Publications of Gerardo García Naumis

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Articles in journals

1.  “Phason hierarchy and electronic stability of quasicrystals”, G.G. Naumis, Phys. Rev. B, (2005).

2.  “Efficient anharmonic phonon generation using a quasiperiodic lattice”, I. Limas, G.G. Naumis, F. Salazar, Ch. Wang, Phys. Lett. A (2005).

3.  “Energy landscape and rigidity”, G.G. Naumis, Phys. Rev. E, (2005).

4.  “Wave-function scaling exponents in a Fibonacci chain”, G.G. Naumis, Ferroelectrics 305, 137 (2004).

5.  “Attraction driven disorder in a hard-core fluid”, A. Huerta, G.G. Naumis, A. Thromuchuk, D. Henderson, D. Wasan, ”, A. Huerta, G.G. Naumis, D.T. Wasan, D. Henderson, A. Trokhymchuk, , J. of Chem.-Phys. 120, 1506 (2004).

6.  “Phason coherency in real space”, G.G. Naumis, J.L. Aragón, Ferroelectrics 305, 199 (2004).

7.  ”Rigidity aspects of glass transition”, A. Huerta, G.G. Naumis, J.of Non-Cryst. Solids. 329, 100 (2003).

8.  “The stability of the renormalization group as a diagnostic tool for localization and its application to the Fibonacci chain”, G.G. Naumis, J. Phys: Condens. Matter 15, 5969 (2003).

9.  Theoretical model for non-crystalline growth, R. Paredes, G. Naumis, R.A Barrio, J. of Non-Cryst. Solids., 329 48 (2003).

10.  “Role of rigidity in the fluid-solid transition”, A. Huerta, G.G. Naumis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 145701 (2003).

11.  Phonon localization in Quasiperiodic Systems, F. Salazar, C. Wang, A. Gelover-Santiago, A. Zentella-Dehesa, G.G. Naumis, J. Talamantes, J. of Non-Cryst. Solids. 329, 167 (2003).

12.  Effects of an impurity in the Harper model, G.G. Naumis, Phys. Lett. A 309, 470-476 (2003).

13.  Analytic expressions for the vertex coordinates of quasiperiodic lattices, G.G. Naumis, J.L. Aragón, Z. Kristallogr. 218, 397 (2003).

14.  “Evidence of a glass transition induced by rigidity self-organization in a network forming fluid”, A. Huerta, G.G. Naumis, Phys. Rev. B66, 184204 (2002).

15.  “Average lattice and the long-wave length behavior of quasicrystals”, G.G. Naumis, J.L. Aragón, M. Torres, J. of Alloys and Compounds 342, 210-215 (2002).

16.  “Glass transition induced by rigidity”, A. Huerta, G. Naumis, Phys. Lett. A 299, 660-665 (2002).

17.  “The Average structure and the diffraction pattern of quasicrystals”, J.L. Aragón, G.G. Naumis, M. Torres, Acta Cryst. A58, 352-360 (2002).

18.  “Frustration effects on the electronic states of a random binary alloy”, G.G. Naumis, Ch. Wang, R. Barrio., Phys. Rev. B65, (2002) 134203.

19.  “Determination of localization in aperiodic systems by using the trace map”, G.G. Naumis, Ferroelectrics 250 (2001) 405-409.

20.  “Models of glasses”, R.A. Barrio, G.G. Naumis, Glass Phys. Chem. 26, (2000) 325-330.

21.  “Contribution of floppy modes to the specific heat jump and fragility in chalcogenide glasses”, G.G. Naumis, Phys. Rev. B61 Rapid Communications (2000) R9205.

22.  “Stochastic matrix description of glass transition”, R. Kerner, G.G. Naumis, J. of Phys: Condens. Matter 12 (2000) 1641-1648.

23.  “Use of the trace map for evaluating localization properties”, G.G. Naumis, Phys. Rev. B59, (1999), 11315-11321.

24.  “Coherency of phason dynamics in Fibonacci chains”, G.G. Naumis,Ch. Wang, M.F. Thorpe, R.A. Barrio, Phys. Rev. B59 (1999) 14 302.

25.  “Simple rules for the prediction of the glass transition temperature in network glasses”, M. Micoulaut, G.G. Naumis, EuroPhys. Letters 47 (3), (1999) 568-574.

26.  “Density of states and first spectral moments of a quasiperiodic lattice”, G.G. Naumis, J. Phys: Condens. Matter 11 (1999) 7 143-7 154.

27.  “The influence of phason disorder on the electronic spectrum and eigenstates of Fibonacci lattices”, G.G. Naumis, J.L. Aragón: Physics Letters A 244 (1998) 133.

