Wilson PTG
Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2017
Call to Order – 7:01 p.m., Josie Dix
Introductions – Josie Dix:
-President – Josie Dix
-Vice President – Katie Glazier
-Treasurer – Zack Kozel
-Secretary – Alex. Evans
PTG Mail – Josie Dix:
-Thank you from Mrs. Holcomb
-Fundraiser opportunity – Pizzarita
-Mobius offer for a science day/night
-“Jump Rope Guy” offer for an assembly
PTG Board of Directors Nominations – Josie Dix and Katie Glazier:
-By-laws, Article III, Sections 1 and 2: 1-30 members, each household counts as 1 member.
-Nominees are people who attended 2+ meetings in 2016-2017 – open to additions
-QUESTION: What is the difference between a Board Member and meeting attendee – specifically when it comes to voting? ANSWER: Specifics in the by-laws. Generally, the Board votes on changes to by-laws. Meeting attendees can vote on motions made in meetings regarding events and spending up to $1000.
-Motion to approve list of names: Katie Glazier. Second: Alex. Evans. ALL in favor to approve.
September Meeting Minutes – Alex. Evans:
-Motion to approve the minutes: Monica Bertucci-Pfundt. Second: Hilary Kozel. ALL in favor to approve.
Treasurer’s Report – Zack Kozel:
-Money to teachers has gone out. Money will also be given to specialists, proportional to the number of hours they work – in accordance with the June 2016 vote.
-Pizza in the Park numbers still to be tallied.
-Patrol Award should have been in the budget for $180. It has been added and the money has been given to the faculty advisor for patrol.
-The “Spokanimal” money in the budget is not from/for the PTG, rather is money students raised for hurricane relief. The PTG account is simply the go-between.
-Motion to approve the budget: MakeeshaStachofsky. Second: Alex. Evans. ALL in favor to approve.
Family Directory – Meghan McLaughlin:
-There will be a directory, but TBD when it will be ready. Tracey McKay (office) says she has all the contact information ready. Zack Kozel offered to help with formatting.
-Discussion of whether we should still sell ads to fund or if the PTG should fund. Also suggested was to do the directory in PDF format and send electronically. Josie wrapped the discussion in the interest of time and asked people to discuss with Meghan after the meeting.
Monster Mash – Josie Dix:
-Planning meeting at 8pm after PTG meeting.
-Signup Genius going out this week for volunteers to do decorations.
-Michele Staben: Food has been procured.
Box Tops – Josie Dix:
-Cyndi Slizza Donahue is current chair and is looking for someone to help/take on Box Tops.
-Fall collection has taken place and went well.
Art Night – Josie Dix:
-This is the next PTG event coming up. Darlene Morehouse and Laura Cook Croddy (sp) are putting it on. Signup Genius is coming for volunteers.
Auction – Deb Banning:
-Venue, food, and beverage are all secured.
-Theme is “Learning is Magic” or something similar – old time, sophisticated magic.
-Looking for committee chairs – procurement, live auction, decorations…
-We are SIX MONTHS out!
-QUESTION: What will the auction money go to? ANSWER: Subscriptions, bags of balls for recess, many things teachers asked for (in September minutes). Unclear yet if there will be one big item.
Pizza in the Park – Kimber Royter:
-There were at least 550 people in attendance – based on plates used.
-The Branham family offered to take over Pizza in the Park for next year. Still need a co-chair!
Principal’s Report – Tony Ressa:
-Career Days have hit a road block. There is already a district-wide career days for 5th graders every year downtown, so the district would not like us to do our own.
-Thank you to the PTG for providing funding for lunch on last week’s career development day for the staff/teachers.
-Brief recap of the day of the lockdown. All the principals in the district were in a meeting together off-sit. Mr. Ressa got back to Wilson as soon as possible. The lockdown was a precaution and it was known that there was not imminent danger at Wilson. The teachers and staff did an excellent job following protocols. There will be a district official visiting Wilson tomorrow to go over the procedures of lockdowns and other incidents.
Holly Bozo: Noted that communication overall needs improvement – particularly between PTG and teachers. Ideas are to have a community board in the school with PTG activities posted and send out a monthly flyer to parents/teachers with upcoming events and programs. Alex. Evans will work on both.
Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) – Hilary Kozel:
-SPS will soon change Brightarrow text delivery from opt-IN to opt-OUT.
-SPS is considering a 2-hour delay in lieu of full days off for inclement weather. Decision is still to be made.
-There is a new “Z Pass” program for bus riders which indicates when kids get on/off the bus. SPS is in the process of getting a GPS system as well to show where buses are.
-Freeman Strong. SPS learned a lot of lessons from the Freeman tragedy. The district felt that since they “didn’t know what (they) didn’t know,” full lockdown procedures were necessary. They discussed training for procedures in the all situations (recess, field trips, etc.). SPS is working on a centralized “switch” to put all schools in lockdown at once.
-Next SPS levy is Feb 13, 2018.
-WILSON CLASSROOM ADDITION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 2019 – JANUARY 2020. “CAMP WILSON” SET FOR FALL 2019 AT OLD JEFFERSON SCHOOL. The money for this project has been allocated. The next step is choosing an architect, which should be completed this calendar year. The planning phase will be in 2018, which will be the time for community comment/input.
Wrap up – Josie Dix: Break out meeting will occur after this meeting adjourns.
Meeting Adjourned – 8:05 p.m., Josie Dix