Year 3/4 Sci 4 Forces and Motion Investigating Friction

Year Group: 3/4 / Class Name / Number: / Class size: 30 / Pupil Age:
7-9 / Date:
Subject / Theme of Lesson:
Planning an experiment to investigate friction / NC References:
KS2/Sc1.2a,2c, 2d
Links with previous session:
The children have discussed friction and played an online game where they had to predict which surface a sleigh would ‘run’ better on. / Link to next session:
The children will carry out the experiment
Prior achievement:
Children are familiar with the Science Investigation planning sheet and are aware of the various methods available to them for recording the results.
They have carried out controlled investigations previously.
Links to PSHE, Citizenship or Global Citizenship:
KS2/PSHE.4a – by working in a group they learn to be aware of other peoples feelings
KS2/PSHE.5b – taking responsibility for their own work, showing what they can do / Links to ECM:
Making a positive contribution – in a group
Staying Safe – planning a safe experiment
Notes from the last lesson
Investigation planning sheet / Vocabulary:
Fixed Variables
Fair test
ICT Opportunities:
IWB for input / Possible homework:
Target QTS Standards:
Q26 / Focus for personal reflection:
Open ended questioning to assess
Learning Objective(s):
To plan a controlled investigation about friction / Success criteria:
I can identify the variables involved in the investigation
I can decide how I will make this a fair test
I can decide how I will measure the results of the investigation
I can decide on how I will record my results
How the learning will be assessed:
The TA will be sitting with the Lower Ability children and will feed back to me with any specific misunderstandings/misconceptions that need addressing.
I will make notes, during whole class discussions, of any issues I feel need addressing. I may address them during the lesson. I may decide to address them in the future.
I will assess their individual work using the planning sheets which I will take in for assessment.
Timing / Overview of whole class work ( eg Mental/oral, lesson Introduction)
Prior to lesson, during snack time – interleave 2 exercise books. Pose question: Will we be able to pull these books apart? Why? Or Why not? Talk with TP. Class Vote.
Ask for volunteer to come up and try.
Why do you think this is happening? Talk with TP and share.
Show children video of 2 interleaved telephone directories being ‘pulled apart’
Why is this even more difficult than the exercise books?
Recap on last science lesson (where they worked in groups on a computer program about a sleigh moving on different surfaces). What did you find about friction last weeks lesson?
Tell class they will have the use of a ramp (show them from Science cupboard), different materials, cars of all shapes and sizes and anything else they think they might need (stopwatch, rulers) etc
What question you would like to investigate about friction? (Tell them the apparatus they will have available…..ramp, cars) Talk with partner.
Take suggestions and list 3 possibilities on the board
If children are not quite getting it then say, ‘I’ve got an idea of what I’d like to investigate….’ And say one of the following 3 suggestions (this should prompt them into the right way of thinking) e.g. Does the surface of the ramp affect how well it travels?
Does the size or the shape of the car affect how it travels down the ramp? Does the size of the wheels of the car affect how it moves down the ramp?
Write these questions on the board
Tell children that it is very important that we plan our investigation.
Show them the PowerPoint on planning.
Focus on what a prediction is…..(children in other classes found this difficult). Ask: What is a prediction?
When you get to the Fair Test slide talk about how we might make these tests a ‘Fair Test’ – get children to talk with a partner….share ideas….talk about how you must only change the thing you are testing or else it’s ‘JUST NOT FAIR!’ (children in other classes found this difficult)
N.B. The Lower Ability group will need a lot of prompting from the TA during this discussion so s/he must be well aware of the criteria for a fair test and also be familiar with the planning sheet.
I will walk around the ‘partners’ on the carpet and ‘listen’ to their discussions – giving help where needed and taking note of any problems that need addressing in the next section.
For each question write what underneath what you would keep the same in order to make it a fair test and what you will change.
What do you think we could measure in order to test friction? – distance travelled, time taken to travel a distance etc and in each case talk about what we would FIX – talk with learning partners.
LA children to work with TA.
If you want to work on question 1 – go there, question 2 go there etc
Now tell the children to get themselves in groups of 3 or 4
Learning Objectives for group/individual work (if different): / Success criteria:
How the learning will be assessed:
Through listening to discussion but mostly through looking at the work the children produce.
TA to feed back about LA group.
Timing / Group activities (including differentiation):
The groups should plan the experiment for themselves, each individual filling out a planning sheet. They can choose which planning sheet they want to use – differentiated OR can use headings in their science book (would expect VHA to do this)
TA to work on one large planning sheet with the LA. They can discuss what will go in each section and she can fill in all the boxes. Ask him/her to note down any major problems or any strengths for the group.
I will help the groups as and when they need it – check their work and intervene where necessary
Timing / Plenary activities:
Focus on how each group has decided to record their results (I would expect only the HA to have done this but it will be worth discussing as it will help the others next lesson). Go round ask each group and as: Why did you choose that method? Note down which group says what on the board (as a visual aid). Make sure each method is viable.
Make a note of any groups that really do need help in this area and come back to them during the next lesson, if necessary
How and what did we learn? Review main learning objectives

TP File 14-26b