MUT 2012: The Thrill is Gone, Bernie
Packet Five
Edited by the University of Minnesota and University of Illinois
1. This text makes the claim that men who are thrust down into hell, men who deny not the Holy Spirit and men who did not receive the gospel of Christ have glory equal to that of the stars, which it terms “telestial.” It notes that evil men don’t give good gifts and that the skin of evil people was blackened. One of its figures notes that his father “dwelt in a tent” and that his descendants fought the Lamanites. It relates the Testimony of the Eight Witnesses and describes Jacob, who is the brother of Nephi. This work describes Moroni, who titles its last section, who inspired its creation. This work’s author owned a seerstone before his First Vision and named its locations after places in New York. For 10 points, name this text supposedly translated from golden tablets by Joseph Smith.
ANSWER: The Book of Mormon
2. This author wrote one short story in which a man who boasts about his virility successfully seduces Tanya, who used to visit the title characters of every morning for a kringle. This social realist author of “Twenty Six Men and a Girl” wrote about Pelageya Nelovna, who supports the acts of her revolutionary son Pavel Vlassov in his play Mother. In another play by this author of The Artamonov Business, Pepel Vaska kills Kostoloff, and the Actor hangs himself at the end of that play, in which Luka is the only optimistic character. . For 10 points, name this Russian playwright of The Lower Depths, for whom the city of Nizhny Novgorod was once named.
ANSWER: Maxim Gorky
3. A film about this occupation begins with a character reciting a poem with the line “I’d rather hear you cheer, when I delve into Shakespeare.” Another character with this job works with Tony “Duke” Evers and becomes enemies with George Washington Duke. In one film, a character with this job brutally assaults his brother, the Joe Pesci-played Joey, for having an affair with his wife Vickie. Before becoming a dockworker, this is the job Terry Malloy used to have before being betrayed by his brother in On the Waterfront. Another character with this occupation is taught by Mickey Goldmill, is married to Adrian Pennino, and eventually befriends rival Apollo Creed. For 10 points, name this occupation held by Jake La Motta in Raging Bull and by the Sylvester Stallone played Rocky Balboa.
ANSWER: boxer [accept pugilist or fighter, but do not accept “wrestler” or “ultimate fighter”]
4. This scientist corrected the isotherm of a van der Waals gas by replacing an oscillating section below the critical temperature with a horizontal line splitting the curve into two equal areas. The equality of mixed partial derivatives can be used to derive a set of relations named for this man equating various partials of thermodynamic quantities. This physicist developed a distribution function describing the velocities of molecules in ideal gases that is also named for Boltzmann, and he added a displacement current term to correct Ampere’s law. He also conceived of a being that could violate the second law of thermodynamics. For 10 points, name this British scientist who put together the four fundamental equations of electromagnetism and has a namesake demon.
ANSWER: James Clerk Maxwell
5. In the Pissarides-Mortenson-Diamond framework, this phenomenon is analyzed using aggregate matching functions. This phenomenon is plotted on the X axis of a Beveridge curve, and Phelps’s suggestion that it remains constant in the long run gave rise to the “natural rate” hypothesis for this phenomenon. Okun’s Law relates the negative relationship between this and GDP, and the Phillips Curve plots this concept against inflation. The structural type of this phenomenon occurs when skills are incompatible and it can also be cyclical or frictional. For 10 points, name this condition in which those who are willing to work find themselves devoid of jobs.
ANSWER: unemployment [accept employment or labour force participation until “X axis”]
6. The orphan drug Dornase Alfa is a DNase that can be used to treat this disease, and N-acetylcistine is sometimes used to treat this condition. Patients of this disorder can develop ABPA due to infection by fungi of genus Aspergillus, and this disease is caused by the deletion of a single phenylalanine codon. This autosomal recessive disorder is caused due to a mutation in a gene on chromosome 7 which codes for its namesake transmembrane conductance regulator, which serves as a chloride ion channel. Individuals with this disorder have abnormally high salt concentrations in their sweat. For 10 points, name this disorder characterized by excessive mucus buildup in lungs.
