
Girl Kits

Submitted by : ______

Submitted to : Mr. Bradbury

Course : Entrepreneurship 3209

Date : May 18 , 2012

Table Of Contents

1.0  - Executive Summary………………………………………...... Pages 3

1.1  – Business Description …………………………………………………...Page 3

1.2  - The Industry …………………………………………………………….Page 3

1.3  – Management …………………………………………………………….Page 3

2.0  – Market Description ………………………………………………Pages 4

2.1  – Customer Profile …………………………………………………………Page 4

2.2  – The Market ……………………………………………………………… Page 4

2.3  – Competition Analysis …………………………………………………… Page 4

3.0  – Product/Service Development ……………………………………Pages 5

3.1  – Original Idea ……………………………………………………………..Page 5

3.2  – Consumer and Industry Research ………………………………………..Page 5

3.3  – Product/Service Improvement ………………………………………… Page 5

4.0  – Product/ Service Marketing …………………………………… Pages 6-7

4.1  – Product ………………………………………………………………….. Page 6

4.2  – Pricing …………………………………………………………………… Page 6

4.3  – Distribution ……………………………………………………………… Page 6

4.4  –Promotion ………………………………………………………………... Page 7

5.0  – Operations ………………………………………………………Pages 8

5.1  – Venture Organization …………………………………………………… Page 8

5.2  – Break- Even Analysis ………………………………………………………Page 8

5.3  – Risks and Assumptions ……………………………………………………..Page 8

Appendix …………………………………………………………Page 9-11

Business card …………………………………………………………………. Page 9

Advertisment …………………………………………………………………..Page 10

Information from Interviews …………………………………………………..Page 11

1.0  Executive Summary

1,1 – Business Description

The product I am offering is girl kits. This is a little kit will all essentials for girls incase of emergencies. They include tampons , pads ,a extra pair of underwear, tissues, and midol .

The target market is mature girls to older women because it is a product all mature females need.

They will buy it because all the essentials in this kit are more expensive then what the cost of the kit will be. Also me being a girl I know what it’s like in a emergency and not to have anything on you and the girl kit would come in handy in times of need.

1.2 - The Industry

The size/value of this industry is largely growing, as there is always a need for women’s health and wellness. The trends affecting this industry is that women are going for smaller and compact boxes so their isn’t much to carry around with them while it’s their time of the month. My venture will be successful because I am going to make the kits compact and small so they can just fit in your purse without taking up to much room . Also it will be successful because there is always going to be a need for women’s health.

1.3 – Management

The business owners of this business venture is me , ______. The expertise I the owner posses that will enable to make this venture me successful is that I am organized . I will have everything I need such as profit and distributing organized on computer and have a hard copy kept to make sure everything is running smoothly . Also I share the trait of being a “ people- person” so I won’t mind going out and asking places such as Wal-Mart if they mind distributing my product on their shelves, and also asking places such as Tampax or Kotex if I can use their product in my kit . Also I’m not afraid to seek help if I need help with my product/service.

2.0  – Market Description

2.1 – Customer Profile

The main user of the product I am offering is mature girls to older women. The need this meets for the consumers is that they are always going to need to buy things such as tampons, pads, and midol every month. The reason this is product is going to meet their needs is because I am going to offer all these products in a small box that is compact for less then all of these items if you had to purchase them each , and they are more bulky to buy them all separately then in the “ Girl Kits” I am offering.

2.2 – The Market

The size/value of the market for this product “ Girl Kits” is constantly growing , in 2010 the Women’s Health industry was worth 2.3 million dollars and is estimated to be worth triple that in 2016. The buying habits of the typical user is leading towards the brands Kotex , Tampax , and Always. As they are always creating ways to attract the consumer to their product by creating smaller boxes and brighter colors to attract the consumer. The trends affecting the market is the quality of the product , and the size , so that you don’t have to be carrying around a large bulk of items with you everywhere you go that time of the month. Also the trends that are being created in the market are the look of the items for example Kotex Click are known for their little black box with bright colored wrappers this is what the consumer is going for as it is the number one brand in the industry. So what I have to create is small, compact, and something to attract the consumers attention.

2.3 - Competition Analysis

The current competitors I have in the market are companies such as Kotex , Tampax, and Always. These brands are currently sold in all the retail stores in Corner Brook such as Wal-Mart ,Zellers, Lawtons, etc. The strengths of the most important competitors is that they know what the consumers want such as compact/quality. What can be learned from this analysis to help increase the potential success of my venture is to keep an eye on my competitors and see what changes they come up with to help me increase the success of my product.

