Democratic Values:Pastand Present- Unit 2 Performance Based Assessment (PBA)
Rationale: Duringthis unit,you haveexplored the foundations and structures of theUnited States Constitution, includinghow individuals andgroupscan influencetheConstitution as a livingdocument. For this project,you willbe ableto show howavalue or principleof democracyis reflected inthe wayin which theConstitution structured the United States government, and how it is appliedtoday.Your Ultimate Goal is to create a graphic organizer to answer this question. Applywhatyou know toanswer thefollowingessential question:
Howhavedemocraticvalues influencedthe past andpresent?
Directions: Choose one of the following democratic Values and Principles and then interpret the meaning of that value & principle.
- Limited Government
- Separation of Powers/Checks and Balances
- Consent of the Governed
- Individual Rights and Freedoms
- Majority rules, minority rights
- Equality under the Law
- Value chosen: ______
- Write this Value and Principle in your own words: ______
- Give some examples of this V&P (historical or current): ______
Directions: Read through thequotes to identifyonethat is aligned withyourValuesPrinciples. Makesurethis is also alignedwith theselected contemporaryissues.
2.) What does the quote mean? ______
3.) Describehow thevalue and principles of democracyis aligned (related to) with the quote.
4.) Where can this idea (value/principle) be found in the UnitedStates Constitution? (Check out preamble, articles, and amendments)
Step Two: Selecting a QuoteMagna Carta (1215) / EnglishBill ofRights (1689) / TheDeclarationofIndependence(1776)
Barons(noblemen)mayelect representatives who must follow thelawjustlike
No scutageoraid ( shallbelevied except by common counsel (consent)
No bailiffshallput anyoneon trial byhis own unsupported allegation, withoutbringing crediblewitnesses to the charge.
To no oneshallwesell,delay or denyright or justice.
No freeman shallbetaken or imprisoned except bythe lawful judgment of his peers or bythe law ofthe land. / That thepretended power of
suspendingthe laws orthe execution oflaws byregal authoritywithoutconsentof Parliament is illegal;
That it is the right of the subjects to petition the king, and allcommitments and prosecutions forsuch petitioningareillegal;
That theraisingor keepinga standingarmywithin the kingdom in time ofpeace, unless itbewith consent of Parliament, is againstlaw;
Thatlevying moneyforortothe useof the Crown bypretenseof prerogative, withoutgrantof Parliament,forlongertime, or in othermannerthanthesame is or shallbe granted, is illegal;
Thatelection ofmembers of
Parliamentoughtto befree; / Wehold thesetruths to be
self-evident, that allmenare created equal.
Theyare endowed bytheir Creator with certain unalienable Rights.
Governments areinstituted amongMen, derivingtheir justpowers from the consent of thegoverned.
It is the Right of thePeople to alter ortoabolish it.
For imposingtaxes on us withoutour consent.
For deprivingus in many cases, of thebenefits of Trial byJury.
1)Choose one of the following issues to research.
Civil Rights (Juvenile Crime)
Privacy rights (Teens Right to Privacy)
Social Media
Issue I have chosen: ______
a)Civil Rights (Juvenile Crime) - Should Juveniles ever be charged as adults?
b)Privacy Rights - (Teens Right to Privacy)- Should the government regulate teen privacy?
c)Social Media – Should the government regulate social media
2)What is the Essential Question? (What question are you trying to answer?)
TOPIC / CITATIONCivil Rights / Juvenile Offenders.” Constitution PBA. Franklin High School Social Studies Department. 16 October 2015
Privacy Rights / Privacy Rights.” Constitution PBA. Franklin High School Social Studies Department. 16 October 2015.
Social Media / “Social Media.” Constitution PBA. Franklin High School Social Studies Department. 16 October 2015.
1)Choose the resource that is about your topic.
2)Write the MLA Citation for your source. (It is always important to say where you got your information.)
3)Then, read it. Highlight or underline the main facts. Then, record the facts below.
MLA Citation: (Where did the article come from?)
RESOURCE # 2 (In support of OR Against our topic)
MLA Citation: (Where did the article come from?)
RESOURCE # 3 (In support of OR Against our topic)
MLA Citation: (Where did the article come from?)
RESOURCE # 4 (In support of OR Against our topic)
MLA Citation: (Where did the article come from?)
a)Navigate to:
b)Using the right side navigation bar.
c)Click on research resources.
d)Then Government PBA.