ANSWER: cystic fibrosis [accept CF]
7. In a fit of rage this hero slaughtered swans and stags and mounted them on his chariot. This man’s modesty was abused to quell his anger as he was thrust in vessels of water after he averted his gaze from a group of bare breasted women. This figure demanded that his only son should never reveal his name and he killed that son by Aife despite warnings from his wife Emer. This father of Connla thrust a leather ball down the throat of a hound after a smith released it at a banquet for this man’s uncle Conchobar. After that, this person adopted his more familiar name to replace Setanta, his given name. He wields a spear made of sea monster bones, the Gae Bulga. For 10 points, name this son of Lugh and victor of the Cattle Raid of Cooley, an Irish hero.
ANSWER: Cuchulainn [or Setanta before mentioned]
8. One king with this name ordered a census called the “Hundred Rolls.” One agreement bethrothed a man with this name to another realm’s queen, an agreement fought over in the War of the Rough Wooing. Another ruler with this name founded the Order of the Garter, whose members included his namesake son, who won at the battles of Poitiers and Crecy. One king with this name had his forces lose the battle of Stirling Bridge, while another was very briefly succeeded by his cousin Lady Jane Grey. This was the name of the son of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour, as well as a king known as Longshanks who opposed the Scottish rebel William Wallace. For 10 points, give the name of eight English kings, including one who abdicated to marry Wallis Simpson.
ANSWER: Edward [number/epithet does not matter]
9. In one novel by this author, the protagonist lives with a prostitute after he leaves home to start managing a coffee shop; that work is titled The Beginning and the End. One banned novel written by this author follows the offspring of the title character as they try, and fail, to lead revolutions based on the three Abrahamic religions. A third novel by this author sees Ilish marry Nabawiyya after she turns her back on Sa’id Mahran; those novels are Children of Gebelawi and The Thief and the Dog respectively. This author wrote a work divided into three novels titled Palace Walk, Palace of Desire, and Sugar Street. For 10 points, name this Egyptian author of The Cairo Trilogy.
ANSWER: Naguib Mahfouz [accept Najib Mahfuz]
10. This city was the site of a trial in which six generals were executed for failing to rescue drowning sailors due to a storm. Panic erupted here upon the return of the ship Paralus after the navy of Conon was effectively wiped out. Under the government of the 5,000, it won the battle of Cyzicus. Its normal governing boule consisted of 500 men, each of which served one year terms, and it was connected to a port at Piraeus by the Long Walls. This city sent a disastrous expedition to Syracuse as advised by Alcibiades. One of its leaders discussed laws affording “equal justice to all” in a famous wartime funeral oration. This city was ruled by the reformer Solon and the strict Draco. For 10 points, name this city-state led by Pericles, which lost the Peloponnesian War to Sparta.
ANSWER: Athens
11. In the third section of one work, this composer grouped rhythms in patterns of 13, 22, and 27 notes and continued into a ‘hurling’ dance. This composer included a “Valse Impromptu” and a piece called “Butterfly” in one collection that opens with “Arietta.” This composer, whose Piano Concerto in A Minor was inspired by Schumann’s, opened one piece with a flute and oboe playing a melody that symbolizes the rising of the sun. This composer, who used Bach’s Third Orchestral Suite as the basis for his Holberg Suite, wrote incidental music that includes the movements “Morning Mood” and “In the Hall of the Mountain King.” For 10 points, name this composer of Lyric Pieces and the Peer Gynt Suite, who hailed from Norway.
ANSWER: Edvard Hagerup Grieg
12. A reaction between acids of this element and an aryl or vinyl halide is used to produce conjugated styrenes and biphenyls, and a compound containing this element is generally solvated in a compound with a five membered ring with an oxygen heteroatom. This element is bonded to a cyanide group, three hydrogen atoms and a sodium atom in a weak reducing agent. One compound that contains this element adds hydroxyl groups to less substituted carbon of an alkene, and hydrogen peroxide is used to displace this element in the second step of that reaction. A trihydride of this element is solvated in THF and used in a reaction to yield an anti-Markovnikov product. For 10 points, name this element with atomic number 5.

