/ PRICE PER DOCUMENT / COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION / CLOSING DATE TIME / CONTACTS PERSON(S)SCM01/CONST/07/2015 / Construction of Klipgat water reticulation phase: 2 / CIDB Grade 6CE or Higher / 1. Functionality
Bidders will be subjected to a functionality evaluation first where a minimum of 60 points will be needed to advance to the 90/10 evaluation system.
2. 90/10 Scoring Points system
90 Points for Price
10 Points for B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution. / R 800-00
(NB:- Tender documents will be available after the site briefing date) / 29 July 2015 atthe Municipal Offices (Brits) at 10H00 / 01 September 2015 at the Municipal Office (Brits) at 10H00 / Administration enquiries
PMU: Moraka Masipa
012318 9653/9370
SCM enquiries:
Joseph Madiba
012318 9624
Technical enquiries
Mrs. M Ngoma
012343 7120
SCM02/CONST/07/2015 / Construction of Klipgat sanitation phase 2 / CIDB Grade 7CE or Higher / 1. Functionality
Bidders will be subjected to a functionality evaluation first where a minimum of 60 points will be needed to advance to the 90/10 evaluation system
2. 90/10 Scoring Points system
90 Points for Price
10 Points for B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution. / R 1000-00
(NB:- Tender documents will be available after the site briefing date) / 29 July 2015 atthe Municipal Offices (Brits) at 10H00 / 01 September 2015 at the Municipal Office (Brits) at 10H00 / Administration enquiries
PMU: Moraka Masipa
012318 9653/9370
SCM enquiries:
Joseph Madiba
012318 9624
Technical enquiries
Mrs. M Ngoma
012343 7120
SCM03/CONST/07/2015 / Construction of Hebron, Kgabalatsane, Rockville and Itsoseng water network phase 2 / CIDB Grade 7CE or Higher / 1. Functionality
Bidders will be subjected to a functionality evaluation first where a minimum of 60 points will be needed to advance to the 90/10 evaluation system
2. 90/10 Scoring Points system
90 Points for Price
10 Points for B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution. / R 1000-00
(NB:- Tender documents will be available after the site briefing date) / 29 July 2015 atthe Municipal Offices (Brits) at 10H00 / 01 September 2015 at the Municipal Office (Brits) at 10H00 / Administration enquiries
PMU: Moraka Masipa
012318 9653/9370
SCM enquiries:
Joseph Madiba
012318 9624
Technical enquiries
Mr. Graeme Fenwick
082556 9689
Tender documents are obtainable from the Supply Chain Management Office, First Floor Room No 101 from the date of compulsory briefing sessions on a non-refundable deposit in cash or by bank –certified cheque made out in favour of Local Municipality of Madibeng. Payment is made at the Ground floor, Main Municipal Building, 53 van Velden Street, Brits. Bids will be adjudicated according to council’s Supply Chain Management Policy, based on the Preferential Procurement Framework Act, Act No 5 of 2000. Tenders must be completed in accordance with the conditions attached to the tender documents and must be sealed and endorsed:
Contract (Specify Tender Number: Example SCM 06/11/2011)
Tenders must be placed in the tender box in the foyer of the Municipal Offices, 53 Van Velden Street, not later than the specified closing time and date tenders.
Tender shall remain valid of a period of 90 (NINETY) days from closing date.
The Council reserves the right to accept or reject any tender or part thereof:
Municipal Manager
Madibeng Local Municipality
P O Box 106, Brits, 0250