Name______History, 1

New Patient Health History Today’s Date: ___/___/______

NAME______Date of Birth ____/____/______


Current Phone Number(s) W______H______C______

Single Married Divorced Widowed Partnered // Live Alone__ With Others__

If you have children, please list their ages: ______

Name______History, 1


List name, dose, and number taken each day

Name______History, 1










Name______History, 1

MEDICATION ALLERGIES or SENSITIVITIES (please describe briefly what happens)







Name______History, 1









Name______History, 1

Have you had : Chicken Pox Y/N Mumps Y/N Measles Y/N German Measles Y/N

Hepatitis Y/N (if yes, what kind?____) Tuberculosis Y/N

When was your last: tetanus booster ____ flu shot____ pneumovax (pneumonia shot)_____

Have you had immunizations against (when): Measles/mumps/rubella ____ Hepatitis A___

Hepatitis B____ Polio____

Name______History, 1


Name______History, 1

Problem Which Relative(s) At What Age(s)?



Other Psychiatric______


Colon Cancer______

Breast Cancer______

Ovarian Cancer______

Prostate Cancer______

Heart Attack/Coronary Artery Disease______




Name______History, 1

Name______History, 1


Name______History, 1

Ever smoked? No Yes

If Yes: How many packs/day______

How many years?______

When did you quit?______

Smoking Currently? No Yes

If Yes: How much?______

Do you drink Alcohol? No Yes

If Yes: How many drinks/day (average)___

If Yes:

Do you ever think you should cut down? Y N

Do you ever feel guilty about drinking? Y N

Do you get annoyed if others criticize

your drinking? Y N

Do you ever drink an “eyeopener”? Y N

Name______History, 1

-Have you had sex in the last 3 months? Yes No

-How many sexual partners have you had in the last 5 years? ______

-Your sexual partner(s) are/have been men____ women____ both_____?

-Do you use contraception? Yes / No If Yes, what?______

-Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease? Yes /No If Yes, what?______

-Do you use protection against sexually transmitted disease? Yes/ No If Yes, what?______

-Have you ever used “recreational drugs”? yes/ no If Yes, have you used needles? Yes / No

-Have you ever had a blood transfusion? Yes/ No When?______

-Do you exercise regularly? Yes / No If Yes, What and How often?______

-Do you drink 4 8-oz glasses of milk, or the equivalent, daily? Yes / No

Do you take calcium? Yes/ No

-When did you last see a dentist? ______eye doctor?______

-Please list the name and specialty of any other health care professionals you see:

Name______History, 1



Name______History, 1

Name______History, 1

Have you completed a Living Will or other Advance Directive? Yes / No

If you were unable for some reason to make medical decisions for yourself, who would you want to make those decisions for you? (for example, if you were unconscious after a bad auto accident, or had had a major stroke)

Not Sure______

(1) Name:______Relationship to you______

Address ______

Phone number ______



Is this person aware that s/he would be responsible for decision making under such circumstances? Y/ N


Name______History, 1

Hayfever__ Decreased Hearing__ Nose Bleeds__ Nasal Congestion__ Snoring__ glaucoma__

Hypothyroid__ Hyperthyroid__ Goiter__

New weight gain___ New weight loss___

Unusual fatigue____ Diabetes___

Cough__ Wheezing__ Asthma__

Shortness of Breath__ Past Pneumonia__

Positive TB Skin Test__ Sleep Apnea__

Chest Pains__ Angina__ Palpitations__

Irregular Heart Beat__

New Fatigue or Shortness of Breath with Exercise__ Fainting__ Lightheadedness__

Leg Swelling__

Heartburn__ Abdominal Pain__

Swallowing difficulty__ Nausea__

Vomiting__ Constipation__ Diarrhea__

Black BM ___ Rectal Bleeding ___

Irritable Bowel__ Inflammatory Bowel Disease__

Gall Bladder Problems__ Ulcers__

Stomach bleeding__ Hepatitis__ Hernia__

Burning or Pain with urination__

Night time urination__

Difficulty urinating__ Incontinence__

Increased Frequency of urination___

Bladder infections__

Kidney stones__ Kidney Infections__

Blood in the Urine__

Joint pain__ Hot/Swollen Joints__ Joint Injury__

Gout__ Osteoarthritis__ Fractured Bones__

Muscle pain__ Osteoporosis__

Clinician’s Notes

Lyme Disease__ Back Pain__ sciatica__

Skin Cancers__ Eczema__ Hives__ Acne__

Cold Sores__ Genital Herpes__ Psoriasis__

Headaches__ Numbness or Tingling__

Weakness or paralysis__

History of stroke__ Vision changes__

History of meningitis__ Tremor__

Difficulty walking___ Balance problems___

Unusual Bruising/bleeding__ Blood Clots __ Phlebitis__ Anemia__ Swollen Glands___

Sad Mood__ Difficulty Sleeping__ Anxiousness__ Suicidal Thoughts__ Inability to enjoy activities__

History of Abuse__

History of treatment for emotional problems____

Sexual function concerns___

Clinician’s Notes:

Name______History, 1


Prostatitis__ Discharge from Penis__ Problems with erections__ Pain or lump in testicles/scrotum___

Name______History, 1


Name______History, 1

Periods started at (what age)_____

Pregnancies Y/N (How many)____

Live Births Y/N (How many)_____

Abnormal Pap smears? Y/N

If yes, when was the last one?______

Vaginal spotting __

Abnormal vaginal discharge__

Do you still get a period? Y/N

If No, at what age did your periods end? ____

Have you had a hysterectomy? Y/N

If yes, were your ovaries also removed? Y/N

If you no longer get periods, skip the following questions.

Last Menstrual Period (when)_____

Bleeding between periods ___ Heavy periods ___ Painful periods____

Name______History, 1


Please list any other symptoms or concerns that you want to make us aware of at this visit

(if we cannot address them all today, we will arrange to see you again very soon)

Name______History, 1

