Charlotte’s Web

Trivia Quest


1. / What kind of blanket did Lurvy hope to win at the County Fair? (p. 109)
2. / How many of the goose’s eggs hatched? (p. 45)
3. / What was the word Charlotte used to say Hello to Wilbur? (p. 34)
4. / What was Charlotte’s full name? (don’t forget the middle initial) (p. 35)
5. / How old was Wilbur when he went to live at the Zuckerman’s Farm? (p. 10)
6. / Mrs. Arable was particularly good at two things. One was crocheting a doily. What was the other? (p. 102)
7. / What was the second word that Charlotte wove in her web? (p. 106)
8. / Who told Wilbur he was going to die? (p. 47)
9. / What colour did Lurvy use to paint the words “Zuckerman’s Famous Pig” on the side of Wilbur’s crate? (p. 110)
10. / What kind of doll did Fern get at the fair? (p. 126)

Charlotte’s WebTrivia Quest


11. / Which animal was wise about things that happened on the Zuckerman’s farm? (p. 48)
12. / How many of Charlotte’s babies floated away on the warm wind? (Use your maths thinking cap and see p. 134 and p. 168)
13. / What unusual thing did one of Charlotte’s cousins catch in her web? (p. 95)
14. / How much money did Mr. Arable give to Avery to spend at the fair? (p. 121)
15. / What was Mrs. Zuckerman’s first name? (p. 12)
16. / What did Avery have on his ear when he went back to the truck for lunch at the fair? (p. 126)
17. / How much did Uncle Homer pay Fern to buy Wilbur? (p. 12)
18. / What colour was Charlotte’s egg sac? (p. 133)
19. / Who invited Fern to ride on the Ferris Wheel? (p. 127)
20. / How many eggs was the goose sitting on ? (p. 163)

Charlotte’s Web

Trivia Quest


21. / What was the licence number of the Pontiac blocking the fireworks shed? (p. 120)
22. / Where did Templeton say there was a package of soap flakes? (p. 92)
23. / Why was Avery sent to bed without any supper? (p.79)
24. / In what US city was E. B. White born? (see front of book)
25. / What animal repeated himself three times? (see p. 31/32 for example)
26. / What character is illustrated on page 101?
27. / What two words describe the egg sac? (p. 158)
28. / What are full of milk in early summer? (p. 41)
29. / What other animated character did E. B. White create? (see front of book)
30. / Which part of Charlotte’s body has seven sections? (p. 53)


  1. Navajo
  2. Seven
  3. Salutations
  4. Charlotte A. Cavatica
  5. Five Weeks
  6. Knitting a sock
  7. Terrific
  8. Old Sheep
  9. Gold
  10. Monkey doll
  11. Old Sheep
  12. 511
  13. Fish
  14. Five dimes and four nickels
  15. Edith
  16. Balloon
  17. $6
  18. Peach
  19. Henry Fussy
  20. 9
  21. H-2439
  22. Woodshed
  23. Hitting the spider with a stick
  24. New York
  25. Goose
  26. Dr. Dorian
  27. Waterproof and strong
  28. Dandelion stems
  29. Stuart Little
  30. Leg

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