ANSWER: boron

13. This book was written partially as a response to the lectures of Friedrich Schelling that its author was attending. It traces the movement of the beautiful from time to space in a section on the “validity of marriage”. This work posits the evilness of boredom by comparing it with the fertility that arises from the rotation of crops. It encourages inwardness and the unified consciousness of the ethical thinker Judge Williams. Hedonists, like the author of the “Seducer’s Diary” live only in the present and are grouped with abstract intellectuals as aesthetes in this work. Subtitled “A Fragment on Life,” it contrasts the aesthetic with the ethical. For 10 points, name this work by Soren Kierkegaard.
ANSWER: Either/or: “A Fragment on Life” [accept Enten-Eller]
14. The protagonist of this work breaks his back by jumping out of a window after reading a pamphlet. Will the English recommends visiting the Manse in this work, which contains a character who wears a “Peebee Shelley” mask while carrying out a crime. F. Alexander coined the title phrase of this novel and lives in a cottage marked HOME. This work, which opens at the Korova Milkbar, sees Pete marries Georgina at its end. Its protagonist licks an old man’s shoes after being treated by Dr. Brodsky and watching “special films.” The protagonist of this novel loves Beethoven and is sent to prison for killing an old woman at a house that he and his droogs broke into. For 10 points, name this novel by Anthony Burgess.
ANSWER: A Clockwork Orange
15. In this work, the paranoid Andre Mary orders the arrest of Andres, who is freed thanks to the Russian journalist Karkov. The protagonist attempts to send a letter to General Golz, requesting that the central action be called off. This novel ends with the protagonist feeling “integrated” as he lies with a broken leg, preparing to shoot an enemy. In one scene, enemy aircraft bomb a group led by El Sordo. In this novel, the protagonist joins a group led by the traitorous Pablo, although Pablo’s woman, Pilar, effectively leads the group. The protagonist falls in love with Maria, who was raped by fascist troops. For 10 points, name this Ernest Hemingway novel about Robert Jordan’s attempt to blow up a bridge during the Spanish Civil War.
ANSWER: For Whom the Bell Tolls
16. To explain the observed convective regime in this structure, the Adams-Williamson equation is modified to include a tau-alpha corrective term that models a superadiabatic thermal gradient between it and the structure below it. The boundary between it and the region below it is home to ultra-low velocity zones and sees a remarkable drop off in S-wave activity, while radioactive decay and accretion heat lead to upwellings in this region whose lower bound is the D’’ (dee double-prime) layer. Convection currents in this layer of the earth cause its namesake plumes and its fluidity is the reason for plate tectonics. For 10 points, name this largest layer of the earth that sits below the crust.
ANSWER: mantle [accept core-mantle boundary for the first sentence]
17. One leader of this country was stabbed to death by a parliamentary messenger who claimed to have a giant tapeworm speak to him. The song “Sun City” was written about a casino resort in this country. Under Reagan, the U.S. initially took the policy of “constructive engagement” with this country, which was led by a man known as the “Big Crocodile.” In 1960, police officers here gunned down protesters in the Sharpeville massacre. This country was led by P.W. Botha, who was criticized by the outspoken Archbishop Desmond Tutu. In 1990, its government released a certain prisoner from Robben Island and unbanned the African National Congress party. For 10 points, name this country, once led by FW de Klerk and anti-apartheid activist Nelson Mandela.
ANSWER: Republic of South Africa
18. One landscape by this artist shows the garden of George Sand’s house in Nohant. One work by this artist shows a red-turbaned man take the hand of a scared brown robe wearing man as they are surrounded by damned souls swimming around in a river. He painted a chaotic room in which nude women are killed and treasures are destroyed as the title king apathetically looks on from his bed in one work. This artist of The Barque of Dante painted himself holding a rifle next to a young boy wielding pistols and a bare-breasted woman holding up the tricolor in one work. For 10 points, name this Romantic painter of Death of Sardanapalus and Liberty Leading the People.