The Old School Room, Haworth
As part of a study to help restore and utilise the Old School Room, Brontë Spirit (a partnership between HaworthParishChurch & the Brontë Society) needs to know your ideas and any concerns. We would be very grateful if you would spend a few minutes completing this questionnaire - many of the questions simply require a tick or number in the relevant box.
To include the information you provide in the project we need your response by26thSeptember2008. Please return your completed questionnaire by post or by hand to the Old School Room, Church or ParsonageMuseum - a box will be left inside the entrance. If you prefer to respond by e-mail please contact asking for a copy of the questionnaire. If you require any assistance in completing the questionnaire, please do not hesitate to ask.
Section 1: About You- this information will help us gaugethe possible markets for ideas related to the use of the School Room
Do you live inHaworth?YesNo
Do you have a business/work in Haworth?Yes No
Are you a visitor to Haworth? Yes No
Do you visit Church Parsonage ?
How long have you lived/worked in Haworth (please insert the number of years in the relevant box)?
For residents - How many people live in your household?
How many in your household belong to each of the following age brackets (please insert the number in each relevant box)?
18-35over 65
For businesses/employees –How many days a week do you spend in Haworth?
Section 2: Your Ideas
Do you know about the building’s history? YesNo
Should it be kept available to the public? YesNo
Is the building important to you? YesNo
Is the building important to Haworth? YesNo
If yes, why? ……………………………………………………………………………………
Would you like to be able to access the building? Yes No
Would you like to see the building preserved? Yes No
Do you think that the building should be a community resource?
Yes No
Do you use the building in any way? YesNo
If yes, how?…………………………………………………………………………………...
Below is a list of suggestions for the utilisation of heritage sites - please tick the 3 that would be the most important to you and put an X in the box of any that you feel would not be suitable for Haworth.
A Heritage Centre – focused on local history and culture (not Bronte) /Community space for local events & exhibitions
A space for regular schools linked events and activities /
An safe & accessible site for local archives & artefacts /
A site for theatrical & arts events /
A site for local history displays /
A meeting place for social groups (parent & toddler, societies etc) /
Community arts projects, aimed at ALL ages /
A facility for public & private hire /
Seating and picnic area in the yard /
A community centre /
A site for other events and activities (such as country markets / antique fairs / book fairs) /
A site providing local topographical information (for walking, historic interest etc) /
A cafe /
Please list any other ideas you have for enjoying or improving the Old School Room
Are there any community or visitor facilities you feel would benefit Haworth?
Thank you very much for completing this questionnaire, your help is greatly appreciated.