(Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)

Holy Thursday 24th March

5.00pmFamily Mass

8.00pmEvening Mass of the Lord’s Supper

8.45-9.45pmHoly Hour

Good Friday 25th March

12.00noon Stations of the Cross for Children

3.00pmCelebration of the Passion of the Lord

8.00pm Stations of the Cross

Holy Saturday26th March

9.00pmEaster Vigil Mass

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confession (Rite I): Holy Saturday 10.00am-12.00noon & 2.00-4.00pm

Easter Sunday 27th March

10.00am, 11.00am, and 12.15pmMass

(No Evening Mass on Easter Sunday)

“Walk of Witness” between St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Our Lady Mother of the Church and St. Brigid’s Church will take place on Good Friday. We will start from our parish (St. Thomas the Apostle, Laurel Lodge) at 10.00am with a short Prayer Service. We will then proceed carrying the Cross to Our Lady Mother of the Church (Castleknock) where we will have a further Prayer Service and from there we will make our way to St. Brigid’s C. of I. (Castleknock) where we will have our final Prayer. All welcome.

Parish of our Lady of Dolours - Glasnevin Grouping

Tuesday 15th March

7.30pm in Corpus Christi Church, Drumcondra

Service of Reconciliation for the parishes in the Glasnevin Grouping

Palm Sunday 20th March

Mass and Blessing of Palms

9.30am (as Gaelige), 11.00am and 6.30pm

Monday 21st March

7.30pm in Iona Road Church

Service of Reconciliation for the parishes in the Glasnevin Grouping

Holy Thursday 24th March

No morning Mass

Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm followed by

Watch and Pray Vigil at the Altar of Repose 9.00-10.00pm

Good Friday 25th March

Outdoor Way of the Cross at 12.00 noon

Celebration of Our Lord’s Passion at 3.00pm

Stations of the Cross at 7.30pm

Holy Saturday 26th March

Celebration of Easter Vigil at 8.00pm

Easter Sunday 27th March

Mass at 9.30am (as Gaelige), 11.00am.

No evening Mass on Easter Sunday


Good Friday - After the celebration of the Passion at 3.00pm and again after the Stations at 7.30pm.

Holy Saturday - 11.00am-11.30am

We invite you to join us for the Holy Week ceremonies,so that our faith as a community may be renewed and we may share the joy and hope of Easter with others.

The priests of the Glasnevin Grouping of Parishes and the Parish Pastoral Council wish you every Easter blessing!

Church of St. Thomas the Apostle – (Jobstown grouping Springfield/Brookfield)

Holy Thursday 24th March

7.30pm – Jobstown/Springfield/BrookfieldMass

Good Friday 25th March

3.00pm Springfield Passion

3.00pm JobstownPassion

3.00pm Brookfield Passion

7.30pm Springfield Stations

7.30pm BrookfieldStations

Holy Saturday 26th March

8.00pm – Springfield/Brookfield/JobstownVigil Mass

St. Mochta’s Parish, Porterstown / Clonsilla, Dublin 15

Palm Sunday

Palms blessed at the 6.00pm Vigil Mass

8.30am 10.30am and 12.00 noon Mass

Monday and Tuesday of Holy Week


Wednesday of Holy Week

10.00amService of Word & Communion

Holy Thursday24th March

No Morning Mass

7.30pm Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper followed by

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

9.00pm to 10.00pm Watch & Pray Hour

Good Friday25th March - A Day of Fast and Abstinence

12.00 noonChildren’s Stations of the Cross

3.00pmSolemn Celebration of Our Lord’s Passion and Holy Communion

8.00pmPrayer around the Cross

Holy Saturday 26th March

9.00pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday 27th March

8.30am 10.30am and 12.00 noonMasses

Easter Week


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday

WednesdayService of Word & Communion


Monday & Tuesday of Holy Week - After 10.00am Mass and 6.00-7.00pm

There will be no Confessions during the Easter Triduum

(Holy Thursday – Easter Sunday)

Sacred Heart Church, Sruleen

Friday 18th Sat 19th March

Confessions after Morning Mass

Palm Sunday 20th March

10.30 am & 12.00 NoonMass

Mon-Wed 21st-23rd March


Holy Thursday 24th March

*No morning Mass

(Chrism Mass - Pro-Cathedral10.00 am)

7.30pmMass of the Lord’s Followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the Altar of Repose until 10.30pm

Good Friday 25th March


3.00pmSolemn Liturgy of the Passion & Veneration of the Cross

7.30pmStations of the Cross

Holy Saturday 26thMarch

*No morning Mass.


