Joseph F. Glidden Homestead & Historical Center
Minutes of the Board Meeting
November 11, 2013; Glidden Homestead, DeKalb, Illinois
Present: Phil Bennett, Sara DeMink, Jan Devore, Cindy Ditzler, Svetlana Henrikson, Kenda Jeske, Kepp Johnson, Jeff Marshall, Jim Morel, Kathy Siebrasse, Marcia Wilson.
Absent: Lucio Bortolin
President Svetlana Henriksoncalled the meeting to order at 7:03p.m.. Kepp moved and Jim seconded approval of agenda as submitted. Motion carried.
Minutes. The October 14, 2013minutes were reviewed. Kendamotioned and Kepp seconded to approve the minutes as amended. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s Reports were distributed by Kenda via email. Kathy motioned to place the report on file with a second by Jim. Motion carried.
President’s Report. Svetlana contacted the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce to verify their Open House at the Homestead and at Glidden Florist on Tuesday, November 12th. She was assured that the Chamber guests would know that the event was in both locations. Sarah donated the food for the event. Svetlana donated wine. During the Sunday Bus Tours she spoke with the author from the Netherlands and how he became interested in the topic of barbed wire. Marcia contacted him to ask for an article for the newsletter on his barbed wire interest. Kathy added that she asked for a copy of the book he is writing and was told that it would be in Dutch. Svetlana added that the Homestead received thank you cards from English as a Second Language from Kishwaukee College, the DeKalb Public Library’s Big Read coordinator, and Sandy Marshall who attended the November 3rd bus tour. The bus tours were featured in DeKalb Chronicle and Northern Star articles.
Executive Director’s Report. Marcia passed around the volunteer schedule so board members could check when they are scheduled to volunteer. Kathy asked if the Program Committee was taking over Divas Dish. Marcia said no since they are not in charge of fundraising although the Program Committee is considering having entertainment during Divas Dish. Kathy also asked if people could pay for their pies when they picked them up. Marcia said yes.
Committee Reports.
Membership. Jan handed out the statistics report and asked for flexibility when reporting when and how the stats are counted. There was a nice results from the Oak Crest Tea and the Bus Tour. The numbers were down for the bus tours. Sunday visits are comparable to last year. Jan passed around gift membership cards and encouraged us to buy a membership for a friend or family member. The gift membership cards will also be put in the membership letters.
Development/Fundraising. No report.
Buildings and Grounds. Jeff did not have a grounds report. Phil asked Kepp to cut the plexiglass for the bathroom windows. Jim reported that most major projects have been completed with the exception of the upstairs bathroom. He suggested we address the issue while we are closed over the winter. Ideas: gutting the bathroom and making more space at the top of the stairs for safety purposes; adding chairs for seating or luggage for display. Phil will look at the blueprints we have and see if he can figure out what the area was used for originally then will start gutting the room. Marcia asked that he close the upstairs doors to control some of the dust.
Programs/Exhibit. Marcia reported that the Program Committee met for the first time and is working on ideas for programming for the 12 or 13 Sundays the Homestead is open in 2014. Kathy will find out who owns a barn for a possible barn dance event.
Public Relations. Kathy reported there has been good publicity for the events. Journalists are showing up to cover the events. She let us know that we will need to find someone to take over publicity as she will be off the board at the end of this term. Kenda suggested that members that want paper copies of the newsletter be asked to pay more.
Gift Shop. No report.
Archives/Furnishings. No report.
Blacksmith Club. Marcia reported that Morningstar Media filmed Lucio this morning in the Blacksmith Shop for the Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau promotional video. Jim reported that his brother is working on the Hold Harmless agreement. The Blacksmith Club will meet at Lucio’s shop on Wednesdays during the winter.
Old Business. 2014 Barn Tour. Jim volunteered to talk to 2 or 3 farmers if he is given the information. Kathy will contact the DeKalb County Farm Bureau and have another notice put in their newsletter. Jeff will set up a meeting of the committee so a new leader can be established and we can continue planning the event.
New Business. Jim, Kepp, and Phil will serve on the Nominating Committee. Kathy, Kenda, and Jim’s terms are ending and the vacant family position needs to be filled. Suggestions: Roger Keys and Linda Fulton as a possible education liaison. The December meeting will be held at Fanatico Restaurant on December 9th at 7:00 p.m. Board members are invited to bring a guest. Svetlana will send out an email to ask who is attending so she can make reservations. Jeff mentioned that he found an article in Ag magazine that included Glidden.
Next meeting: December 9, 2013, 7p.m. at the Fanatico Restaurant.
Motion to adjourn by Kathyand seconded by Kenda. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned by Svetlanaat 8:00 p.m.
Respectively submitted,
Cindy Ditzler
Board Secretary