Audience: TA Staff(August 15, 2017v37)
EPIC Technical Assistance Guide
Introduction to the Manual/Foreword
TA Staff Instructions
Prepare for On-site Visit
During the On-site Visit
Appendix A: Prepare for the On-site Visit
Letter to send CBO for a Technical Assistance On-site Visit
Technical Assistance On-site Visit Agenda
Appendix B: Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment
On-site Meeting Intro/Script for the Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment Section
Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment Staff Results Sheet
Quality Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment Interview/Rubric
Appendix C: Career Development Plan & Supportive Service
On-site Meeting Intro/Script for the Career Development and Supportive Service Section
Career Development Plan & Supportive Service Results Sheet
Appendix D: Completion Status
On-site Meeting Intro/Script for the Completion Status Section
Completion Status Results Sheet
Quality Completion Status Interview/Rubric Sheet
Appendix E: Customer and Employer Interview
On-site Training Customer Interview Instructions
Training Customer Interview/Results Sheet
On-site Work Experience Employer Interview Instructions
Work Experience Employer Interview/Results Sheet
Appendix F: Completing the Technical Assistance Summary Review Letter & Results Sheets
Technical Assistance Summary Review Letter
Appendix G: References
E&T References - Websites, Federal Regulations and Guidance
EPIC Progress Page Flow Chart
EPIC Customer & DHS Forms Flow Chart
Introduction to the Manual/Foreword
As we move further into the implementation phase of EPIC, completing desk reviews and providing technical assistance site visits are essential to the success of the program.
This manual will assist staff in providing technical assistance to the CBOs.It will also be an opportunity for the state level EPIC team to gather eligibility related documentation, information on how services are delivered, and conduct interviews related to the program.
Technical Assistance efforts will occur for the following:
- Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment
- Career Development Plan and Supportive Services
- Completion Status
Additionally, interviews will occur with CBO staff, customers, training providers, and work experience employers.
TA Staff Instructions
Prepare for On-site Visit
- Contact CBO via email and/or phone to schedule a date for the initial on-site visit.
- Send out the CBO cover letter(from Appendix A)by email and US Postal Service to the appropriate contactstwo weeks priorto the on-site visit. Thecover letter explains the purpose of technical assistance and asks that the CBO complete the attached draft agendaand return it no later thanfive business days prior to the scheduled date.
- Carbon copy the letter to the following EPIC representatives:
- Illinois Department of Commerce – and
- SIUC -
- Illinois Department of Human Services –
- Add scheduled Technical Assistance visits to the CBO calendar on the EPIC Partner Resources page.
- Go to
- Login to your Illinois workNet Account
- Scroll down to the CBO EPIC Calendar on the homepage
- Select Add next to the date of the visit and enter in the information
- Obtain the completed desk review on the identified customers along with the appropriate CBO Technical Assistance Guidethree business days prior to your on-site visit from the Illinois workNet representative (Olivia Griesheim). A listing of training programs and employer worksites are included with the information.
- Compare the technical assistance tool to the desk review results. Identify critical areas, highlighted in red, on the desk review to discuss during on-site visit.
- Review the Rubricsat the end of AppendixB and C and compare them to the interview questions to understand the basic components and expectations for awarding excellent, good, or poor status levels.Theserubrics are also used to complete the Review/Technical Assistance Report Appendix F.
During the On-site Visit
Meeting with the Provider
- Use theInterview/Rubric and ResultsSheets in Appendices B-D while meeting with the CBO providers. While utilizing the Interview/Rubricsheets to ask questions you will:
- Document the response inthe results sheet for each question.
- Look up the customers noted in the Other Participant ID #column on the results sheet and review any paper file for the customer.If a specific customer is not noted in the Other Participant ID # column, look up one or more other customers for each question, if applicable, and document the customer’s Other Participant ID # if it is not provided in the desk review. Ensure the online documentation is complete and in line with the CBO response.
- Spot check a minimum of two other random customers and collect best practices and show the CBO staff how to correct any issues found. Do not fix it for them.
- Ascertain if the career navigatorcan properly navigate the dashboards and customer profiles to find the following:
- Customers to review through the Enrolled, Assessment, Worksite and ISTEP dashboards
- Customers who require action by the CBO
- Agency details on training program information and scheduling
- Uploaded documents in the EPIC system:
- Statement of Work (SOW)
- Assessments
- Additional Program Information (e.g., training program syllabus, organization rules and regulations for customer participation, etc.).
- Grant Agreements
- Staffing Lists
- Worksite Agreements
- Payroll
- Employment Verification
- Completion Documentation
- Customer’s Earned Credentials
- When you get back to the office after completing your technical assistance visit you will:
- Use the instructions in Appendix F and complete the Results Sheet for each section.