Here you will find documents to help you conduct your research. Read the article and/or watch the video that deals with your issue. Take notes as you are researching.
How does your contemporaryconstitutional issue (topic) reflectthe value or principle that you chose? (Look at the answerin step three.)
What portion of excerpt of the Bill of Rights ofUnited States Constitution that is beingchallenged.(1st Amendment, 4th Amendment, etc?) AND How do you know?
Organizeyour findings ina visual wayto show the connections between democraticprinciples and values, structures, andcontemporaryinterpretations of American democratic system. Consider includingvisuals, images, and links to supportyour discussion.Reviewthe rubric that follows to clarifyexpectations.
- Poster-sized Collage
- Concept Map (
- Online Presentation (
ProficiencyLevel / Criteria
4 / □I can takeaposition on the essential question fortheunit, “Howhave democraticvalues and principles influencedand been influenced bytheUnited States Constitution?”in the context of topics addressed duringtheunit.
□I can citeample evidenceto support myposition includingand beyond the followingtopics:
oFoundingprinciples andvalues influencingthe United StatesConstitution.
oHowthe organization ofthe Constitution reflects democraticprinciples and values.
oHow contemporaryconstitutional controversies areinfluenced by democraticprinciples and values.
□I can citeampledetails and examples to supportmyposition with details about thetopics, applyingdemocraticprinciples and values to multiple contemporaryissues;
□I can makepredictions regardingtheir outcomes based upon constitutional structures and theapplication ofdemocraticvalues.
3 / □I can takeaposition on the essential question for theunit, “Howhave democraticvalues and principles influencedand been influenced bytheUnited States Constitution?”in the context of topics addressed duringtheunit.
□I can citeavarietyof evidence to support myposition from thefollowing topics:
oFoundingprinciples andvalues influencingthe United StatesConstitution.
oHowthe organization ofthe Constitution reflects democraticprinciples and values.
oHow contemporaryconstitutional controversies areinfluenced by democraticprinciples and values.
□I can citeseveral detailsand examples to support myposition with details about thetopics.
2 / □I can takeaposition on the essential question for theunit, “Howhave democraticvalues and principles influencedand been influenced bytheUnited States Constitution?”in the context of topics addressed duringtheunit.
□I can citesome evidenceto support myposition from at least two ofthe followingtopics:
oFoundingprinciples andvalues influencingthe United States
oHowthe organization ofthe Constitution reflects democraticprinciples and values.
oHow contemporaryconstitutional controversies areinfluenced by democraticprinciples and values.
□I can citedetails to support myposition with details about thetopics.
However, someof thedetails and examples maybetoo general to clearly
explain the relationship between democratic principles and values and theU.S. Constitution as alivingdocument.
1 / □I can takeaposition on the essential question for theunit, “Howhave democraticvalues and principles influencedand been influenced bythe
United States Constitution?”in the context of topics addressed duringthe unit.
□I can citeafew pieces ofevidenceto support myposition from at leastone of thefollowingtopics:
oFoundingprinciples andvalues influencingthe United States
oHowthe organization ofthe Constitution reflectsdemocraticprinciples and values.
oHow contemporaryconstitutional controversies areinfluenced by democraticprinciples and values.
□Imayneed to include moredetails andexamples to clearlyexplain the relationship between democraticprinciplesand valuesand the U.S. Constitution as alivingdocument.
Scoring Rubric
Task / Points Possible / Points EarnedRESEARCH – CLASSWORK GRADE
I. Selecting a Value/Principle of democracy
- Identify a value
- Explain the value in your own words
- Provide a historical or current example of this value
II. Selecting a Quote
- Explain the quote in your own words
- Explain how the quote relates to the value/principle of democracy
- Identify where this idea can be found in the Constitution
III. Research (Minimum of 2)
- Summarizes the issue
- Identifies and summarizes the two stances on the issue and their arguments
- Explains how the value/principle selected applies to issue
- Summarizes the main point of the source
- Explains which side of the issue the source is on
- Correct MLA citation
IV. Final Product
- Incorporates information on the past (historical quotes/Constitution)
- Incorporates information on the present (contemporary issue)
- Connection: explain how democratic values have influenced the past and present (connect your information on the past and present)
- Prediction: explain how this issue will be resolved in the future
- Product is neat, organized, colorful, and shows creativity