11.00amSwieconka (Sobota): Blessing of food.

8.00pmEaster Vigil

Easter Sunday 27th March


(Replaces 10.30am & 12.00pm Masses)

Easter Monday 28th March


Tuesday 29th – Friday 1st April


Representatives from all the parishes in the Archdiocese including our own will be in attendance at this Chrism Mass. The Holy Oils for the Sacraments will be blessed by the Archbishop and brought back to each parish. Our representatives will bring these oils to the altar during our Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30 pm

Church of the Sacred Heart – Donnybrook Parish

Saturday 19thMarch

11.30am PenitentialServiceinpreparationforEasterwithIndividual Confessions

Passion (Palm) Sunday 20th March

Blessing ofPalmsatallMasses(includingVigilMassonSaturday evening)

Spy Wednesday 23rdMarch


Penitential ServiceinpreparationforEasterwithopportunity for


Holy Thursday24th March

*No morningMasses



Good Friday25th March

*No morningMasses


3.00pmCelebration oftheLord’sPassion


Holy Saturday26th March

*No morningMassNo 6.00pmVigilMass


Easter Sunday27th March



Easter Monday28th March


Holy Week Confessions & Services of Reconciliation



HolyThursday24th March:8.30pmto9.00pm

GoodFriday25th March:4.00pmto5.00pm

HolySaturday26thMarch:10.00amto12.00 noon

St.Peter’s Parish, LittleBray

Palm Sunday 20th March


11.30am(DothisinmemoryMass -ShortGospel)

Holy Thursday 24th March


7.30pmSolemnMassoftheLord’sSupperfollowed by

Adorationat theAltar of Repose until9.00pm intheParishHall

GoodFriday 25th March





Holy Saturday 26th March



EasterSunday 27th March

10.00am& 11.30am


7.30pm PenitentialService

St. Agnes Church, Crumlin

Holy Thursday 24th March

9.45am Morning Prayer

7.00pmEvening Mass of the Last Supper with Procession to Altar of Repose

9.00pmNight Prayer

Good Friday 25th March

Today is a Day of Fast and Abstinence

9.45amMorning Prayer

12.00noonFamily Stations of the Cross

3.00pmPassion Liturgy, Veneration of the Cross, Holy Communion

8.00pmStations and Prayer around the Cross

Holy Saturday 25th March

9.45amMorning Prayer

9.00pmEaster Vigil

Easter Sunday 27th March

Masses at 9.30am; 11am; 12.30pm and 7.00pm

Easter Week

(no Evening Mass)

Easter Monday: Mass at 10.00amonly

Tuesday to Friday: Masses at 9.00am and 10.00am

Saturday: Masses at 9.00am; 10.00am and 7.00pm

Divine Mercy Sunday: Usual Mases

Devotions and Confessions 3.00pm

Mass 4.30pm


Holy Thursday10.00am – 12.00noon

Good Friday10.00am – 12.00noon

Holy Saturday10.00am – 12.00noon

4.00pm - 6.00pm

St. Philomena’s Church, Palmerstown


Palms blessed and procession before 6.00 p.m. Vigil Mass.

Sunday Masses at 10.30 a.m. [School Hall], 12.00noon. Palms will be blessed at the beginning of each Mass and available after each Mass.


Mass at 10.00am


Prayer Service at 10.00am


Mass at 10.00 am

LentenReconciliationService with individual Confession at 7.30 p.m. This is the principal time for Confession prior to Easter.


Morning Prayer of the Church at 10.00 am

Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30 p.m. followed by Solemn Procession to the Altar of Repose.

