A Close ShaveEpisode two

Coefficient 3/ 26



A. Global comprehension: watch twice and find the right order / 4

5 / Preston is hiding.
2 / Preston is reading a newspaper.
8 / Wallace is taking the sheep for a wash.
1 / Wallace and Gromit are cleaning the windows of Wendolene’s woolshop.
3 / Preston is leaving the shop and walking away.
6 / Wallace is suggesting a nice cup of tea.
4 / Preston is going to Wallace and Gromit’s repair.
7 / Shaun is eating Gromit’s bone.
  1. Watch again; all these statements are WRONG. / 4

Underline the wrong word(s) AND correct the wrong word(s)

  • Wallace is up the ladder.Gromit
  • Preston is reading the Morning Post.Telegruff
  • Wendolene’s surname is Telegruff.Ramsbottom
  • Wallace and Gromit’s repair is in High Street.West Wallaby Street

C. Describe this picture / 3

This is a photo hanging on the wall in Wendolene’s woolshop.

It represents Wendolene’s father, who was an inventor, that’s the reason why he’s holding a tool in his right hand, and his dog Preston.

At his death he left both his house and his pet to his daughter.

  1. Vocabulary crosswords: watch, read the clue and complete the grid/ 3

Across 

1."Wash 'n Go" speciality.
4.Colour of Shaun's face and four legs.
5.What Gromit needs from Wallace. / /

Down 

2.Wendolene's father's job and Wallace is one too.
3.It's multi-coloured, and Gromit needs it.
4. Gromit's is white and dogs usuallylove it; it's on Gromit's wallpaper.

E. Grammar Listening: Tick what you heard/ 6

Wendolene: “My father  leaves  left it to me when he dies  died.

He didn’t  live leave me any money.

Just Preston. He  is  was an inventor.”

Wallace: “The police haven’t  catch  caught the sheep rustlers yet.

But you  have  want a lot of wool, eh ?”

Wendolene: “Your dog  ‘s waiting waited waits.”

Wallace: “Yes. He  needs  needed my help.

The bounce  is going  has gone from his bungee.”

Wendolene: “Oh, they  shine  are shining  were shining  shone.

You  done did  ‘ve done  ‘re doing a lovely job.”

Wallace:“ Windows  ‘s are  wereour speciality.”

F. Dictation:/ 4

Narrator: West Wallaby Street … Wallace and Gromit live there.

And here they are . Preston’s hiding .

Wallace:“ Let’s have a nice cup of tea. Good grief ! What a mess !

Who’s done this ? Burglars, do you think ?”

Narrator:What did you hear, Gromit ? It’s a sheep !

It’s eating your bone.

Wallace:“I don’t believe it, Gromit. Look at this.

Aaah, the poor little lad’s hungry .

Come here, chuck. Don’t be sheepish. You need a good wash.”

Narrator:Go with them , Gromit !

G. Watch and comment this sentence from Wallace: “You need wool, Gromit”/ 2

It’s Wallace’s pretext / excuse to have a good reason to go inside the woolshop, because he’s madly in love with its owner Wendolene !

Look at the title of this episode: “Love at first sight” !