- Use the interview/rubric sheetsto rate each question.
- In the notes section, you will identify any observations you collected during the visit. Identify best practices that you found while working with the CBO. Also, identify areas that could result in possible findings if policies and procedures are not followed.
- In the Follow-up,you will note any items that need corrected and followed up with. Follow-up with the CBO will occur within five business days for any issues that impact the customer success in the program. Follow-up will occur within 30 business days for all other issues.
Meeting with the Customers
- You will use the first interview sheet in Appendix E while meeting with the EPIC customers. While utilizing the interview sheet to ask questions you will:
- Document the response on the notes section within each question.
- Collect best practices, challenges, and processes.
- Include any items the CBO needs to follow-up with in the follow-up section.
Meeting with the Worksite Employer
- You will use the second interview sheet in Appendix E while meeting with the EPIC worksite employer. While utilizing the interview sheet to ask questions you will:
- Document the response on the results section within each question.
- Collect best practices, challenges, and processes.
- Include any items the CBO needs to follow-up with in the follow-up section.
Appendix A: Prepare for the On-site Visit
Letter to send CBO for a Technical Assistance On-site Visit
Name Date, 2015
Address 1
Address 2
Dear Salutation Last Name:
Thank you for your participation as an EPIC provider. Lead Name has been assigned as technical assistance lead staff for your organization. The services that you offer through the EPIC program provide the skills our customers need to put them on a path to self-sufficiency. As we move forward with the EPIC program, we will be conducting desk reviews and providing technical assistance site visits. The purpose of this letter is to set up an on-site technical assistance review on (Date) that includes the following functions:
- Desk Reviews – Illinois workNet staff will complete desk reviews of current customers one week prior to your TA visit, and in six-month intervals afterwards. This review uses information from the online EPIC system and will include between 5-20 participants. Additional case files may be randomly selected for review during the site visit. This desk review will be referenced during the on-site technical assistance visit.
- On-site Technical Assistance Review – Scheduled in-person reviews will occur at least once, unless additional visits are deemed necessary.The purpose of the review is to ensure that services are being provided based on the approved EPIC grant and related policies and procedures.An in-person review may take up to six hours and will include:
- Case file review, including the desk audit and randomly selected case file reviewed during the site visit;
- Service delivery observation of intake, orientation, assessments, workshops, supportive services, training, case management;
- Staff, customer, training providers, and worksite employer’s interviews.
Upon the completion of the review process, a Review/Technical Assistance Report will be completed and will include ratings, observations, best practices, follow-up items, and due dates. A copy of the report will be sent to you so that any necessary remedial action can be implemented.
On Date, 2017our technical assistance staff will be coming to your facility. So that we may make the most of our time together, please review the resources and pull together documentation identified in the table below. As you review your scope of work, you will need to contact Tammy Stone, at to discuss the appropriateness of a modificationif changes have been made to the services provided, but not updated in your grant agreement. IMPORTANT NOTE: A computer with internet access is required. The meeting should take place in a conference room that can accommodate multiple staff and allow maximum view of the screens, if available.
Additionally, the attached draft agenda will need to be completed by the CBO and sent back to the Technical Assistance Staff member five business days prior to the scheduled visit.
Required: A computer with internet access(for TA staff and CBO staff to review customer files together)
Component / Have the Following Resources & Required Documentation Available
- Scope of Work. The scope of work in your current executed grant agreement should reflect the actual services you are providing.
- Current scope of work from the approved grant agreement
- Related vendor/worksite contracts and/or agreements
- Ongoing Eligibility. While the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) confirms initial eligibility, as a provider of direct services you need to ensure you follow ongoing IDHS eligibility policies.
- IDHS Policy Website
- Updated EPIC Procedures Manual
- EPIC Intake.
- Types of Assessment used
- Rights and responsibilities with the CBO
- EPIC Service Delivery Process.
- Internal process engagement documentation (verify 20 hours engagement documentation)
- Supportive service policy
- EPIC Training, Work Experience, and Employment.
- Attendance documentation
- Syllabus
- Evidence of Approved Industry Recognized Credentials
- Verification of employment (e.g., paystubs, work number)
The following individuals should be carbon copied when returning the completed Agenda to your Technical Assistance Staff lead:
- Illinois Department of Commerce –
- SIUC -
- Illinois Department of Human Services –
Thank you for your participation in the EPIC program. We look forward to our visit with you.
