Supervisor’s Minute Book, No. 18, Hamilton County, Iowa 708



The Hamilton County Board of Supervisors met in regular on Tuesday, December 10, 2013 at 9:00 A.M. in the Boardroom of the Hamilton County Courthouse, Webster City, Iowa.

CALL TO ORDER: Called to order by Chair Doug Bailey.

MEMBERS PRESENT: David Young, Wesley Sweedler, and Doug Bailey.

OTHERS PRESENT: Pat Powers, Jim Krajewski, Shelby Kroona, Jim Mitchell, and Kim Schaa.


AGENDA: Motion by Young, seconded by Sweedler to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

MINUTES: Motion by Sweedler, seconded by Young to approve the minutes of the November 26, 2013 meeting. Motion carried.

CLAIMS: General Basic Fund $105,808.36; General Basic (Public Health) Fund $38,238.91; General Basic (Conservation) Fund $17,731.55; General Supplemental Fund $9,124.25; General Supplemental Public Health Sub Fund $2,030.17; General Supplemental Conservation Sub Fund $1,109.81; MH-DD Services Fund $40,814.51; Rural Basic Fund $14,380.13; Prisoner Room & Board Fund $435.00; Secondary Roads Fund $91,895.18; Capital Projects Fund $76,235.87; Van Diest TIF Project Fund $15,000.00. Total $ 412,803.74. Drainage Fund $1,103,571.84. Motion by Sweedler, seconded by Young to approve payment of claims. Motion carried.

REPORTS: CLERK OF COURT: Motion by Sweedler, seconded by Young to approve the November 2013 report from the Clerk of Court. Motion carried.


ACTION: SHERIFF: Motion by Young, seconded by Sweedler to approve the following personnel actions in the Sheriff’s department:

Change of status for Riley Bedford from part-time to full time at a rate of $13.76 per hour effective December 2, 2013.

Termination of Lucas Tjelmeland effective December 2, 2013.

Motion carried.


AGREEMENTS: CALHOUN-BURNS AND ASSOCIATES, INC.: Motion by Sweedler, seconded by Young to authorize the chair to sign a consulting engineering contract for a bridge over the Boone River in Section 31, Township 88N, Range 25W. Motion carried.

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING: Motion by Sweedler, seconded by Young to authorize the chair to sign a memorandum of understanding with PPME Local 2003 regarding the creation and compensation of two new classifications. Motion carried.

IP PATHWAYS: Motion by Sweedler, seconded by Young to approve an agreement with IP Pathways for the purchase of 150 hours of IT support. Motion carried.

WESTLAW: Motion by Sweedler, seconded by Young to approve an agreement with Thompson Reuters for printed and internet subscriptions to Westlaw. Motion carried.


2013-37: RESOLUTION 2013-37 CANCEL OUTSTANDING WARRANTS: Motion by Sweedler, seconded by Young to approve Resolution 2013-37 cancelling all outstanding warrants over one year old. Roll call vote: Young, Sweedler, and Bailey voting aye. Motion carried.

DRAINAGE: DD#193 HIGHWAY: Motion by Sweedler, seconded by Young to approve pay estimate #1, change order #1 and set January 14, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. as the date and time for the completion hearing on DD #193. Motion carried.

DD #110-3 HURD JOINT: Motion by Young, seconded by Sweedler to approve pay estimate #1 and change order #1 on DD #110-3 Hurd Joint. Motion carried.

ADJOURN: Motion by Sweedler, seconded by Young to adjourn. Motion carried, meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m.

See “Claims Listing” for claims paid

*For more information regarding Resolution 2013-37 see Resolutions on file in the Auditor's Office.


Kim Schaa Doug Bailey

Hamilton County Auditor Hamilton County Board of Supervisors