Watch & Pray at the Altar of Repose 9.00 p.m. to 10.00 pm


Morning Prayer of the Church at 10.00 am

Stations of the Cross for children and their families at 12.00 noon.

Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion at 3.00 p.m.

Stations of the Cross at 7.30 p.m.

Taizé Prayer around the Cross [Taizé Song, Prayer and Quiet Reflection] 8.15 p.m. to 9.15 p.m.


Morning Prayer of the Church at 10.00 am

Confessions 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon.

No 6.00 p.m. Mass on Holy Saturday

Easter Vigil of the Lord’s Resurrection at 9.00 p.m. [including the celebration of Baptism]



Ecumenical Sunrise Service at the Hermitage Golf Course, Lucan at 6.45 a.m.

Masses at. 10.30 a.m. [School Hall] and 12.00 noon.

EASTER WEEK 28 March – 2 April

Mass at 10.00 a.m. each day except Tuesday.

Prayer Service at 10.00am on Tuesday 29 March.

Parish of St Maccullin, Lusk

Palm Sunday 20th March

Blessing of Palms 7.30pm 10.00am 11.30am

Penance Service

Rush- Monday March 21st - 7.30pm

Lusk- Tuesday March 22nd - 7.30pm

Skerries- Wednesday March 23rd- 7.30pm

Holy Thursday 24th March

No morning mass

Mass of the Lords Supper - 8.00pm

Watch and Pray until 10.00pm

Good Friday 25th March

A day of Fast and Abstinence

Childrens Stations of the Cross 12.00 midday

Solemn Passion Liturgy 3.00pm

Stations of the Cross 8.00pm

Holy Saturday 26th March

No morning Mass

Easter Vigil 8.00pm

Easter Sunday 27th March

Masses 8.30am, 10.00am, 11.30am.

Easter Monday March 28th

Mass at 10.00am No Devotions

The Priests of the parish and the Parish Pastoral Council wish all parishioners A Very Happy Easter in the hope and peace Of the resurrected Christ.

St. Paul of the Cross, Mount Argus

Sunday 20th March: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

Folk Mass: Saturday at 6.15pm (Vigil) including Solemn Blessing of Palms

Sunday Masses: 8.00am, 11.00am & 4.00pm

Blessing & Procession with Palms at 11.00am Family Mass

Children’s Passion Play at 11.00am Family Mass

Monday 21st to Wednesday 23rd March

Weekdays of Holy Week: Masses at 7.00am, 10.00am & 6.15pm

Wednesday 23rd March

Confessions 10.30-11.30am; 4-4.30pm

Office of Tenebrae: Upper Room: 7.30 – 8.15pm


Holy Thursday – 25th March

10am: Morning Prayer in Church

Confessions 10.30am -12noon; 4.00-5.00pm

7.30pm: Mass of the Last Supper

10pm: Holy Hour at Altar of Repose

Good Friday – 25th March

10.00am: Morning Prayer in Church

2.15pm: Stations around the Parish

3pm: Good Friday Service

7.30pm: Seven Last Words – (7 Passionist Preachers with Garda Choir)

Confessions 10.30am – 1.00pm; after 3.00pm Service & after 7 Last Words for as long as needed

Holy Saturday – 26th March

10am: Morning Prayer in Church

9.00pm: Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday – 27th March

Masses at 8.00am, 11.00am (Family Mass) & 4.00pm

St. John Vianney, Ardlea Road

March 20th Palm Sunday

9.30am &11.30am Mass

6.00pm Palms blessed at the Vigil Mass

Holy Thursday March 24th

10.00am Morning Prayer

7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper

*After Mass watching before the Blessed Sacrament

Good Friday March 25th

10.00am Morning Prayer

3.00pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

7.30pm Stations of the Cross

Holy Saturday March 26th

10.00am Morning Prayer

8.00pm Easter Vigil

Easter SundayMarch 27th

9.30am & 11.30amMass

Easter Week Monday 28th March – Saturday 2 April

10.00am Mass