MINUTES of the ANNUAL MEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 9 May 2011 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.


Chairman: Cllr D Liddell

Councillors: R Brocklehurst, J Charlesworth, P Handley, R Leech, Mrs M Liddell, P Smith and R Stier.

In attendance: 3 residents, Miss Raffin visitor from St Florent, Diane Brown the internal auditor and the Parish Clerk


A resident raised a query relating to duplication of tasks by the handyman and volunteer groups such as CARE. The resident was assured by the Chairman that voluntary groups consult the Parish Council before commencing any works on Parish Council land to ensure that duplication does not occur, Any major works to trees in Orchard Wood, Conroyd Wood and the Chestnuts is authorised by the Parish Council and carried out by a qualified tree surgeon. Residents can contact the Clerk if they spot any areas in the Parish needing the attention of the handy man.

A resident reported that the stocks planters need repairing. The Clerk will ask the handyman to inspect them and repair as necessary.

A resident advised that the BARNSLEY MBC mower driver working in Orchard Meadow has not cut the banking planted with wildflower seeds, so the message to the office has reached the operative.

A resident advised that the grates on Ben Bank Road are blocked causing a flood risk. It was noted that the same issue on Cone Lane has already been reported BARNSLEY MBC Highways.

C Bower advised that the PALS interpretation board is on hold pending guidance on copyright of war time photographs. Cllr Mrs M Liddell agreed to research the copyright requirements and report back to the next meeting of the Council. A Horsfield is writing an account of the events to do with army training at the camp and parts of this will be used for the interpretation board.

Cllr Stier reported that 2 gypsy caravans had used the car park at the back of the Silkstone co-op for a few hours and had left their waste on site for the handy man to clear up.


RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Liddell as Chairman of Silkstone Parish Council for the forthcoming financial year 2011/2012.


RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Leech as Vice - Chairman of Silkstone Parish Council for the forthcoming financial year 2011/2012.


RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Mrs P Gallamore who is working.


The Chairman thanked Colin Bower for his commitment to the Parish Council during his long service during good times and awkward times and presented a card and gift in recognition of the Parish Council’s gratitude. Colin Bower replied that it has been a privilege to see the Parish Council develop over the years and said that the strict rules and need for procedures under Quality Council have been good for the Council and community. He felt that the Parish Council has improved. He especially commended the excellent work of the football and cricket managers in encouraging young people to pursue sporting activities.


RESOLVED to note Cllr Stier’s declaration of a prejudicial interest in the payment to the Handyman under agenda item 19 (the item was not discussed as the payment was authorised on block with other payments).


RESOLVED to note that all Councillors with the exception of Cllr Brocklehurst have handed their Register of Interests to the Clerk. Cllr Brocklehurst will forward his register to the Clerk as soon as possible.


RESOLVED to re-appoint Ms Diane Brown as the Parish Council’s Internal Auditor for the forthcoming year.


RESOLVED to note Ms Brown’s report that the audit meetings are going well and that the changes she has proposed have been implemented. The Chairman replied that the Parish Council are very grateful to her for volunteering her time to this task and presented her with flowers as a thank you.

11-009 ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011

RESOLVED to approve the Annual Return statement of accounts and annual governance statement for the external auditor for 10/11. The Chairman signed the return. The Clerk will now collate the information requested by the external auditor and send the return before the next Parish Council meeting. (The deadline for return of the audit papers is 8 July 11).


RESOLVED to approve the Parish Council committee structure amended at the meeting and attached to these minutes.


RESOLVED to approve the Councillor Representatives list amended at the meeting and attached to these minutes.

11-012 MINUTES

Silkstone Parish Council (Honorary Freeman)- RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 4 April11 as a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes.

Silkstone Parish Council - RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 4 April11 as a true and accurate record..

Pg 1 The item relating to Martin Croft should read Cllr Leech not Cllr Stier. The Chairman signed the amended minutes.

A resident has spoken to Cllr Handley about the humps on Towngate. Cllr Liddell advised that Cllr Hand-Davis has said that the works are programmed for this financial year. The Clerk will speak to BARNSLEY MBC Highways to confirm this.

Cllr Leech commented on the good work carried out by BARNSLEY MBC Highways on Silkstone Lane. The Clerk pointed out that not all the verge has been grassed, she will contact BARNSLEY MBC Highways to find out when the verge will be completed.

Pg 2 The Scout Hut management committee meeting will be held on 19 May at 7pm.

Cllr Liddell advised that he will be attending this meeting and that it is intended to visit a recently built scout hut in Sheffield after the meeting with the committee.

Silkstone Playing Fields Committee (SPFC) – RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee held on Monday 18 April 11.

Cllr Stier advised that the groundsman uses a hand pushed spiker on the cricket field so any money raised from the sale of the fertiliser spreader will be used for ......

Cllr Brocklehurst asked if it is intended to replace the benches that were removed from the football touchline. Cllr Stier advised that the SPFC will be discussing a proposal to build ‘dug out’ style seating in the banking at their next meeting.

Annual Parishioners’ Meeting – RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Annual Parishioners’ Meeting held on Tuesday 19 April 11.

Pg 1 – Cllr Smith had tendered his apologies to the Chairman, the Clerk will add this to the minutes.

Pg 1 – Cllr Mrs M Liddell was not yet a Councillor on the date of the Annual Parishioners Meeting so the Clerk will remove her name from the minutes.