28.  “Modelling of growth and agglomeration processes leading to various non-crystalline materials”, G.G. Naumis, J. of Non-Cryst. Solids 232-234 (1998) 600.

29.  “Stochastic Matrix description of glass transition in ternary chalcogenide glasses”, G.G. Naumis, R. Kerner, J. of Non-Cryst. Solids 231 (1998) 111.

30.  “Boroxol rings and the stochastic matrix method”, G. G. Naumis, R.A. Barrio, R. Kerner, M. Micoulaut, Rev. Mex. de Física 44 S3, (1998) 80-84.

31.  “Evaluation of the concentration of boroxol rings in vitreous B2O3 by the stochastic matrix method”, R.A. Barrio, R. Kerner, M. Micoulaut, G.G. Naumis, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 9 (1997) 9219.

32.  “Sustitutional disorder in Fibonacci lattices: resonant eigenstates and instability of the spectrum”, G. G. Naumis, J.L. Aragón, Phys. Rev. B54, (1996) 15 079.

33.  “Bethe lattice studies in glasses”, R.A. Barrio, G. Naumis, Ch. Wang, J. of Non-Cryst. Solids 182, (1995) 22.

34.  “Effects of frustration and localization of states in the Penrose lattice”, G. Naumis, R. Barrio, Ch. Wang, Phys. Rev. B50, (1994) 9834.

35.  “Renormalization group of random Fibonacci chains”, J.C. López, G. Naumis, J.L. Aragón, Phys. Rev. B48, (1993) 12 459.

Articles of vulgarization

1.  Materiales vítreos y su modelaje mediante modelos estocásticos, G.G. Naumis, TIP Revista especializada en Ciencias Químico-Biológicas 2 (2): 27-30, 1999.

2.  Nuevos materiales que surgen del desorden: los materiales amorfos, Ciencia: Revista de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias 54 4-10, Enero-Marzo (2003).

Writings in Proceedings

1.  Electron gaps and localization of states in 2D quasicrystals, G. Naumis, R.A. Barrio, C. Wang, Proc. of the 5th. International Conference on Quasicrystals, (World Scientific, Singapour, 1995), p.p. 431-436.

2.  The effect of phason disorder in the electronic propierties of Fibonacci lattices, G.G. Naumis, J.L. Aragón, Proceedings of Aperiodic 97, ed. por J.M. Verger, (Word Scientific, Singapour, 1998) p.p. 645-650.

3.  Phason-Neutron coupling in quasicrystals, G.G. Naumis, R.A. Barrio, Chumin Wang, M. Thorpe, Proc. of Aperiodic 97, ed. por J.M. Verger, (Word Scientific, Singapour, 1998) p.p. 727-733.

4.  Discerning phason coherency in quasicrystalline systems, G.G. Naumis, Chumin Wang, R.A. Barrio, MRS Symposium Proc., ed. por J.M. Dubois, P.A. Thiel, A.P. Tsai, K. Urban, (MRS, Boston, 1999) p.p. 147-152.

5.  Using the renormalization group for the evaluation of electronic localization, G.G. Naumis. Proceedings of the XXIV International Coloqium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics”. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 173: section1, ed. por J.P. Gazeau, R. Kerner, S. Métens, (Bristol,IOP,2003), ISBN 0 7503 0933 4.

Chapters in books

1.  “Gaps in non-periodic systems”, R.A. Barrio, G. Naumis, Wang Ch., en: Current Problems in Condensed Matter: Theory and Experiment , Ed. by: J.L. Moran-López (Ed. Plenum Press, New York, 1997), p.p. 283-289.

2.  “Floppy modes effects in the thermodynamical properties of chalcogenides glasses”, G.G. Naumis, en: Phase Transitions And Self-Organization In Electronic And Molecular Materials, Ed. by: J.C. Phillips, M. Thorpe, (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2001) p.p. 161-170. ISBN 0-306-46568-X.

3.  “A new approach to the diffraction pattern of quasicrystals”, G.G. Naumis, J.L Aragón, M. Torres, in: “Aplicaciones interdisciplinares en materiales”, Ed. Por : P. Adrados, J.L. Aragón, M. Torres, (Ediciones de la Torre, Madrid, 2002) p.p. 106-114. ISBN 84-7960326-7.

4.  On the central role of local structure in determinig the glass transition temperature in network materials, M. Micolaut, G.G. Naumis, in: Recent Research Developments in Non-Crystalline Solids, Ed. by S.G Pandalai, (Transworld Research Network, Kervala, India, 20002). ISBN: 81-7895-045-6.

In press:

5.  Los fractales: una nueva geometría para describir el espacio geográfico, G.G. Naumis, por aparecer en : La rurbanización de la corona de la ciudad de México, ed. por J. Delgado, UNAM-El Colegio de México, 2001.