Wood Heat Association - MembershipForm2015
1.1 Companydetails1.2 Primarycontact
1.3 Billingcontact
Company e-mail
Job Title
Postcode Postcode Postcode
1.4 YourbusinessinWood HeatThis textwillinitiallyform yourmember directory entryonthe REAwebsite
1.5 Your company’smainareaofbusiness
Main activity Additional activities Main activity Additional activities
Chip producer/distributor
Pellet manufacturer/distributor
Boiler importer/distributor
Boiler installer
Log producer/distributor
Log stove manufacturer
Log stove installer
Ancillary equipment supplier/importer
/ Testing company/laboratoryEnergy crop grower
Forest industry body, forest owner, land agent
Finance organisation
Insurance company
ESCo provider
Academic institution/public sector/regional or local authority/NGO
Membership Grade Corporate turnover p.a. Associate Affiliate
1.6 Membershipcategory(Fees exclude VAT at the prevailing rate)Corporate turnover p.a. (£m)
* Affiliate members will be consultants or those not directly trading within the wood heat industry
1.7 REA Sectorgroups
REA sector groups are only available to WHA members in the Very Small Corporate category and above, who will automaticallybecome REA members (subject to you signing this form and accepting the Bye-laws). Any WHA members in categories below Very SmallCorporate do not qualify for REA sector groups. If you are in one of these categories and would like access to REA membership, youmay do so by paying the WHA Very Small Corporate category fee. If you have elected to join the REA, please list the individuals in yourcompany and the sector group(s) they wish to participate in
1.8 What prompted you to join the WHA
1.9 WHA members’ e-mail circulation list
Please list the names and e-mail addresses of the person / people to be included on our main e-mail circulation list to receivenewsletters and information of interest to members. (Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.)
Name & Job Title / Email addressTo apply for membership, please complete this form and return it to us by
email to or by fax to 020 7925 2715
or by post to: Wood Heat Association, 25 Eccleston Place, Victoria, London SW1W 9NF
Tel: 020 7925 3570
1.10 AdditionalREAservices
The REA has negotiated a portfolioofbusinessservicesfor members tosave youtime, money and give you a competitiveadvantage.If you wish toopt out of receivinginformation onthese companies please tick here
The REAhasarangeofcommercial opportunities.Ifyou’re not responsible for themarketingandadvertisingbudget please let us know who is.
Name EmailJob title
Corporatememberships (i.e. not corresponding) will be listed on the WHA with the contactdetailsandtheprofileyou have submittedhere.Pleasetickhereif youwouldprefer not to be listed.
Bysigning below I confirm I agree to adhere totheAssociation’sBye-Lawsand accept theTermsandConditions.
Signed Print Name Date