RESOLVED that the following comments be made on planning applications as detailed below

2011/0393 / Erection of side/rear single storey sun room extension to dwelling.
No comment / 7 Whinmoor View, Silkstone
2011/0423 / Erection of extension to detached garage
No comment / 51 Moorend Lane
Silkstone Common
2011/0392 / Conversion and extension to redundant agricultural barns to create 5 dwellings with new garages (2007/1838 extension to time limit)
Parish Council reiterate their original objections :
The Council object on the grounds that the proposed development is on green belt land and would be an isolated development away from the village centre. Increased road traffic on what is currently a quiet country lane. Fall Head Farm and the timber framed barn are included on the recently (2007) published Silkstone Heritage trail leaflet and the Council object to the re-direction of the footpath through the site. / Fall Head Farm
Fall Head Lane
Silkstone Common

RESOLVED to note that planning permission has been granted for the horse riding arena on land off Ladyroyd, Silkstone Common.



RESOLVED to renew the Parish Council insurance policy through Came & Company. The renewal will be for three years with 16 months for the price of 12 for the first year (this will have the effect of altering the renewal date to October).


RESOLVED to approve the amended Grants Awarding Policy with the following amendment :

In exceptional circumstances where the organisation has insufficient funds, the Parish Council can pay in advance upon receipt of a written estimate.


RESOLVED to approve the following policies unamended :

·  Standing Orders

·  Financial Regulations

·  Complaints Procedure

·  Training – Statement of Intent

·  Community Engagement Strategy

·  Gritting Policy


RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation for the period 1 January to 31 March 2011. The Bank Reconciliation was signed by Cllr Leech and the Chairman Cllr Liddell.


RESOLVED to approve the budget monitor for the period 1 January to 31 March 2011.

RESOLVED to note that the expenditure on the Pavilion and Recreation Ground has reduced due to the controls put in place by the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee, the Clerk will pass on the Parish Council’s thanks to the Committee.


RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedules dated 9 May 2011 and 9 May 2011 – Grant Payments totalling £9,707.63 as shown below. Full details available from the Clerk.

Payee / Net / Vat / Total / Cheque
Heritage Inspired / 150.00 / 0 / 150.00 / 300197
Parish Clerk / 900.00 / 0 / 900.00 / DD
Parish Clerk / 116.38 / 0 / 116.38 / 300198
HM Revenue & Customs / 223.85 / 0 / 223.85 / 300199
SY Pensions Authority / 202.72 / 0 / 202.72 / 300200
Broker Network Ltd / 3195.00 / 0 / 3195.00 / 300201
Profell Tree Services / 380.00 / 0 / 380.00 / 300202
STRI Limited / 100.50 / 20.10 / 120.60 / 300203
British Gas / 467.97 / 23.40 / 491.37 / DD
Silkstone Common Methodist Church / 20.00 / 0 / 20.00 / 300207
J S Mitchell / 90.00 / 0 / 90.00 / 300208
Barnsley Timber / 50.00 / 2.50 / 52.50 / 300209
NALC / 97.50 / 19.50 / 117.00 / 300210
Handyman / 1,300.50 / 0 / 1,300.50 / 300211
Groundsman / 1,542.50 / 0 / 1,542.50 / 300212
Parish Clerk / 6.88 / 0 / 6.88 / 300213
Silkstone Guides / 200.00 / 0 / 200.00 / 300204
Silkstone Common Ladies Choir / 100.00 / 0 / 100.00 / 300205
Penistone Paramount / 298.33 / 0 / 298.33 / 300206
Silkstone Parish in Bloom / 200.00 / 0 / 200.00 / 300207
Totals / 9,642.13 / 65.50 / 9,707.63


RESOLVED to note that the new Pension rates advised by South Yorkshire Pensions are 6.5% employee and 10.1% employer. Also noted that the Clerk’s tax code has increased by 100 in accordance with guidance produced by HM Revenue & Customs.


RESOLVED to note that Joanne Weatherall PCSO is now dealing with crime figures for our area. These were not available at the time of this meeting so will be reported at the June meeting. Cllr Stier advised that information from the PACT meeting states that residents on Pack Horse Green have been written to regarding parking issues by the Police. Silkstone Common school has had lead stolen from the roof. Unlawful entry to a garage on Martin croft.


RESOLVED to note that an order has been placed with NPS Barnsley £250 + Vat to prepare a valuation of the Silkstone Pavilion for insurance purposes. The order was placed using the Clerk’s delegated powers in between meetings due to the timescales involved.

RESOLVED to note advice from Barnsley MBC licensing department relating to a Pavilion premises licence. It had been the intention to obtain a premises licence in the Parish Council’s name which would then cover all user groups. Barnsley MBC advised that this option requires a delegated representative of the Council to be on site at all times that the Pavilion is in use i.e. for all cricket and football games. This is not practical. Barnsley MBC advised that it is acceptable for the Cricket Club to apply for a Club premises licence for cricket and football to continue to apply for one off licences as required.

RESOLVED to note that the trial holes along the football touchline showed that the pea gravel over the existing land drain is compacted so that water is not getting through to the drain.

RESOLVED that an order be placed with J S Mitchell in accordance with his quotation for £1,414.00 to install a new land drain at the bottom of the banking parallel to the football touchline.

RESOLVED to note that litter bins on the recreation ground have been ‘fired’ twice in the last two weeks but have caused no damage to the bins. Litter continues to be a problem on the recreation ground and in the car park. The Clerk will calculate how much time is spent by the handyman collecting rubbish. Cllr Mrs Liddell suggested that the community payback team may be able to carry out a regular litter pick of the area. The Clerk will investigate this with Barnsley MBC and report back to the next meeting.