Dear 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Students, Parents and Guardians,

Chorus, at MES, will begin practices on Tuesday, October 3, in the morning. The MES “Blue Breeze” Chorus is open to all 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students at MES.No previous singing experience is required, only a desire to sing, attendpractice, and learn to perform.Practices will be Tuesday mornings from 7:45 a.m. – 8:40 a.m.beginning Tuesday, October3rd, 2015. Chorus will practice throughout the school year and performs both during the school day and after school concerts, concluding after the second week of May (2018). Here is a list of performances students are expected to attend the following:

  • Performance for Moncure Parent & Family military Veterans on November 9, 2015 (during school).
  • MES 3-5 Grade Assembly on Thursday, December 7, 2017(during school @ 2:30 p.m.).
  • Winter Holiday Concert on Thursday, December 7, 201 (evening after school, 7:00 p.m. @ MES).
  • Fine Arts Festival Concert on Saturday or Sunday (TBA), March24or 25, 2017 @ Brooke Point HS.
  • MES K-2 Grade Assembly on Thursday, May 10, 2017 (during school @ 2:30 p.m.).
  • Spring Concert on Thursday, May 10, 2017 (evening after school, 7:00 p.m.).

Parents should only allow their students to join chorus if you intend to bring them to after school performances. Though Chorus is voluntary, and not a graded subject, it is an extension of the curriculum and a valuable learning experience for your student. As it is voluntary for student members, it is also voluntary for me. For these reasons, student member attendanceat all rehearsals and performances is expected, unless the student has a fever, contagious illness, and/or will miss school that day for an excused absence. If your student has no fever, a minor sore throat, seasonal pollen allergy or other minor discomfort, they are expected to attend rehearsal to learn information, and rehearsal cues – they will not be expected to sing vocals for common sense reasons.

Chorus students should be dropped off at MES (Front doors) between 7:35 AM and 7:45 a.m.Do not drop off students earlier than 7:35 a.m. No school staff will be able to supervise early students.

Chorus should be fun and educational for all students. It is also an activity that teaches commitment and responsibility to students. As such, I ask that parents/ guardians ENSURE your child makes it to rehearsals and performances on time.


Parent Volunteers Needed!

Please indicate if you are able to volunteer, whether just one time, or more, to chaperone at morning practice (if I have a bad traffic morning, supervisors are needed!), after-school events or as administrative help (take role, sort paperwork, etc...). There is a place to indicate this on the Chorus application/agreement.

Please Sign-Up for Remind

See attached instructions to sign-up for Chorus Reminders, Schedule Changes and Announcement.

Please read and discuss the attached agreement with your child. The agreement is also the permission slip and must be turned in before the student attends their first chorus rehearsal. The first morning chorus rehearsal will be held onTuesday, October 3rdat 7:45 AM in the Music Room at MES.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I’m confident that chorus will be an exciting, fun, and educational experience for all members.

Mr. Vita

Schedule changes will be announced using “Remind” (see attached paper) and emailed to parents/guardians. PLEASE SIGN-UP FOR “REMIND” USING INFORMATION PROVIDED!

Chorus information will also be posted to the Moncure Music web site

(TURN THIS PAGE IN TO MR. VITA NO LATER THAN Monday, October 2nd, 2017)

MES 2017 School Year Chorus Agreement

Student/Parent/Guardian Agreement:

We are here to sing and learn. I will come to practices and performances on time, prepared and ready to learn. As a member of the MES chorus, I will respect other chorus members, our teachers, and personal and school property. I will attend all performances and practices to the best of my ability even when it means getting out of bed a little bit early!

Attendance Policy: Students with 3 or more unexcused absences may be dismissed from chorus. Parents/Guardians should send a note or email message addressing absences of their child. If a student is well enough to attend school, they are expected to be at practiceand performances on the same day. Students are expected to perform in ALL scheduled performances regardless of other activities they may join in the spring.

Student Commitment: I will follow these rules to be a member of the chorus. I understand that failure to do so could result in my dismissal from chorus (STUDENT SIGNATURE REQUIRED).

Student Signature: ______


Homeroom Teacher’s Name ______



Parent Agreement: I have read and discussed the attached agreement and scheduled events with my student. I understand that he/ she must attend weekly practices, arrive on time to practices, and attend all performances. I further understand that the Stafford County Public Schools Student Code of Conduct applies to all before and after school chorus activities.


______has permission to be a member of the Moncure Elementary Chorus.

(Student’s name – Please Print)

Parent/ Guardian Signature______


Phone Number (cell/home) ______

Date ______

(Parent) E-mail address______

(Parents) I can help with:

_____Chaperoning at Tuesday morning practices

_____Chaperoning afterschool performances

_____ Assisting with decorations for after-school performances.

I can be reached by email at

Or by phone at (540) 658-6300