Richard Hanania
Curriculum vitae
University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Political Science Ph.D. Candidate, 2013-Present
University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, IL
J.D., 2013
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
B.A. in Linguistics, Minor in Russian, 2009
Graduate Research Mentor Fellowship, 2015-2016
Graduate Summer Research Mentor Fellowship, 2014 and 2015.
University of Chicago Law School
The Chicago Journal of International Law, Member
Law and Economics Society, President and Founder
Law, Inc. (Law and Business Organization), Member
D. Francis Bustin Prize, 2012-2013
· Yearly honor given for contribution toward the improvement or betterment of the processes, techniques, or procedures of the American government
· Received for paper Humanitarian Intervention and the War Powers Debate
Institute for Law and Economics, Chicago, IL
Olin Fellow, 2012-2013
Institute for Humane Studies, Arlington, VA
Student Fellow, 2012-2017
Center for Individual Rights, Washington, D.C.
Law Clerk, 2011
Hanania, R. 2016. “Tracing the Development of the Nuclear Taboo: The Eisenhower Administration and Four Crises in East Asia,” Journal of Cold War Studies (forthcoming).
Hanania, R. 2015. “Behavioral Economics and Free Market Solutions: The Case of Airline Security.” Homeland and National Security Law Review, Vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1–32.
Hanania, R. 2013. “Norms Governing the Interstate Use of Force: Explaining the Status Quo Bias of International Law.” Emory International Law Review, Vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 829–905.
Hanania, R. 2012. “The Failure of State Building in Afghanistan,” 2012. The Journal Jurisprudence, Vol. 16, pp. 583–85.
Hanania, R. 2012. “Humanitarian Intervention and the War Powers Debate.” The Journal Jurisprudence, Vol. 13, pp. 47–101.
“The Normal Leader Peace: Exploring the Relative Effects of Democracy, Capitalism, and Leaders.” (seeking publication)
“Risk-Taking Leaders and War Severity: 1945-2000.” (seeking publication)
“Does Apologizing Work? An Empirical Test of the Conventional Wisdom.” September 1, 2015, SSRN, available at
“Risk-Seeking Leaders and the Propensity to Use Force: An Empirical Study,” Presented at the International Studies Association Conference, September 2014.
“The Budget Control Act of 2011: A Legislative History and Its Prospects for Reducing Government Spending,” (University of Chicago Federal Budget Seminar, Spring 2012).
Hanania, R. October 21, 2015. “Donald Trump Never Apologizes for His Controversial Remarks. Here’s Why He Shouldn’t.” Washington Post, available at
Hanania. R. June 13, 2012. “Why Clutch Actually Does Matter.” The Atlantic, available at
Al-Wardi, O. and Hanania, R. (translator). “A Trip to the ‘Caliphate’: Oppressive Justice Under ISIS.” Informed Comment, available at
Reading, speaking and comprehension skills in Arabic, French, and Russian
UCLA-PS30, Introduction to Game Theory, Fall 2014
UCLA-PS30, Introduction to Game Theory, Spring 2015
UCLA-PS125, Arms Control, Winter 2015
St. Petersburg University-English Teacher, Spring 2009
Eric Posner Arthur Stein
University of Chicago Law School UCLA Department of Political Science
1111 E. 60th St., Room 420 3389B Bunche Hall
Chicago, IL 60637 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1472
(773) 702-0425 (310) 825-1173
Marc Trachtenberg Robert Trager
UCLA Department of Political Science UCLA Department of Political Science
4289 Bunche Hall 4349 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1472 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1472
(310) 267-1904 (310) 825-8809