Collector Car Council of Colorado, Inc. 303-752-6755
President: Dick Thompson, Mile High Cobra Club 303-699-4819
1st Vice Pres: Gary Canady, Pontiac Oakland Club Intl. 303-886-7923
2nd Vice Pres: Mel Bacon, Rocky Mtn.AACA 303-659-9345
Secretary: Dick Fritz, MG Car Club 303-774-9710
Treasurer: Tom Kay, Front Range Mustang Club 303-451-9296
Legislative information: Leo J. Boyle 303-321-6611
Legislative: Tim Cadillac, AMC 303-219-3181
Colorado Collector Car News: Greg Akiyama 303-680-8298
Minutes of Meeting, 3 December 2014
The meeting was held at the Forney Transportation Museum, 4303 Brighton Blvd., Denver, and was called to order at 7:32 pm. Officers present were Dick Thompson, president; Gary Canady, 1st vice president; Dick Fritz, secretary, and Tom Kay, treasurer. 34 member clubs were represented.
Leo Boyle reported that the 2015 Colorado Legislative session will begin on January 7, 2015, and the usual “learning process” with many new legislators implies that there will be a slow start. In the senate, the Transportation Committee will be headed by Randy Baumgardner. The chair of the house Transportation Committee has not yet been determined.
Minutes of the November 5th meeting were approved after the final total of accounts in the treasurer’s report was corrected.
Rod & Custom Car Show (Greybeard): Dick Thompson thanked members for entering vehicles and volunteering to be at the CCCC display. It was good exposure to the public about the CCCC role in protecting the hobby and it provided opportunity to network with other enthusiasts.
CCCC Committees: We need individuals to assist on the following committees: Legislative, Membership Recruiting, Havana Cruise, First Responders Tribute and Colfax Cruise, Swap Meet, Audit, and (proposed) CCCC Political Action Committee. A signup sheet was circulated for volunteers. See addendum to these minutes.
Charity contributions: The council wants to compile information about charities and causes that our clubs, collectively and individually, support. Please bring information about your club to the next meeting.
2015 CCCC Events: Plans for the Havana Cruise on June 13, 2015 are on schedule. The September 12 2015 First Responders Tribute will include an abbreviated cruise between Denver East High School and Mile High Stadium. The car show, highlighting police and fire equipment, will be held at East High School. At the present time, there are no plans to include a swap meet. The entire event needs a commitment of $13,000 from sponsors to proceed.
Front Range Airport: The airport is under new management, which has been urged to reinstate the air show and car show in August. There is the possibility that this very popular event may be brought back.
Cruise with a Vet: The cruise to the Colorado Veterans Memorial is planned for August 15. Tony Abeyta and Samantha Baker have volunteered to work with Ron Kurowski on this.
Prohibition Era Vehicle request: Mike Bergman (Man Cave) is seeking a car to be displayed at the Diamond Caberet and Steakhouse in downtown Denver on New Year’s Eve.
Jerry Groswold: Groswold, a member of the Early Ford V8 and Model A clubs was recognized in November by the Winter Park Resort for his long time leadership of Winter Park and his philanthropy.
Political Action Committee (PAC): Ted Rossi is heading up a committee to explore forming a PAC (funding separate from CCCC) to support the car hobby. He hopes to contact individuals with large collections, restorers, and businesses that could support it. Please contact Ted (303-618-3935) or email with names of potential contributors.
President’s Night: The February 4th meeting is traditionally the meeting to which club presidents are invited. We are seeking a venue that will accommodate a larger turnout and perhaps an opportunity to visit a business involved with restorations.
Audit Committee: Tom Kay is requesting that volunteers to assist an audit of the CCCC finances to meet 20 minutes before the January 7th 2015 meeting.
Loveland meeting: Tom Holden of the Northern Colorado VMCCA has suggested that CCCC hold a meeting in Loveland to meet with car enthusiasts in the Loveland – Ft.Collins area.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 7, 2015, 7:30 pm, at the Forney Transportation Museum, 4303 Brighton Blvd., Denver.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Dick Fritz, secretary
And finally … The board of CCCC thanks all the individuals, clubs, and sponsors that made the Council’s success in 2014 possible.