This document contains the pre-requisites you must satisfy in order to be considered for employment as a Delivery Team Member (DTM). Failure to satisfy any one of these requirements will disqualify an applicant from moving forward in the interview process for the DTM role.

In order to be eligible as a Delivery Team Member you must:

  • Be at least 18 years ofage.
  • Passallapplicablebackgroundchecks*.
  • ShowyourvalidDriver’sLicense**(andmotorcyclelicensewhereapplicable).
  • Ownorhaveconsentoftheownertousealegallyregisteredvehicle*.
  • ReviewandsignthePaneraEmployeeVehicleNotice,IndemnificationandWaiver;alegalagreement betweenyouasadriver andCadle LLC, Flapan LLC, Dalcan, Cad Capital, Candall, Sylcon and Covelli Enterprises.
ProvidedocumentationofadequateandvalidInsuranceCoverage**forthevehicleyouwillbedrivingfor Panera.

oIt is recommended that you notify your insurance carrier that you will be usingyourpersonalvehicle fordelivery.

  • PassPanera’sVehicleInspection.Requiredonlyforpersonalautoandbicycleuse.**
*These documents must be kept current and will be verified every 6 months.

**Verified monthly.

Copies of all requirements will be kept in your Delivery Team Member file.

If you cannot provide the information above, let your interviewer know you will not be moving forward in the interview process. You may still choose to apply as a Retail Hourly Associate through

DTM Documentation Checklist

Checklist to be completed by interviewer and this page to be retained in DTM’s file.

Applicant’s Name:

Interviewer Initials & Date / Document / Verification Requirements / Document is retained / Follow-up needed
AllDTMs / People Answers Assessment / Completed application / Electronically / None
Hire Authority Background Check / Satisfactory Score / Electronically / Every 6 months
Bicycle Inspection (if applicable) / Pass Inspection / Electronically / Monthly
VehicleDriversOnly / Driver’s License /
  • Current
  • Applicant at least 18 yearsold
  • License is for the state in which delivery teammember is employed. (Out of state licenses may be considered depending on local and state statutes.)
/ Copy in DTM’s file / Every 6 months
Vehicle Registration /
  • Current
  • Valid forapplicant
/ Copy in DTM’s file / Every 6 months
Proof of insurance /
  • Current
  • Valid for applicant (includes borrowed and rentalvehicles)
  • Minimum limits: bodily Injury per person $25,000, bodily Injuryperaccident$50,000and property damage $10,000 (frequently shown as 25/50/10)orthestaterequired minimum limits if they are greater. Recommended that applicant notify insurance company using vehicle for work
/ Copy in DTM’s file / Every 6 months
MVR check / Signed consent form Satisfactory Score / Electronically / Every 6 months
Waiver / Signed waiver form / Copy in DTM’s file / None
Vehicle Inspection / Pass inspection / Electronically / Monthly

Panera Employee Vehicle Notice, Indemnification and Waiver

Completedifutilizingpersonalauto.ThisEmployeeVehicleNotice,IndemnificationandWaiver(this“Waiver”)isenteredintoby theundersigned

Cadle LLC, Flapan LLC, Dalcan, Cad Capital, Candall, Sylcon and Covelli Enterprises.

For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Employee agrees as follows:


2.EmployeeherebydeliverstoCompanyacopyofEmployee’svalidlyissuedandeffectivedriver’slicenseandproofofcurrentinsurance,whichsuch coverage shall be at least as follows: Bodily Injury per person of $25,000/Bodily Injury per accident of $50,000/Property Damage of $10,000 (frequently shown as 25/50/10). Some states have higher minimum limits, and in that case, Employee must carry the state minimum. Employee should also notify his or her insurance company immediately that he or she will be using his or her personal vehicle for Company authorized purposes;andconfirmcoverageapplieswhiledeliveringfortheCompany;

3.Employee agrees and represents to Company that he or she will maintain an effective driver’s license, the minimum insurance coverage referencedinSection2aboveatalltimeswhileEmployeeisusingapersonalvehicleforCompanyauthorizedpurposes.Employeeagreesthatheor she shall not use a personal vehicle for Company authorized purposes if Employee does not have an effective driver’s license, the minimum insurancecoveragereferencedaboveandownershipof(orconsentoftheownertouse)thepersonalvehicletobedrivenbyEmployeeforCompany authorizedpurposes;

