Executive Meeting March 15, 2017

In Attendance

Tina Burkholder – PresidentMichelle Dumont – Webmaster

Denise Niedzielski – TreasurerJoel Bresciani – PeeWee Director

Marilyn Scott – SecretaryNatalie Williams – Schedular

Tom Bradka – Girls Director Tracey Lord - Tournament

Harris Willis – Equipment/Vice PresidentMiles Mackow – MiniTyke/Tyke Director

Jared Poole – Coaching DirectorKim Cunningham – Registrar


Lisa Mitchell – 50/50 Casino DirectorJim Fehr – Midget Director

Sean Mitchell – Novice Director Robb Stoddard – Bantam Director

Mike Golka – Merchandise

1. Call Meeting to Order: 7:07pm Meeting called to order Tina Burkholder.

2. Additions to the Agenda:

Timbits Jerseys

Motion to adopt the Agenda: 1stly) Tracyand 2ndly) Tom. Carried

3. Approval of Previous Minutes: Motion to accept. 1stly) Marilynand 2ndly) Kim. All in favour. Carried.

4. Treasurer’s Report – Circulated the report.

5. Old Business:

A. Evaluations

- Peewee A done. Reviewed plan for B&C evaluations. Some players are away for hockey provincials

B) Registrations – At 453 registrations.

Bantam - Boys 78/ girls 30

Midget - Boys 35/ girls 21

Novice- Boys 59/ girls 18

Peewee - Boys 73/girls 33

Tyke 71

Mini tyke 35

It was confirmed that Bantam boys and Midget girls divisions are full.

C) Kim has contact all families with the stale dated cheques. A few families have agreed to pay.

D) Girls come try lacrosse was a huge success. Tom recommended that it be done sooner next season.

6. New Business

a) GELC Report – One bench member per team must attend the Glen Mulcahy course on April 5 or 6. If a team has 45 minutes or more penalty minutes in two consecutive games, travel permits may not be issued or provincial participation will be reviewed.

Provincials for all divisions will be in Lethbridge July 6 – 9.

b) CRC update – Jared asked Directors to collect the CRCs. CRCs are valid for two years. CRCs completed for hockey are acceptable. Submit applications for coaching clinics

to Jared prior to attending to confirm

c) Zone Affiliations – the system seems to be working. We have a few Beaumont players on the A teams.

d) Goalie Sessions – are organized for this weekend

e) Directors Reports –

Scheduler –practice times are scare for the first two weeks as SOC and Ardrossan have ice until May. Minityke will play on Wednesdays from 6 – 7 at the arena and Shell on split floor.

Girls – still need one head coach

Equipment/VP – purchased goalie gloves

Minityke/Tyke – 4 teams in MiniTyke, 6 – 7 teams for Tyke

Tournament – Lots of interest from out of town teams. SWAT only team guaranteed a spot.

Webmaster – will not convert website until teams are built in case there are issues. Michelle will update facebook once she has the password. Tracey will try and get the password for Michelle.

f) Travel Permits Regulation - If a team has 45 minutes or more penalty minutes in two consecutive games, travel permits may not be issued or provincial participation will be reviewed.

General Information:

$300.00 jersey deposit by cheque required for team jerseys. Cheques will not be cashed this season unless jerseys are not returned in good condition.

Directors must collect unpaid registrations (at late registration fees) before players are allowed on the floor.

Knee Pads are mandatory until Bantam level.

Sponsors – Joel will follow up with last year sponsors.

Kim will contact Brewhouse regarding team pizza nights.

8. Next Meeting: April 10, 2017 at 7:00 pm at the Sherwood Park Arena.

9. Moved that the meeting be adjourned – 1stly) Denise.