For immediate release

Monday XXst June, 2013

Online service helps farmers promote superior breeding stock

A new online service has been launched to help farmers capitalise on the increasing demand for performance recorded breeding stock.

Breeding charts displaying the genetic merit of performance recorded rams and bulls can now be printed quickly and easily from the internet, thanks to an EBLEX funded initiative for Signet Breeding Services. Charts will be available for 26 of the sheep and nine of the beef breeds that record with Signet.

They enable easy interpretation of EBVs for commercial buyers to source breeding stock that meet the precise requirements of their farm. Pedigree and performance information can be viewed using the BASCO web search facility. On this site an animal’s EBVs are presented as a graph, with coloured bars showing deviation from a breed average. Bars that lie to the right of centre indicate the EBV is above breed average while bars to the left indicate the EBV is below average.

In recent years the bar charts – which show the relative superiority, or inferiority, of an animal’s Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) – have been extremely well received by ram and bull buyers looking for performance recorded stock.

Samuel Boon, Signet Breeding Services manager, said: “This new tool will be a great asset for breeders wishing to promote the breeding merit of their animals – whether they are selling them off farm or at auction.

“These breeding charts provide a valuable way to promote stock. The new service will enable breeders to enhance the marketing of their animals and capitalise on the increasing demand for performance recorded breeding stock.”

·  The online charts can be accessed via the Signet website using the section entitled ‘EBV Search’.


Notes to Editors

EBLEX is the organisation for beef and lamb levy payers in England, and is a division of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB).

It exists to enhance the profitability of the English beef and lamb sector. Its aims are:

• to help the beef and lamb supply chain to be more efficient.

• to help the beef and lamb meat industry to add value.

Find out more at

For more information, please contact Andy Hutson, in the EBLEX press office, on 024 7647 8822 or via

Issued by EBLEX. For further information please contact

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