3.0  – Product/Service Development

3.1– Original Idea

The original idea of my business was to offer a small compact kit that contains everything girls need for emergencies during the time of the month. The kit would include things such as tampons, pads, midol , and a extra pair of underwear. It would be small so that you could put it in your purse and it wouldn’t have to have all the items separately and would have all items in case of an emergency.

3.2 – Consumer and Industry Research

What I gathered from interviewing potential customers is that they thought it was a great idea. They said that they have been caught in emergencies and would love to have something like this on them. They thought I was entering a good market as it is always largely growing and there is always going to be a need for it. So if my business becomes successful I’ll hit a good market. They suggested doing other kits to possibly such as travel kits, etc. I haven’t thought about any other kits but hearing feedback it could be idea if the girl kits went over well.

3.3- Product/Service Improvement

The improvements I made to my product based on the research I have collected is that customers are attracted to things that catch their eye. So I changed the product to create a small black and purple box with designs on it to attract the customers. Also at first I had it a bit larger then what I have changed it to because customers said they would like it a bit smaller. Also they didn’t want to have to go through the kit and it being unorganized so I put each product in the kit into bags so that nothing gets mixed up. Also customers would like to have a preference in brand they can choose from.

4.0  Product/Service Marketing

4.1- Product

The product/service I am offering is Girl Kits. These kits are everything girls need for an emergency. These kits include tampons ,pads , midol , and a extra pair of underwear. There are going to be three different brands of kits so girls can choose the type of brand they prefer. The product/service strengths are that their isn’t anything like it in Corner Brook around , and it’s hitting a good market. The advantages is that everyone is going to need to buy these products and all of these products sold separately are more expensive then sold together in the Girl’s Kits.

4.2 – Pricing

The price of these kits are $12.00. I came up with this cost because a normal pack of pads and tampons is around $7 . So already there I have lowered the cost of buying both products separately . Also buying midol or Tylenol costs about $4 for a bottle . All of these items together costs about $20.00 . Which considering these are items you need each month is a bit expensive. So my business is going to cut down the cost of these essential items because it can get pricey and not everyone can afford it. Also I am going to have discounts every now and then such as 15% off , or buy 2 kits and get the third one free. Every month will be a different special or promotion. The servicing on these products is going to be if you aren’t happy with the product then I will have a complaint card in each kit to fill out and send back so I can fix the product.

4.3 – Distribution

The product is going to be made my hand, I am going to create each kit and if I find it is to much I will hire someone else to help me. Each kit is going to be made of cardboard and then painted black and purple with designs on each box. Once everything is put into the boxes they are going to be tied with a white ribbon and bow to make them attractive to the customers. They people I am going to get sell these products is local stores around town such as Wal-Mart , because a lot of people go to Wal-Mart to buy these essentials because they are cheaper there then around town. And if that don’t work I may set it up at a local convience store to see how the sell first before I distribute them to a bigger company.

4.4 - Promotion

The most affective way to advertise this product is to do a TV ad, or through social media. Because nowadays a lot of people watch TV and interact through social media . So if I put the word up through something such as FaceBook I could create a page were customers could ask me questions about the product and find out more information about the product. My advertising plan is that I am going to start out with a FaceBook page because almost every mature girl has facebook these days and if you create a page that interests them they are going to read about it and want to know more and if they have questions they can ask me instead of something like a tv ad were you can’t ask questions.

5.0  Venture Organization

5.1– Venture Organization

The form of business organization I will be using is sole proprietorship because I am doing this business by myself. The only negative effect of using this business is that the money comes out of your own pocket . But on the other hand you don’t have to pay any employees , you don’t have to depend on someone else if something needs to be done . You do everything yourself which is good for me because I am a very independent person and like to do things on my own.

5.2 – Break- Even Analysis

The cost to produce this business is around $200 dollars to start off which around 50 kits. The point at when the venture will be profitable is once the first 50 kits are sold because I will then have tripled the cost . Once I start to create another 50 more then I still have $400 dollars left to create more kits if I want to.

5.3– Risks and Assumptions

The potential threats that could reduce the likelihood of this venture marketing plan being successful is that I could have some calculations wrong , or that no one wants to buy this product because they are content buying everything separately. What can be done to minimize these risks is to double check calculations have a promotion starting off to get the business going . Ask customers if they are satisfied with the product they have purchased. The factors that are beyond my control that will need to be monitored is the fact of the brands letting me keep using their products as long as I give them a royalty of my profit made so that they will keep interest in my business.