Phillips Preparatory School
Physical Education/Health Policy Sheet
Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year. We are looking forward to having a great deal of fun during Physical Education and Health this school year. Students will be participating in Physical Education 80% of the class time and in Health 20% of the class time. The Health text is entitled Totally Awesome Health, Level I for 6th grade and Level II for 7th and 8th grade. The Physical Education Fitness text is entitled Foundations of Personal Fitness…Anybody Can Be Fit. Students will not be issued texts. Rather, we will provide classroom copies that will be kept at school. Students will need to have a two-pocket, three-hole folder for keeping all Physical Education, Health and Fitness hand-outs, notes, and information. (This folder was part of the student pack sold at school.)
Uniform Policy:
Students are required to dress out in the proper Physical Education uniform sold only at school by the Physical Education Department.
Warm Weather Outfit: The warm weather outfit consists of a white t-shirt with the Phillips emblem on the upper left front and blue shorts with the Phillips emblem on the lower leg.
· Articles may be purchased separately for $10.00 each or as a set for $20.00.
· Students are also required to wear white school socks and sturdy tennis shoes. NO COLORED SOCKS!!!
· No tights or long-sleeved shirts may be worn under shorts or short-sleeved t-shirt.
Cold Weather Outfit: The cold weather outfit consists of a royal blue sweat suit with the Phillips emblem on the upper left front of the top and the upper left pant leg of the bottoms.
· Articles may be purchased separately for $15.00 each or as a set for $30.00.
· Only stud earrings may be worn. No other jewelry of any kind may be worn during activity.
Students must put their first and last name in permanent marker on the ribbon located under the emblem on each piece of clothing and on the outside of their tennis shoes. It is recommended to put initials in the regular school uniform also to help identify them if they are lost.
It is imperative that students have the appropriate dress out clothing. Students may use previously owned Physical Education uniforms. The previous owner’s name shall be marked through with a single line and the new owner’s name written above or below the old name. Both names should be legible. No student will be allowed to wear a uniform which has had the previous owner’s name completely marked out. Students are not allowed to borrow another student’s uniform. Students should take PE clothes home to be washed regularly.
Dressing out and participation accounts for 60% of the student’s grade. Students will be given a dress out essay after the third zero for the quarter. The essay must be signed by the parent when it is returned the next day.
Attendance/Tardiness Policy:
Be on time to class. You must be past the white line before the tardy bell rings. You must be dressed out and in your squad lines no later than 7 minutes after the tardy bell rings. After three tardies, students will be sent to the office. You may not miss Physical Education class for another class. You will receive a zero if you do not come to class unless you have prior permission.
Locks/Lockers Policy:
All students are issued a locker to secure their belongings during Physical Education class. The lock fee was part of your original fee payment. Students may not bring a lock from home. Locks not issued by the Physical Education Department will be promptly cut off. Students are not to share their lock combinations with anyone. Lockers are effective if they are used by the student it is issued to and all valuables are placed inside with the lock secured. Teachers are not responsible for items not secured in the students’ assigned lockers. Students losing their lock will be required to pay a replacement fee of $7.00.
Sickness/Injury Policy:
All students with special medical circumstances should let their instructor know as soon as possible. Students may be excused from physical activity for a maximum of three (3) days with a parent note. Sickness or injury requiring more than three (3) days of inactivity will be excused only by a physician’s written request (School Board Policy). Students not participating in regular activity will be given alternative work to make up for their daily grade.
Grading Policy:
The Mobile County Public School System has the following grading policy for middle school Physical Education and Health:
20%------Health (quizzes, homework, tests, projects, etc…)
20%------Fitness and Sports Skills (quizzes, skills tests, projects, etc…)
60%------Daily Dress Out and Participation
Students must pass Physical Education and Health with a 70% or higher average in order to pass the current grade level. Physical Education is required by state law for students in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.
Discipline Policy:
1. Warning
2. Isolation walking/writing
3. Parent Contact
4. Discipline Write-up
If parents have any questions or concerns, please contact your student’s teacher.
We have many activities planned for this school year. Students will be exposed to a variety of lifetime fitness and sports activities such as archery, golf, gymnastics, tennis, badminton, rhythms, and more. Students will also participate in a variety of team activities such as basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, and softball. We look forward to having a lot of fun this school year.
Phillips Preparatory School Physical Education Department
Calvin Turnipseed, Jonah Shenesey, Missy Thompson, Lee Waters, and Nicole Driggers
Please sign below indicating you agree to comply with all Physical Education Department Policies:
Student Signature______
Parent Signature______
Daytime Phone #______