Fitness II

Academic Year 2008-2009

Academy for Allied Health Sciences

Mr. McCurley –


The Physical Education course at the Academy of Allied Health Science and Technologies is designed to enhance the physical, mental, emotional, and social well being of the students. A scientific approach highlighting exercise physiology is the foundation for the students learning. Integration of kinesiology and principles of anatomy and physiology heighten students understanding of how the body relates to exercise and the science of human performance.

Research identifies that regular physical activity improves the quality and longevity of life and is an essential part of achieving over all health. It is important that students gain awareness and appreciation of the relationship between exercise and wellness and the science of human performance.

Students will understand and consistently demonstrate the components of physical fitness: cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Activities, which incorporate these components enable students to meet their personal fitness needs, are emphasized. Experiences, which contribute to the development of positive attitudes toward physical fitness and positive self-esteem, will be carried into the adult life of the student.


A grade of 65 is passing for the course. There are four marking periods; each is worth 25% of the final grade.

In Fitness II, students will earn a maximum of 5 points each day. Three points will come from participation and the remaining 2 points from responsibility/social skills and Performance/Class Assignments. Definitions of the grading criteria are provided below.

Participation: utilization of fitness concepts, setting and monitoring fitness goals, daily participation

Responsibility/Social Skills: personal accountability, (i.e., dressed in appropriate clothing, no gum) cooperative problem solving, respect for others, and sportsmanship, appropriate behavior.

Performance/Class Assignments: knowledge of rules, strategy and history of sports and games. Demonstrated proficiency on assignments given throughout the duration of the year.

The students’ final grade will be a percentage of the total points that the student has earned for the marking period. The total points a student can earn for the marking period include the daily participation grade, papers/assignments and the total number of miles that the student has completed.

Ex: Maximum Points Earned = 200.

Student earns 190 points.

190/200 = 95 Final Average

Class Procedures:

  • Students are expected to report to the MagnetFitnessCenter everyday unless otherwise specified by the teacher.
  • A student will be assigned a Loss of Privilege (L.O.P.) for an unexcused tardy to class. The L.O.P. will occur during co-curricular.
  • Students are expected to arrive dressed and ready to participate in class everyday. Examples of proper dress include: sneakers and socks, shorts (appropriate length), t-shirts, sweatpants. Students should also come to class with a folder, paper and a pencil/pen.
  • If a student is unprepared for class, they will be assigned a written assignment to complete in the Multi-MediaCenter. The student will receive up to two (2) points if the assignment is completed properly.
  • Bring a lock to secure personal belongings in the locker room. Students are discouraged from bringing expensive items to school.
  • Treat all physical education equipment with respect and use items of equipment as instructed.
  • Students are expected to display good sportsmanship and treat each other with respect at all times.
  • Adhere to all safety guidelines.

I have read and I understand the course description and grading policy.


Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature

Parents/Guardians please also provide a contact number or an e-mail address in case the situation arises where home contact is necessary. Please provide the contact information which is most convenient for you.