Your Name
Your Title
Technical Assistance On-site Visit Agenda
Complete the following agenda and return it no later than five business days prior to the scheduled visit to your Technical Assistance Staff Lead and carbon copy the individuals mentioned below:
- Illinois Department of Commerce – and
- SIUC -
- Illinois Department of Human Services –
Time / Agenda Item / Name of person(s) to interview or be included / On-site addressOn-site Interview withCBO Staff on: (allow 4 hours)
- Case File Review
- Intake/Enrollment
- Training/Employment Services
- Completion Status/Follow-Up
- Training Customer Interview (allow 1 hour)
(allow travel time if traveling to a different site) /
- Paid Work Experience Employer Observation/Interview (allow 1 hour)
Exit Interview (allow 30 minutes) / CBO EPIC Team & State EPIC Team
Appendix B: Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment
On-site Meeting Intro/Script for thePre-Intake and Intake Enrollment Section
We are going to start by talking about the Intake/Enrollment process. I have some discussion questions that we will go through, and I will take notes to document your processes, best practices, challenges, and overall feedback. During our time together, I will share best practices with you as well as correct any documentation and identify any items that could potentially result in a finding. Additionally, we will look at some of the desk review customers to ensure the documentation is in place, aligns with your scope of work, and follows EPIC policy and procedure. I will also need you to provide me copies ofassessment information, forms, internal policy, and customer handout examples.
Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment Staff Results Sheet
* EPIC Procedures Manual
** SNAP E&T Manual
Interview Questions: / Indicators for Technical Assistance / References/Potential Outcomes / Other Participant ID / RatingAsk the EPIC career planner / navigator the following questions to document their intake process & assess their knowledge of EPIC partner tools & DHS policy. / Use the following instructions as guidance for making notes and documenting the CBO’s response in the results section. Have the CBO demonstrate their knowledge by navigating and using the EPIC system to support their responses. Document the customer’s Other Participant ID # and results (are they documented properly) in the results sheet. / Use the following to clarify policy, instructions, and expectations.
The potential outcomes could be:
- Management Recommendation
- Finding based upon DHS policy
Does your training program description accurately reflect your training programs offered through EPIC? / Notes: / Meets Standards Definition:
Organization name is not visible to the general public.
Description is accurate and describes the following components:
- Program delivery
- Credentials earned
- Expected outcomes
- Work experience description
How far in advance do you have initial appointment slots? / Notes: / Appointment Calendar Instructions:
Potential Outcome:
*Finding based upon EPIC Procedures Manual – II. Program Design - Section A. Intake and Orientation
Meets Standards Definition:
Appointment times are offered several times a week and scheduled out at least two months in advance. / N/A
If a customer missed their initial appointment do you reschedule thecustomer? If so, how do you document your outreach attempts?
What documentation do you upload if the customer does not show up to the initial appointment and you cannot reschedule them? / Notes: / CBO Intake Process: Option 3
Intake Process and Flowchart
Potential Outcome:
**Finding based upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual - V. Provider Responsibility - Section A. Referral Process
**Finding based upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual - V. Provider Responsibility – Section G. Reporting Information
Meets Standards Definition:
If the customer missed their appointment,CBO makes at least one attempt to contact customer within 48 hours.
Within 48 hours of the initial meeting, CBO completes and uploads the 2151 form to the EPIC online system.
Enrolled customers have a 2151A form uploaded to identify their planned activities.
All customer documentation is current and meets IDHS requirements. / (Conciliation Customer)
For customers who attend initial appointment, how do you communicate program requirements to the customer? AND what is communicated? / Notes: / Meets Standards Definition:
The EPIC online system uploads tab, Progress Page, and Case Notes are used tostore and communicate expectations and current status. / N/A
What is your process and timeframe for enrolling the customer into a training program? / Notes: / Enrolled Customer Progress Page Instructions:
Potential Outcome:
*Finding based upon EPIC Procedures Manual – II. Program Design - Section A. Intake and Orientation
Meets Standards Definition:
The online EPIC system is used to update the customer’s progress page with current documentation that reflects the outcome of the customer’s initial appointment, when services were initiated and the customer was enrolled, and when the customer was engaged in activities.
CBO must enroll or reject the customer within seven business days of initial appointment. / (Enrolled Customer)
What assessment(s) are you using to determine if you are going to enroll the customer? Example: skill level, aptitude, interests, and supportive service needs assessments.
If you are not using an assessment, how do you determine if you are going to enroll the customer?
How do you document your assessment(s)?
How are you using the results? / Notes: / Illinois workNet Assessments page:
Potential Outcome:
**Finding based upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual - V. Provider Responsibility - Section B. Intake/Assessment/Employability Plan
Meets Standards Definition:
The online EPIC system is used to update the customer’s progress page with current documentation that reflects the outcome of the customer’s initial appointment, when services were initiated and the customer was enrolled, and when the customer was engaged in activities.
CBO must enroll or reject the customer within seven business days of initial appointment. / (Enrolled Customer)