Your views about self directed support
Essex County Council needs your help
What isSelf Directed Support?
Self Directed Support recognises that you are the expert on your own needs and is the way that you will be able to manage your own care and support in order to achieve your desired outcomes and improve the quality of your life. It is about making services more individual or personalised to meet your needs and means that you will have more choice, control, independence and responsibility.
What we are asking you to do
Essex County Council are in the process of re commissioning their self-directed support services .To help shape the future services and co-produce we need to collect feedback from service users or their family carers.
We will be seeking feedback from those who use personal budgets/ direct payments and from those who have a direct/managed service.
We would like to know
- What is your experience of the process at the moment and how can it be improved?
- What are the barriers to you taking up the option of personal budgets/direct payments?
What will happen next
We will write up all of the feedback we receive to produce a written report, which will be used to inform the development of the service specification for the new Self Directed Support Service.
By taking part in this short survey your views will be used to inform service delivery and improvements
The report on findings will be available on Essex Insight in accessible formats on request (see detachable sheet at the back).
Further information
If you have any queries or would like further information, please:
Telephone us on:03330 136500
Write to us at:Community Involvement and Engagement, Room E1, County Hall, Chelmsford
Essex CM1 1LX
Email us at:
Thank you
Thank you for taking part in this consultation activity. Please send your completed forms back, either by post or email, using the contact details above.
Do you currently use Personal Budgets or Direct Payments? (Please tick one answer)
□I use a Personal budget only[Please go to section 1]
□I use Direct Payments only[Please go to section 1]
□I use both a Personal Budget and Direct Payments[Please go to section 1]
□I do not use either[Please go to section 2]
Section 1: Current users of Personal Budgets or Direct Payments
NB: we do not want to ask for any financial information, but just want to know about the process of obtaining and using Personal Budgets or Direct Payments
Q1 What works well for you currently?
Q2 What does not work well for you currently?
Q3 Is there clear, straightforward information on:
a)What a Personal Budget/Direct Payment is?
b)What support is available to help people using a Personal Budget/Direct Payment?
c)Who can help people who want assistance?
d)What people can and cannot spend their money on?
e)How long the process will take?
f)Pooling Budgets?
Q4 Is there a sufficient choice of providers?
Q5 What could be improved?
Section 2: Non-users of Personal Budgets or Direct Payments
NB: we do not want to ask for any financial information, but just want to know about the process of obtaining and using Personal Budgets or Direct Payments
Q6 What prevents you from using Personal Budgets/Direct Payments?
Q7 What might help you to overcome some of these issues?
About you
In order to ensure the continued development of our Diversity and Equality practices, everyone that we work with is asked to complete the information below. You are not obliged to answer all questions, but the more information you supply, the more effective our monitoring will be. If you choose not to answer questions, it will not affect your participation. The information you supply below is confidential and will be used solely for monitoring purposes.
Your gender:
Your ethnicity:
□White British
□White Irish
□Traveller of Irish heritage
□White other
□Mixed white and black Caribbean
□Mixed black and white African
□Mixed white and Asian
□Mixed other
□Asian or Asian British Indian
□Asian or Asian British Pakistani
□Asian or Asian British Bangladeshi
□Asian or Asian British other
□Black or black British Caribbean
□Black or black British African
□Black or black British other
□Any other ethnic background (please describe)
Your religion/faith:
□Not sure
Do you consider yourself to have a disability, and if so please tell us what type of disability you have?
□I don’t have a disability
□Physical or sensory impairment
□Learning disability or difficulty
□A long term health condition
Please tell us which age bracket you fall into.
□Age 18 - 24
□Age 25 - 34
□Age 35 - 44
□Age 45 - 54
□Age 55 - 64
□Age 65 - 74
□Age 75 - 84
□Age 85 - 94
□Age 95+
Under the Data Protection Act we have a legal duty to protect any information we collect from you. The information will only be used for the purposes described above and will not be kept longer than is necessary to do so, up to a maximum of two years. We will not share your personal details with any other agency unless we have concerns that you or another individual may be at risk of harm or if it is required by law. We do not collect personal information for commercial purposes.
Copy of the report
If you would like to receive a copy of the report please circle Yes and insert your contact details below.
Please tell us what format you would like the report in:
□Large print (please specify font size)
□Easy read
□Other, please state
Getting involved in future engagement
If you would like to take part in future consultation and engagement on health and social care services please circle Yes and insert your contact details below.
How would you like to be involved in future engagement? Please tick all that apply.
□Receiving information through the post
□Completing questionnaires
□Attending public meetings
□Attending focus groups
□Other, please state
Please provide details on how to contact you by your preferred method (post, telephone or email). These fields are all optional.
Telephone number:
Email address:
Essex County Council, Community Involvement & Engagement Team.
You can contact us inthefollowingways:
By email:
Visit our website:
By post: Essex County Council, Community Involvement and Engagement Team, Room E1, County Hall, Essex CM1 1LX
To completetheonlineconsultation questionnaire, please go to:
Theinformation contained inthisleaflet can be translated, and/or made available in alternative formats, onrequest.
Published December2014