MRS. Tolle



Welcome to my class. My name is Mrs. Tolle. I am looking forward to being your reading teacher. We will have a great deal of fun and become stronger readers and test takers this year. I would like to tell you a little about my expectations for the time we will spend together.


Basic Rules: There will be no exceptions for the following rules.

  1. Be seated and working before the tardy bell rings.
  2. Bring required materials to class everyday.
  3. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
  4. Plan to be positive. (NO PUTDOWNS OR WHINING)
  5. In order for us to be courteous to each other, raise your hand before asking and answering questions.
  6. Look and listen when the teacher is speaking. (NO TALKING)
  7. Use your four minute break between classes to use the restroom and get drinks.

Behavior Policy:

Each teacher will keep a log of student behaviors. Once five offenses occur action will be taken in the form of detention.

Examples of offenses: no supplies, tardiness, no class work, behavior problems such as putdowns, excessive talking, etc.

Students who show extreme negative behavior problems (fighting, disrespect, tantrums, etc.) will receive an automatic discipline referral. Excessive offenses may result in students being excluded from fieldtrips.


GRADES- Your grade will be calculated as follows:

Daily work 60%, Tests and Projects 35%, Participation 5%.

Student work must be turned in on time. Failure to turn in work on time will result in ten(10) points a day up to five(5) days, then the assignment will not be accepted.

Accelerated Reader (AR) will be on an extra credit basis only.


  • Notebook paper
  • Pen or pencil (black or blue only)
  • Pocket folder with brads


  • All written work must have a complete heading.

NameColoradoMiddle School

Reading 7 (1) Date


  • Each student will be expected to:
  • write in complete sentences.
  • write in blue or black ink only.

FOOD, DRINK AND/OR GUM- No food or drinks in the classroom.

BACKPACKS- Due to a lack of space, backpacks will not be allowed in class. You may leave them in your locker or outside the room in the hall.

ABSENTEE POLICY- You are responsible for making up work after absences. Be sure to ask me for your missed assignments.

CONTACT INFORMATION- I encourage parent participation and feedback. My conference time is 11:11-11:56 daily. I may be reached the following ways:

  • By phone at ColoradoMiddle School, 728-2673.
  • By email at

CLASS CONTRACT- Please bring back this contract, signed by your parent, the next class period. You will receive a free 100 in the grade book to help start off the year right. Let’s have a great year!!!!

I,______, parent of ______, have read over the class rules and procedures for Mrs. Tolle’s reading class. My child and I have discussed the information and accept the rules and procedures.

------Parent Date

