R6 Supplement 2409.12-2012-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: May 28, 2012
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. / 2409.12, 71.21
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FSH 2409.12 – TIMBER cruising HANDBOOK
Chapter 70 – Designating timber for cutting
/ Forest Service Handbook
pacific northwest region (region 6)
portland, oregon

fsH 2409.12 – TImber Cruising Handbook

chapter 70 – designating timber for cutting

R6 Supplement No.: 2409.12–2012-1

Effective Date: May 28, 2012

Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.

Approved: Nora B. Rasure
For the Regional Forester / Date Approved: 5/23/2012

Posting Instructions: (Paper copies of this supplement should be printed on blue paper). Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was R6 FSH 2409.12-2008-1 to Chapters 30, 40, and 60 issued 03/03/2008.

New Document / R6 Supplement 2409.12, 71.21 and 71.22 / 3 pages
Superseded Document(s) / R6 Amendment No. 2409.12-2006-1, Effective date 12/27/2006 / 1 page


71.21 / Consolidating R6Amendment into R6 Supplement. Content has not been changed.
71.22 / Establishes new direction for proper boundary location and designation when roads are adjacent to a unit boundary or when roads and/or openings are within a cutting unit boundary.
R6 Supplement 2409.12-2012-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: May 28, 2012
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. / 2409.12, 71.21
Page 1 of 3
FSH 2409.12 – TIMBER cruising HANDBOOK
Chapter 70 – Designating timber for cutting


71.2 - Marking Guides

71.21 – Marking With Paint

  1. For all situations, tracer paint is to be used.

a. Danger trees to be designated for cutting and removal associated with a timber sale shall be marked with green paint.

b. Danger trees to be designated for cutting and removal not associated with a timber sale shall be marked with yellow paint.

c. White paint is to be used to designate danger trees if the trees are to be marked and cut, but not removed.

71.21 – Exhibit 01

Regional Paint Scheme for Danger Tree Activities

Work Item / Color
Cut Trees associated with a timber sale
Cut Trees not associated with a timber sale
Trees to be left / Green

71.22 - Marking Boundaries

The location of a road along a unit boundary or roads and/or designated openings within a unit can create difficult area determination and cruising scenarios that can have an effect on total sale volume. Inclusion of roads and/or designated open areas in the total sale acres can affect the average volume per acre if those areas are not adequately sampled in the cruise process. They can also inflate associated charges such as logging costs, BD and KV which are calculated based on total number of sale acres, even if those acres are not treated.

For boundary designation and traversing purposes:

1.Unit boundaries will be located on the unit side of the road. A description of specific boundary locations must be documented in the cruise plan and must be capable of duplication.

2.When units have roads and/or designated openings within the boundary, and those acres will be included in the total unit acreage, cruise through those areas using established procedures. If a plot falls in a designated opening or on an existing road, the plot will be monumented and cruised where it was located. Do not move, adjust, relocate or skip the plot location because of the relationship to a road or opening.

3.If roaded and/or designated opening acres within the unit boundary are not going to be included in the total treated acreage, the boundaries of those areas shall be properly designated in accordance with R6 Forest Products Accountability Action Plan. The acreage of those areas will be determined using appropriate area determination methods and removed from total sale acres.