4.EmployeeunderstandsthatCompanydisclaimsandshallnotbeliableforanyloss,damageorinjurytoproperty(includingthepersonalvehicle drivenbyEmployee)arisingorresultingfromEmployeeuseofthepersonalvehicleforCompanyauthorizedpurposed.Inthatregard,Employee herebywaivesandreleasesCompanyfromanyandallclaimsandcausesofactionEmployeemayhavewithrespecttoanysuchloss,damageor injury toproperty;

5.Withrespecttoanythirdpartyclaimsforloss,damageorinjurytopersonand/orproperty,EmployeeagreesthatEmployeeshallbesolelyliable therefore and that any applicable insurance proceeds derived from Employee’s insurance or insurance coverage related to the personal vehicle drivenbyEmployeeshallbeusedasthefirstandprimarysourceofpaymenttosatisfythirdpartyclaims;

6.Employee agrees to indemnify and hold Company harmless from any and all liabilities, losses, costs, expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees),claims,demands,actionsandcausesofactionwhatsoeverarisingoutoforrelatedtoanyloss,damageorinjuryofanykindsustainedbyany thirdpartytopersonorpropertyasaresultoforinconnectionwithEmployee’sactionsusingoruseofapersonalvehicleforauthorizedCompany purposes;


8.EmployeeagreesthatintheeventthatEmployeeusesapersonalvehicleforauthorizedCompanypurposes,CompanywillreimburseEmployee for mileage in accordance with the Company’s then current reimbursement policy provided Employee maintains accurate and complete mileage recordsandsubmitsuchmileageandotherinformationtoCompanyinaccordancewithCompany’sthencurrent reimbursementpolicy;

9.Employee agrees and authorizes Company to periodically research, verify and procure information it deems appropriate with respect to Employee’sdrivingrecordincluding,withoutlimitation,informationfromthedepartmentofmotorvehiclesorothercomparableagencies;

10.NowaiverbyCompanyofanydefaultinorbreachofanyprovisionofthisWaiverbyEmployeeshallconstituteawaiverofprior,concurrentor subsequentdefaultsinorbreachesofthesameoranyotherprovisionhereof,andnowaiverbyCompanyshallbeeffectiveunlessinwritingand signed an authorized representative ofCompany;

11.In the event that any provision of this Waiver shall be held illegal or otherwise unenforceable under applicable law, that provision shall be modifiedorbeineffectivetotheextentofsuchinvalidityorunenforceabilitywithoutinanywayaffectingtheremainingpartsofsaidprovisionor theremainingprovisionsofthisWaiver;and

12.Employeeagreesthatbyhisorherexecutionbelow,EmployeehasreadandunderstandsthisWaiverandhasvoluntarilysignedthisWaiverin favorofCompany.EmployeefurtheragreesandunderstandsthatCompanyisrelyingonthisWaiver.

Executedthisdayof, 201 .



Vehicle Inspection Checklist

This form must be completed electronically monthly for each Delivery Team Member and kept on file. If a vehicle does not pass inspection it cannot be used for Panera until the problem has been fixed and another inspection is completed.


Vehicle Inspection

The following items are functioning and in goodcondition




Tail Lights

Havethedriverturnonthelightsandobservethe rear red taillights.

Left Side Not Working

Neither Side

Right SideNot Working


Brake Lights

Havedriverpressbrakepedal.Observerearbrake lights.



Back-Up Lights

Have driver put car in reverse. Observe back-up lights.

Left Side Not Working

Neither Side

Right SideNot Working





Observe both directions frontandback.LeftSideNot Working

Neither Side

Right Side Not





Have driver press horn. Listenforproperoperation.Doesnot work

Windshield Wipers


Havedriverturnonwindshieldwipers.Observefor properoperation.

Left Side Not


Neither Side

Right Side Not





Seat BeltproperlylatchingDoesnot



Observe left and rightheadlights. Observe high beams.



Inspect tiresforbaldspots.NoYes


License Plate

Observethatlicenseplatesarecurrentandplaced per thestaterequirements.


Auto Insurance

Verify that auto insurance isvalid.



Bicycle Inspection Checklist

This form must be completed electronically monthly for each Delivery Team Member and kept on file. If a bicycle does not pass inspection it cannot be used for Panera until the problem has been fixed and another inspection is completed.


No / Yes
No / Yes
No / Yes
Does not work / Works
No / Yes
No / Yes
No / Yes
